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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11519313 No.11519313 [Reply] [Original]

we're in recession .... aren't we boys?

>> No.11519324

wypierdalaj z tym

>> No.11519328

fuck off gook

>> No.11519331
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We didn't know we were in 2008 until the banks failed. The first few weeks were like this. This could just be a correction.

>> No.11519356

No we're not, fundamentals are still strong

>> No.11520200

What fundementals? Tech stocks are tanking.

But we will see once all FAANGS report today.

>> No.11520220
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>> No.11520249

Holy shit it is uncanny!

>> No.11520327

I came in to see this, well done.
This is him 100%

>> No.11520335

El ogro americANO

>> No.11520393

>reminder there were two recessions in the 1950s, the most prosperous decade in American history
>reminder that 2008 was a Depression-tier outlier, most recessions only last a few months
Guarantee a lot of you lived through multiple recessions and aren't even aware of most of them.

>> No.11520414

People don't realize they are in recession until the bottom is in. Check crypto as an example. Most normies start the believe we're in a bear market sfter bottom is in, and shorted the bottom.Same will happen in stock too.

>> No.11520438
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fucking hell

>> No.11520471
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>> No.11520473

wait are you guys telling me that OP’s pic ISN’T photoshopped to look like the meme? w-what the fuck

>> No.11520481

La creatura...

>> No.11520487


>> No.11520639

look at that fucking goblin

>> No.11520658

It's as if the meme is based on him

>> No.11520662


Fucking this, I'm so tired of the room temperature IQ faggots on this board who think everything either goes up or crashes massively. 2014 was a recession, 2008 was a fucking catastrophic oversight failure.

These same faggot goldbug boomers also post threads of the stock market and interest rate last year saying 'THIS IS UNSUSTAINABLE' now the market is adjusting interest rates and we're correcting down and they're saying 'THIS IS THE END', fucking hell. We're letting off steam because the rise was so unsustainable, but there is no reason to think we'll go below 23k. Anyone who claims it definitely will is a faggot. It might, but it might not.

>> No.11520668
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>> No.11520678

friends don't let friends browse zerohedge for this very reason

>> No.11520701


Yeah jesus christ, I used to read zerohedge when I was a 19 year old, then I realised you shouldn't take financial advice from someone who uses a picture from fucking FIGHT CLUB.

>> No.11520713

I’ll be looting your house by tomorrow when the economy crashes faggot

>> No.11520723


Google Jerzy Urban.

>> No.11520753


How's the weather in the florida retirement home you live in? I will laugh when your grandkids are going through their inheritance and just deposit in the bank the fucking huge bag of silver quarters you spent the last thirty years hoarding. Lmao

>> No.11520793

I hoard ammo and seeds not gold, checkmate bull

>> No.11520901

Yes we are. And it’s gonna hurt. First t fall will be car leases, then junks. After that, all hell gonna break loose. Watch

>> No.11520943

was this guy memed into reality? I'm sure you can look him up and it will say he existed, but has anyone here actually known about him before the 56% meme came about? fully expecting an NPC to be dispatched to this thread to say they did remember him and throw off the suspicion

>> No.11521631

He's a polish jew. Nothing akin to the US goblin.

>> No.11522464

Many companies used the low intrest rate to buy their own shares on cheap loans and utilize the leverage effect.

Very satisfying for shareholders in this situation.
But long-term, you better have a plan to reduce the debt, otherwise a raise on interest might come around and hit you hard.

I lack to see the plan in many of these companies. The fundamentals are not bearish overall, but many are up for a bad awakening...

>> No.11522483

Only a matter of time, accumulate crypto while you can!

>> No.11522699

>accumulate crypto while you can!
Rather "get rid of it as soon as possible".
Crypto = high risk speculative investment = crashes as soon as a recession even looms around the corner.

>> No.11522763

already crashed.
indicator as fuck.

>> No.11522801

You just have to listen to what the market tells you, and have huge fucking saucer ears.

>> No.11522826
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>already crashed.
The market is looking the same it did the past six months and literally nothing happened in the meanwhile.

Just the evaluation changed. We still have the same amount of scammers, criminals and gasbags shilling shitcoins.

>> No.11522868

>being this new
BTC is an excellent store of value during recession.

>> No.11522880
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>> No.11522921

ahahaha URBAN xDD

>> No.11523443
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no fed is fudgin stockmarkets because elections

>> No.11523454

This.too bad 9/10 of u cant even comprehend

>> No.11523590

Pam Pam Americano

Fucking subhuman country.

>> No.11523627
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