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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11508775 No.11508775 [Reply] [Original]

Saw on here someone said they signed a big partner or some shit, and yellow paper for staking was going to be released this month.

Anyone here in the know for this shit because I quit caring after I got gooked, but alts are getting a least slightly more bullish now so im curious

>> No.11508782

Their parent company is going out of business and about to declare bankruptcy. Don't shill your bags anon.

>> No.11508804

Hoping for a nice unintentional token burn upon token swap conclusion.

Honestly tho, the best thing about them is their involvement with government and early blockchain efforts in Korea.

What they're doing is becoming THE household name.

Nobody got gooked. The market crashed, end of story. Just be patient, it's the easiest money in the world. All you literally have to do is occupy your mind with something else.

>> No.11508814

No they arent that fucking article is almost a year old faggot

>> No.11508819

i am glad to sell my bag a soon as possible. token swap and wallet was also a trap

>> No.11508820

nice try homie

>> No.11508825

Wait so if I don’t swap out my tokens they are useless????? Mine are on binance they didn’t automatically swap? Fuck this fucking shitcoin, I don’t have time to waste swapping them out like an autist.

>> No.11508835

how stupid are you? seriously

exchanges did swap automatically

I seriously hope you're just trolling and not actually autistic

>> No.11508860

So the tokens aren't swapped automatically in the ICONex wallet? What kind of shit is this? I have to take time out of my day to swap them or they become worthless? (well, more worthless...)

What the fuck?

>> No.11508862

>nobody got gooked
And you’re calling me stupid kek. It’s only down 95% anon I’m sure it will bounce back any day now!

>> No.11508884

good, more for us

>> No.11508892

i'm an ICO holder, it's one of the few tokens to remain well above ICO price even in this bloodbath

edumacate yourself

>> No.11509279

WHAT?! Token swap? My tokens are on my hardware wallet back at home and I'm in Japan for another 2 weeks.

>> No.11509309

There could be a 10% token burn tomorrow which would be great for the price

>> No.11509314


>> No.11509582
File: 715 KB, 812x1062, 1511826239303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no fucking token burn biz is eho chamber of rummors and lies

ICX is 6x above ico price which is not abd considering rest of market

It did get tottaly assraped from 10$ ath and i feel sory for newffags buying above 2$

Private blockchains (only type big boys want) make no sense if they cant connect to publick chain or eachother.

Comfy 20k icx here (10% of folio) and im not poor as rest of you fags

>> No.11509624

This anon fucks

>> No.11509732

You had months to do the swap you stupid fuck.

>> No.11510348
