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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 400x400, b85hcj_r_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11518398 No.11518398 [Reply] [Original]

You will regret missing this.

>> No.11518414
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, ChainLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Mobius, Sir.

>> No.11518873
File: 336 KB, 350x420, 1528426424291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna miss shit. I'm like #15 or so on the rich list.

Get your own thread pajeet.

Wysker alleviated basically my only concern with their moon mission when they changed to a GmbH and started hiring another 10 people.

>working app available on play and apple store
>102m coin supply
>1m market cap
>winner of UNESCO nextelpro innovation award
>obvious partnership to give them budget to keep kicking goals
>when ad platform is integrated in q1 next year shit will crank 10x minimum. 500k users and you only have 200wys/user to transfer millions of dollars of value in data, shopping and marketing efforts. It's impossible for it to stay this low once that happens.

>> No.11518913

How the fuck do you even buy this without 10xing it lol? No sells and orderbook thin as fuck. Can you buy this otc?

>> No.11518932

Havent heard of this in ages, really losing hope.

>> No.11518940

Depends on how many you want? I know one guy said he wanted 250eth for 2m wys. And didn't really wanna sell less than 2m so i dunno. Most everyone else i've talked to is holding til ad platform comes out next yr. No point selling before that unless you're desperate for cash. I reckon minimum 10m of the 60m circulating are off the market for 6 months minimum. It's only this low as some cunt with his bots keeps selling to himself to dump the price and shake out the weak handed faggots from the telegram.

>> No.11518942

How much wys required to make it sir?

>> No.11519088
File: 115 KB, 550x789, IOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Lord, burn down Berlin so that we get rid of this purple tash together with the IOTA cucks.

>> No.11519329
File: 77 KB, 580x964, WYS_WOLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy 500K WYS tokens on IDEX. I am holding already a fucking big WYS bag and not gonna sell to YOU !!! hahahahaha. Just buy off the book. there are many sell orders you can fill quickly...

>> No.11519403

See it like it is. Nobody's sells his wys but a few breadcrumbs.
If you want to get in make it go X10 that's nothing compared to the market cap and what will follow in the future.
Won't sell my wys ever

>> No.11519409

I think it's going to $10 a token minimum so work off that. If it really gets some wind in its sails then $50 to $100 a token still only makes a $10b market cap. Cunts will scoff at that but bare in mind the markets they are disrupting are worth tens of trillions of dollars and the entire crypto market cap will go to the tens of trillions itself. Over 50 coins had a 1b market cap in january and the majority of them were vaporware erc20 tokens. If you can pick up 100k you'll be fair sorted.

>> No.11519422

This looks good, gonna invest some

>> No.11519481

> App featured by Apple
> 6 retailers onboarded including Kapten & Son
> Emerged to GmbH in August
> Currently hiring 10 new employees
> Ad platform release in 2019
> Coinbase listing targeted
> Bull market imminent
> App is dope
> Only 100 Mio. supply
> 1 Mio MC

No brainer

>> No.11519495
File: 1.69 MB, 1748x2480, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_drawn_by_suna_sunaipu__52d08f09ec38eef1f7748323c81d62b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your whysker number? Mine is 23, kek. Also an excuse to post cat ears.

>> No.11519557



>> No.11519567

>>Coinbase listing target

that’s where i found out you are full of shit

>> No.11519620


CEO said it himself during an AMA a week ago: We’re currently working on updating thewystoken.orgwebsite and the wys token white paper. As soon as these are shipped, we will officially apply to Coinbase.

>> No.11519678

wysker. i was trying to remember the name of the absolute shitcoin being shilled on biz 6 months ago. thanks for the nostalgia.

>> No.11519826

Fuck me you annoying cunts are back to shit up my favourite board again.

>> No.11519841


Should be good for you as you can now shit out the flaming spirit all over us again while keeping the thread bumped. win - win

>> No.11520291
File: 182 KB, 628x572, 1532654926896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and those faggy pajeets will come in again and load their shit FUD on us. Its so fun shilling around here. I love getting fucked up by you FUDDERS which will anyhow FOMO in seeing our shilling.

>> No.11520315

What does this shit do?

>> No.11520402

it creates a profile of your shopping interests and shares it with advertisers, so they can offer you products according to your interests and not based on some search words as it is the case with cookies or google.

>> No.11520477


+ as a user you get paid with Wys-tokens for your data which you‘ll can use for discounts at participating online retailers

>> No.11520511

Loooool i remember some pajeets made a video how this app works in some mumbai store it was so awkward and their accent was terrible

>> No.11520538


That’s a lie. Go to play store or Appstore and try it yourself.

>> No.11520547
File: 448 KB, 376x512, Astronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think you are confusing this with SHOPIN. The WYSKER token is a pure German Berlin based company / projects. Only white high quality. No pajeet work.

>> No.11520968


LoL talking about that Shopin-pajeet looks like he is back in the telegram chat spreading his shit

>> No.11520970

Wysker is hiring, they must have good funding.
They even classify some news so people can't copy it.
This sounds very promising.

>> No.11521132
File: 50 KB, 600x359, wys shillers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, anyone that thinks this coins is a good idea is <80 iQ confirmed. pull you head out of your ass for a second and think about it: even if this app was good and had alot of users, there's no point in paying anyone in wys tokens. for mainstream adoption it would have made sense to pay out an established cryptocurrency or fiat, but noe one's gonna use this because it's not attractive to get payed in a random erc-20 token that anyone can create without effort. there's hundreds of those erc-20 tokens that are allegedly going to be used by crypto startups within "their own ecosystem", with tons of pajeets aquiring them for what they think is a cheap price, because later, normies will have to buy them if they'll want to be able to use anything in said "ecosystem", but the bottom line is: no one will fucking use them. and the erc-20 tokens' only purpose is raising funds, or how we call it on /biz, scamming brainlets.

>> No.11521201
File: 60 KB, 512x482, Lambo_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the foto of the WYS pajeet shitting paid shillers. Nice one. Looks very realistic...