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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1150867 No.1150867 [Reply] [Original]

Alright fags, enough of the anecdotal bias bullshit college ranking major. How about some fucking data, eh? Here we have the REAL college major ranking. Ranked by highest earning to lowest, because its all about the $$$.

pic related is top majors excluding all the engineering shit at the top of the list.


>implying ur fee-fees matter more then data

>> No.1150874

you missed Actuarial Science, it's #3.

The mid-career pay is also bullshit. I'm 30 and making twice that.

>> No.1151041

hey, i can transfer to actuarial from my engineering, but, i will have wasted a year of my life.

Thoughts? Are actuaries limited, or can they branch out to other jobs in finance?

>> No.1151081

>tfw EE in training to be a nuclear operator

Literally 300k a year salary after 5 years

>> No.1151094

>1 Petroleum Engineering Bachelor's $101,000 $168,000 71%

oil fucking COLLAPSED a year ago. everyone's being shed left and right, what a shit fucking list.

>> No.1151097

yeah you can but you have to probably put in 5+ years in the insurance industry and get a reputation. you're not going to make a jump into investment banking or anything. It's common to become CFO of an insurance company, though.

>> No.1151098

>check first link
>4 salaries reported
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.1151101


>> No.1151820

>Tfw I'm double majoring in finance and accounting

Finance is up there with the big engineering degrees and accounting as job outlook everywhere, so no matter what I'll have a job... Whether I end up making the average 60k an accountant makes or the 100k+ a finance job makes is up to how well I manage my shit. I'm also getting an MBA in finance so I should be good

>> No.1151852

you can in some circumstances... a few very large banks do employ actuaries. There is demand from some hedge funds too - getting involved in the reinsurance business, trading cat bonds etc...

>> No.1151885

>100 something

i know this list is for bachelors, but you have to literally be crazy to go into chemistry these days with anything less than an M.Sc.

>> No.1152380


I never understood the whole hype regarding chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences.

Most list always ranked chemistry as a top tier job bla bala bla. I know a lot of chemists with BSc, MSc or even Dr who make minimum wage.

I am a medicinal chemist Bachelor's and I want to study Drug Discovery and Pharma management at UCL. I hope the business side of chemistry/medicinal chemistry is $$$

>> No.1152384

O and next to that. If you study some science university program and you only have a BSc you will become homeless.

MSc is an absolute necessity, and PhD is numerous cases as wel

>> No.1152697


Starting my PhD in chem this fall. If I can't break into industry I'm taking my degree to patent law or something. The upside to having a PhD is everyone thinks you are a fucking genius. Hopefully that helps getting jobs elsewhere if chem falls through.

>> No.1152884

it's the same with bio

completely saturated

>> No.1152888
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>tfw too dumb to do any of these now

I guess I'm just gonna ride that "undecided" train for 2 years and try to go into supply chain management.

>> No.1152892
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Can't read?