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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11506391 No.11506391 [Reply] [Original]

how much you think i can get from staking/baking? is it even worth the hassle?

>> No.11506413

certainly worth it imo

>> No.11506478
File: 13 KB, 225x225, saturnine cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool logo

>> No.11506491

nah, no free lunch, its not like tezos is going to be ethereum, the staking is just going to push down the price as people attempt to sell their free tokens, with little to nobody actually using the platform for anything else theres no real buy support outside of speculators

>> No.11506508

every coin will have at least one yuge pump once they're on some real exchanges. XTZ has yet to pump, and not on many or any big exchange

>> No.11506515

sure, but thats not a reason to stake, thats a reason to buy some and then dump it.

>> No.11506559

Don't think you know much about Tezos desu. The speculation behaviours around PoS is way different than PoW

>> No.11506600

This is why I love biz. You guys can not help buying the worst garbage ever. I come to biz to find out what coins not to buy. If it's on biz its already too late. The Tezos foundation is currently under heavy investigation by the SEC for selling to Americans without KYC. They have multiple class action lawsuits pending with more on the way. The only reason why the tezos team is currently working on the project is so they don't get thrown in prison. There is no demand for the tokens nor will there ever be. Ethereum has first mover advantage and the most developers currently and will never be replaced. Arthur brietman and his wife ran the largest fucking ico scam to date and their time is limited. Go ahead though biz make sure you buy it and lose all your money. I'm keeping my money on ethereum personally and bought in at $184 near the bottom.

>> No.11506616

weak fud like usual

>> No.11506657

is this yearly?

>> No.11506701

yes, though figures will fluctuate depending on what percentage of tokens are staked to the network. you can keep track of the staking ratio here

>> No.11506972

did you hear Arthur speak yesterday on the web3 conference. Sorry, but this guy is so full of shit I wouldn't touch Tezos with a ten foot pole. What does it even do? Except muh great governance. This is going nowhere

>> No.11507100

>this guy is so full of shit
Arthur is a genius. He predicted the bitcoin cash fork and numerous issues with Ethereum back in 2014.

>What does it even do?
OCaml as a programming language optimises for expressivity and safety. The governance itself is a power tool but yet to be experimented with.

>> No.11507188

Bump keep talking I’m genuinely interested. Their sub has been gaining traction, a lot of interest around baking, dinkle twins heavily invested, Olaf Carlson-Wee as board member (first employee at Coinbase, founder of poly chain capital). 10k tezzies to solo bake, I can smell the fomo

>> No.11507500
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Some will sell off their staking proceeds to cover operational costs of node operation/maintenance. The amount of bonds/rewards frozen for the previous 5 cycles is not that much. The rest of the baker's funds and all funds for those delegating are liquid. Those who bought in are not selling. The bond and endorsement costs started low and will peak on the 64th cycle which is ~75 days.

Tezos is going to be primed for the next bull run. Riot chat and Telegram channels are more interesting.

>> No.11508416

garbage with no scalability
>muh secure smart contracts

>> No.11508425

Tezos should be worth 0, its a worthless shitcoin that has no future. It has no place in the top 20.

>> No.11508617
File: 125 KB, 733x464, 46345634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scaling will probably be done off-chain with something like Avalanche. Not sure why you think Tezos can't scale? Obviously the protocol changes will have to be voted in though.

Right, cause new technology has no value whatsoever.

>> No.11508661

Oops Avalanche is not off-chain, was thinking about lighting network.

>> No.11508673

>attempt to sell their free tokens
That's not what's happening though, 85% of the tokens are being staked. It seems most people are reinvesting their free money and waiting out for long term returns.