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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 1600x909, Son I am disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11513853 No.11513853 [Reply] [Original]

all you bat faggots that are calling for the next listing on coinbase to be bat but can't even bother to shill the major points that matter? I seriously had to find out on reddit that bat has a former cb project manager as an adviser and the fucking ceo tweeting he wants to see bat on coinbase 11 months ago. I could have dumped my zrx for a %100 gain and went into bat much cheaper.

You let me down fellow pajeets and rajeesh's

>> No.11513869

Nigger, it has been said over and over everyday here.

>> No.11513871
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>> No.11513883

Just put your BAT in a cold wallet and retire in 2 years.

>> No.11513885
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>he cant do his own research and relies on reddit for investment advice

>> No.11513897

i fucking live on here and haven't seen it mentioned once just people screaming hurr durr bat is next bois! If anything it's hard to pick out diamonds in a sea of shit everyday

>> No.11513922

Coinbase is a sure thing.

BAT is from the inventor of JavaScript and founder of Mozilla & Firefox, Brendan Eich.

BAT is an Ethereum ERC20 token, which means you can use common hardware wallets like the Ledger Nano, MyEtherWallet, etc.

BAT is backed by Silicon Valley VCs like Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, among others.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong tweeted on March 30th, 2017 that BAT is “exactly the sort of token we'd like to support on Coinbase and GDAX over the coming year, make it easy to buy/sell these with gov currencies.”

One of BAT's close advisers is Ankur Nandwani, who is/was Product Manager at Coinbase. He was the one who announced that Litecoin was added to Coinbase.

$BAT was recently added to a spate of exchanges, including big Chinese exchanges like Binance and Huobi.

You will be able to get paid for choosing to view ads with the BAT Ads program. Users receive 70% of ad revenue. Yes, 70%.

Brave & BAT have been covered in a lot of mainstream news recently, including Bloomberg, NASDAQ, CNET, Engadget, TechCrunch and more. It has also been promoted by Ubuntu Linux (on their FB page with 1.3m followers) and Rocket.Chat (on their official blog).

BAT is not limited to the Brave web browser but will be extended to other browsers via extensions (where APIs permit) and other attention-economy apps like chat messengers, podcast apps, games, etc.

Brave Payments, which utilizes $BAT, currently supports YouTubers. Support for Twitch, Reddit and Twitter, etc. have been confirmed. Brave Payments allows you to easily tip your favorite publishers and content creators, Patreon-style.

Over 1000 websites and over 600 YouTubers have been confirmed as verified publishers with the Brave Payments program—and counting. This includes big channels like Phil deFranco who has 6 million subscribers. (You can still tip/donate to your favorite sites/creators even if they aren’t yet verified since the $BAT will be held in a wallet for them to claim.)

>> No.11513952
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Don't get left behind on this one /biz/.

The Brave web browser has over 3 million active monthly users. On the Android store alone, Brave has 10+ million downloads. Brave is available on all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux).

Other notable figures on the development team include Yan Zhu (Forbes top 30 under 30, Tor Project, W3C, EFF), Marshall Rose (inventor of SNMP, Internet Engineering Task Force) as well as many others who’ve worked on major projects. (Look at team on website.)

The Brave browser has one-click support for Ethereum dApps with Metamask. Brave is officially listed on Metamask’s website alongside Google Chrome.

You will be able to purchase $BAT with your credit or debit card directly through the built-in BAT wallet in Brave. This is a first priority for the team.

BAT officially partnered with privacy search engine DuckDuckGo, and they recently revealed more details on their relationship.

Brendan Eich said in a tweet yesterday that he heard Mozilla was potentially interested in natively integrated BAT. https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/942115844087169024

The supply of BAT is fixed and limited. No new BAT will ever be mined or created. Total supply is capped, like Bitcoin.

>> No.11514108

you must be new, a few anons would repost this every day for a while. So I've reposted it for you. You missed out anon.
bruh, no bruh

>> No.11514222

my autism has failed me then

>> No.11514418

it's cool there was a lot going on

>> No.11514884
File: 165 KB, 1220x844, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 5.00.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much will 50k BAT be worth?

>> No.11514976
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Very clear and concise points. This is pasta worthy. Well done gentleman.

A few more I can think of are:

Tor tabs are native on the Brave browser

Users will be able to buy BAT directly in the browser, so there's no need to make a wallet, remember passphrases and fuck around with addresses. Very user friendly.

Automatic ad and tracker blocking (especially appealing to legit boomers who hate big tech companies because of Fox News).

Can and will be utilized as the online version of venmo.
I know there's more I'm just too stoned to think of any

>degenerate 50k bagholder

>> No.11515154


>> No.11515278
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If you've been on /biz/ for more than a month you would have seen selective BAT shilling at least once. The BAT/coinbase link has been touted her since at the very least January.

