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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11518223 No.11518223 [Reply] [Original]

Uh yah, still getting gooked. Anyone else still getting gooked?

>> No.11518233

just wait for bithumb and samsung partnership and korean gov partnership bro. will surely moo-

>> No.11518242
File: 42 KB, 618x334, hypercon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11518244
File: 193 KB, 1200x900, 1540258351693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

**we are here**
>Staking details released
>ICOs legalized

I wonder what will happen

>> No.11518248

Has some bullish news recently

>> No.11518260

>icos aka dapps
>dpos ponzi staking
he fell for the 2017 meme

>> No.11518263
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i unironically like this coin, big fan. great news on the horizon. some may say its the best news. i've got a lot of experts telling me the same. you know why we have these experts? because they're experts. end of discussion.

>> No.11518268

Gooked even harder ever since the "mainnet swap" was supposed to raise the price

>> No.11518641

Donno why I bought this again after being gooked for 2018

>> No.11518667
File: 156 KB, 1505x752, icxbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hold any Icon but I have it in the back of my mind to enter a small position within the next 2 weeks.

>> No.11518833
File: 67 KB, 400x400, icx ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11519451

i just realized yesterday that thsi shitcoin is running by a trump hating homosexual. thanks for shilling me into this biz!

>> No.11519476
File: 196 KB, 483x487, 1529361279581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm used to this suffering. If icos get legalized there might be hope.

>> No.11519497

it is one of the bigger shitcoins out there

it is almost certainly going to pump pretty hard even if it dies afterwards

i wonder why there has been an especially strong amount of fud lately?

>> No.11520754

Token swap is done but no burn? GOOKED

>> No.11520763

The FUD has been going on since February when they failed to meet deadlines and had so many blunders. We’re all the bagholders waiting for pumps to unload. But the rest of the market doesn’t want to buy so we’ve been gooked

>> No.11520957

This. And they are STILL failing to meet deadlines to this day. The fucking IISS (staking) yellow paper was supposed to be fucking released a month ago but its still not out yet.

How the actual fuck did we go from "IISS implemented by April 2018", to "IISS YELLOW PAPER (not even the actual fucking implementation) STILL TO BE DETERMINED BY NOVEMBER OF 2018.

Like how the actual fuck....We went from full blown implementation to 6 months later and they are now delaying the fucking theoretical yellow paper?

The moment we go bull in the next market or we have any kind of pump for this fucking coin, im selling this shit and never looking back. Fuck this fucking coin.

>> No.11521003
File: 8 KB, 259x195, zoomerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Staking" is a huge meme, and doesn't make practical sense. ICONs implementation will only reward active network participants, and not "muh passive income" neets.

ICX $50 before 2020. They are literally connecting all of South Korea to their own blockchain, with full government support.

>> No.11521019

Ill believe it when I see it faggot, otherwise you might as well get rich off other shit and ride the wave elsewhere because ICON has been out for a fucking year now and have literally and unequivocally delayed every single thing they have ever said they would do

>> No.11521020

I have 500 Icon. If it doesn't move upwards 6% by next week I'm swapping it to add to my BAT stack.

>> No.11521031

Wall Street gets their bonuses tomorrow guys expect a giant pump for icon over the weekend and a return to 10 dollars a coin. My uncle is an investment banker and says him and his friends are gonna pump the shit out of this coin.

>> No.11521726

>The moment we go bull in the next market or we have any kind of pump for this fucking coin, im selling this shit and never looking back. Fuck this fucking coin.

This is the reason why it won't pump and we are gooked forever my fren sensualities. There are so many bagholders from $12 down. All those people that fell for the meme literally bought the bags of ICO holders of .11. Talking about transfer of wealth, ICON's run was the biggest transfer of wealth. And Min would rather make out with statues and talk slowly in his interviews than tell us anything truthful.

I used to hate the ICON team for their delays but now I just hate myself. This was a lesson for me to never trust anything any company or whatever has to say and fully look 100% at what the market is saying. The market was dumping this violently and that should have been all I needed to get out.

But no, I fucking sat there waiting saying surely they will release what they said they did and things will rebound and it never did. Oh yeah, and don't trust fucking gooks

>> No.11521767
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>ICX $50 before 2020. They are literally connecting all of South Korea to their own blockchain, with full government support.

No one cares anymore. Gooks don't care. Westerners don't care. It's all a fucking meme. Plus if it was profitable, Samsung would do it and put ICONLOOP out of business. Everything thinks they are connecting the government to the blockchain, meanwhile they post pics of them at some conference with like 3 people at their booth. It's all a show and we've been gooked.

I know iconbro went to their office and they have a shitload of employees. I mean, that's great they are selling muh blockchain to companies in South Korea. but who fucking cares. Their tagline is to hyperconnect the world, yet min said in his latest interview they are focusing on Korea for now. Fucking thanks Min.

Just sell for BAT it's better option anyways


>> No.11521894

>he fell for the mainnet pump meme
Since when did a shitcoin pump from mainnet launching?

>> No.11523046
File: 672 KB, 1200x457, 38985161_10155911663763315_2291051567048032256_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only goes lower and lower is it actually gonna go back to 9k sats

>> No.11523163


This shitcoin is going to pump harder than your faggot brain could even fathom.

>> No.11523176

Clittyboi here, I can just feel my clitty starting to tingle, something big is on the horizon bois

>> No.11523401

i want to believe
