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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11508670 No.11508670 [Reply] [Original]

Felix: All these questions, videos also collect data? Like if I do the big bang thing I'm marked as a nerd?
We track most of the actions inside the app. Also, answers to the notifications give us reference points for your data profile. However, the system is highly complex and the average of all collected data, not just simple data points, will determine what you will see or how we interpret you. On top, we also have no nerd label to cluster people :wink:

Felix: How is the progress on add platform going?
We will start a test phase with selected retailers in early 2019

Rene: How many downloads so far? And which aim should be reached till the end of the year
Due to our competitive environment, we cannot disclose such information. However, we can say that we see a steady growth since the launch of the app with high retention rates.

M: What is the strategy regarding big CEX-listings?
Our main focus is to drive usage of the wysker app while increasing the relevance for every individual user. Our product is the fundamental foundation for the token and we’re constantly assessing options on the market. However, we are more interested in larger rather than mediocre exchanges which will also most likely not increase the liquidity in the market. At the same time, we will not pay excessive amounts to be listed but rather invest that money into product development since listing fees have constantly been falling this year. Recent events confirmed our approach. What would have cost more than USD 100k early this year is now basically free with the introduction of free listings at Coinbase. We’re currently working on updating the wystoken.org website and the wys token white paper. As soon as these are shipped, we will officially apply to Coinbase.

>> No.11508683

Syart: When will it be possible to deposit and withdraw our WYS from/to the Wysker app?
We can’t give a definite answer to this question. In general, we currently focus on extending the user experience so users can earn even more wys tokens.

Hubert: What is the ETA for adding more social features to the app? In particular, adding custom product streams and following other people?
We can’t say much yet but be assured, we have some awesome new features in the pipeline.

Oliver Nitzschke: How much revenue did wysker generate so far?
We won’t share information on revenue yet.

Oliver Nitzschke: When will the tokens be actually used in the App?
Wys tokens are already being used to incentivize users and we”ll continue to give users more applications / use cases for the token inside the app. On the business side we’ll run a test phase with selected retail partners in 2019.

Oliver Nitzschke: What are the goals for the coming 3 months?
Release a new version of the app, extending our data warehouse, and fully focus on growth & retention.

Oliver Nitzschke: How long can wysker finance itself with ICO funds and what´s the plan for when these funds are used up?
When funds are used up, we’ll partner with investors

COMPLEXITY: Could Tobi talk more about Artjem Weissbeck partnership and the other retail partnerships on board/in the works?
Artjem Weissbeck is a crucial strategic advisor and partner who brings a lot of experience to the table and his company Kapten & Son is one of the first selected businesses to test the advertising elements of wysker system

Dennis: Will the wys token always be an erc20 based on Ethereum or is an own main net in the planning?
We currently have no plans to build our own main net but it might be an option in the future.

>> No.11508695

Michael: Why did you choose to not do a closed beta with some from the community before launching the app?

We had a test group available on site. This made reviewing feedback easier than over the internet. Nevertheless, we’ve learned a lot from the community during our beta in February and are very happy about your ongoing feedback.

Michael: Now as you have gotten a lot of feedback, do you think it that was the correct move? We have seen some very annoying bugs and also some more critical bugs which still after two weeks when writing this question, has not been resolved.
It’s not unusual that new bugs are discovered in the first weeks after launch, especially when developing on two Platform simultaneously. We’re currently extending our team, especially on the tech and dev side, to be able to address issues more quickly. The first weeks were very insightful for us and we’ve already published multiple updates since launch.

Michael: What are you planning to increase the conversion rate from „playing“ with the app into „buying“. Guess that is the breakthrough! At the moment it is „nice“
We’re currently focusing on growth and will add new features accordingly. This includes a better on-boarding flow and more targeted content and quizzes. However, nailing conversions will always be a major focus that we’re going to improve step by step.

Zion: How’s the hiring working so far?
Fantastic, we’ve set up a new job page on wysker.com/jobs and receive a ton of new applications. We already hired a couple of new employees but would highly appreciate if you could spread the word. If you have any recommendations please let us know.

>> No.11508873

That Oliver guy is an asshole. Has been responsible for the fud some months ago and dumped the price down with his annoying bot. That faggot tries to eat up every Wys there is for his own greed.

>> No.11508986


He‘s admin at those Iota-thugs

>> No.11509018

Who cares just buy

>> No.11509035

I got a stack of 140k wys
Will I make it?

>> No.11509086

Yes, absolutely, look at the marketcap

>> No.11509110

This shitcoin only dumps in vits while ethereum itself crashes. The worst investment of my life, luckily I only put $200 so whatever

>> No.11509126

>t. Oliver

>> No.11509169

You must be getting desperate. I tried the app on the release. The whole 2.0 and what not. Shit was terrible. Also price has been going to shit. It was probably day after the release that I sold like 23k wys and bought pundi X. You faggots said it was pajeet shit but it's been rising in eth value and $ value, whilst I've raked airdrops monthly so fuck you all who shilled this. It sounded good first but after release and watching their telegram and shit this project just went south imo.

>> No.11509178

Who is this phaggot. Just look at the chart. Absolutely pathetic like the app

>> No.11509223

The chart is none existent, so is trade, with no big or even medium exchanges.

>> No.11509266

When they come -> boom

>> No.11509363
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Checked and erect

>> No.11509490

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11509507
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>cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11509781

>Wysker and IOTA each have their seat in Berlin, Germany
>IOTA tries to fuck with Wysker
>literal war between Wyskgang IOTAgang.

>> No.11510018
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"Fuck with Wysker"? Stop this personal shitposting, that guy is trying to accumulate more WYS, that is not "fucking with Wysker", quite the contrary.

Stop posting about people, start posting about the project, and you will find that it's going really fucking well so far. The price of a relatively unknown token in a bear market isn't a good indicator of future success.

The fact that they're hiring for 10 new positions on the other hand, should be more telling. While speculation can happen on it's own in crypto, project success will inevitably drive the price up, and that is looking like it's on-track.

99% of the people on biz undoubtedly hold vaporware with nothing but a whitepaper and a value derived from unfounded speculation. That is one way to make profit. Another, long-term way is to look for projects with a working product that is actually live and under development. Wysker has that.

>> No.11510201

imagine being this retarded to hodl wysker, one of biggest shitcoins of 2017/2018

>> No.11510249

>imagine being this retarded to not hodl wysker, one of biggest altcoins of 2017/2018

fify senpai

>> No.11510656

I hodl until binance listing will make me rich as fuck

>> No.11511685


If it is a shitcoin... a question which I will remain agnostic on for the sake of this comment... it is very clearly not THE BIGGEST shitcoin...

>> No.11511698


That's probably not wise.

>> No.11511765

your right, its probably best to wait for coinbase first

>> No.11511826

I honestly don't give a shit, fag.

>> No.11511890


You're delusional if you think that coinbase will ever, in a million fucking years, ever list WYS. I have as bag.

Sold at .0001 and bought back in at .00005. I'm skeptical Binance will list this coin, really. But I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happened.

You're not making WYS look good with this shit. I'm guessing that this on purpose. I've seen peeps on the telegram look just as delusional... It's not a good look, and makes me want to dump my bags.

>> No.11512370

Your trying too hard

>> No.11513506

Sleeping giant imo.
Will get pumped hard like any shitcoin hitting an exchange but without beeing a shitcoin. Could really moon like a motherfucker.