All of us BAT bros already know this token's potential anyways, we don't really need to shill it here

>> No.11515318
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Depends on the type of market we are in. Im personally expecting a $20~ ish floor, and around $100 during a bull market. $250+ in a euphoric idiot market (Ripple in January)

>> No.11515405

I'd never stop spontaneously ejaculating.

>> No.11515441
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I've been saying the same thing. I feel like it will be a scenario like Litecoin when it was added. Granted, the base of it would have to be a strong bullmarket, but anything is possible with the crypto-wide milestones approaching. So that supports the $250 theory. And with that being said I'm going to see what the charts were during that time.

The only thing that concerns me is the fact that 0x was pretty much a dud. But I think that was to be expected giving that its a pretty niche token. I don't see a 14yo kid using it anytime soon. But with a strong marketing push and viral exposure, especially when the current public climate is becoming increasingly anti-tracking, will push this fucker to the moon.

When it does happen I think it will snowball pretty quick, especially considering the 4 or 5 huge possible announcements coming up. I really hope that we're in a strong bullmarket when it does though even though we seem to be decoupling from btc right now. Its still the tide that lifts all ships.

>> No.11515495

>No mention of Brave VPN accessible via BAT payment
OP this is an error on your part. If you paid any attention to BAT over the past year you would have known about this listing.

>> No.11515722

You're forgetting about Fidelity. The coinbase pump is just the start. Fidelity will take everyone by surprise because they are too busy chasing shitcoin pumps.

Fidelity will list BAT and everyone will be talking about 2% of 7T in assets potentially being allocated towards fidelitys crypto fund which will have a pretty good weighting for BAT,ETH,BTC,XLM and maybe a couple other coins.

Once people realize this, the real coinbase effect will begin. BAT will be easy for everyone to purchase. $9 coin easy

>> No.11515771
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Good point. There's just so many ways this thing can pump its obscene. What a time to be alive.

>> No.11515970

Far too many catalysts

There are still people out there investing in moonshots that 3-4 years away from success. Most of these shitcoins would only get a couple million in seed money if they were lucky.

>> No.11516007
File: 200 KB, 1434x1020, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 10.29.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. And Peter Thiel doesn't fuck around.

>> No.11516047

So many BAT shills these days. No one gave a shit about this coin even 2 weeks ago. That said I'm glad this is happening because now it's gonna moon hard as fuck in the next bullrun. Only coin with real world usage potential among the wider population. 1 billion coins out there. If this thing can get to $25 billion market cap in a bull run... That means each coin is $25... A 80x from here

>> No.11516088

Why would I want to buy a token used in a browser designed by Brendan Eich? I would feel much more comfortable trading coins that have no dapp or purpose as long as they have a nice whitepaper and a cool logo.

Take for example ZRX. So many people are going to use it. When my mom expressed her desire to trade her tokens in a decentralized manner, I told her to go to Coinbase and buy ZRX so she can accomplish her decentralized token trading goals. Huge mainstream appeal there.

Also, Cardano is going to be a huge winner. I told my neighbor that the next time he feels the need to own a piece of a blockchain that hasn't even been developed yet because it's so advanced, he should buy some Cardano. He is so lucky to have my advice.

Lastly, the smart money is buying Bitcoin. Bitcoin is so good at accomplishing novel tasks like depositing on your favorite gambling sites. You can even exchange Bitcoin for altcoins! Bitcoin has so many uses and it's a slam dunk investment.

So anon, why would you buy BAT when you can buy a real winner? Why would you even want to use a token that is natively built into a browser? Tipping? Micropayments? Paywalls and subscriptions? Haha you nerds should buy a real coin like ZRX

Chad T. Swarmly

>> No.11516440
File: 136 KB, 1112x704, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 11.03.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol well done

>> No.11516628

how many people owns the shitcoins you are talking about?

every youtuber owns BAT, every website owns BAT. they have earned it fair and square. BAT helps people survive, it put food on the table. your shitcoins only put shit on the table, but maybe you consider that food?

>> No.11516653

jesus fucking christ can you fucking read anon? that has been all posted here ad nauseum

>> No.11516948
File: 576 KB, 2266x1164, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 10.57.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-read it broski, I'm 99% certain he's being sarcastic.

>> No.11516963
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In a few years almost everyone online will be using ZRX, it will just be widely used passively in the background as it transfers various tokens around while Web3 Smart Contracts take place, taking a huge weight off of the Ethereum network. The scenario I just described will only happen after Brave/BAT get adopted, it's the gateway to crypto.
Might want to turn on your sarcasm detector.

>> No.11516973

They should implement it on 4chins. I'd tip you for this post.

>> No.11517065

>not understanding obvious sarcasm
>this level of autism