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11505501 No.11505501 [Reply] [Original]

>normies make fun of you for not having a instagram and snapchat

>> No.11505526
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this doesn't happen and OP is a faggot, per SOP.

I'd say you must be 18-22 but even zoomers don't care about snapchat or instagram cause that's where the boomers are.

>> No.11505550

>zoomers dont care about instagram or snapchat

Cant be anymore wrong

>> No.11505552

This. Snapchat is dead since they went full Jew with advertising
Instagram is like Facebook 4 years ago. Still kind of a thing but dying

>> No.11505579

I genuinly have no idea what social media normies use now. I know they exist on facebook but whats the new newness?

>> No.11505585

Where did this snapchat isnt a thing anymore meme come from? I still see so many normies using snapchat and theyre always bewildered when i tell them i dont have one

>> No.11505673

you must live in a flyover state

>> No.11505737

Those are the only things Normans use. Normans communicate now through Snapchat instead of text. Normans use Instagram to boast about their lives. I fucking hate Normans.

>> No.11505745

Unironically 4chan

>> No.11506187

Boomers detected

>> No.11506218

So happy to be a 32 year old boomer who hangs out with all >27 year old boomers and have never once even heard the word snapchat in normal conversation. Denver boomer culture is alive and well.

>> No.11506264

tik tok, had only heard about it from ads but it’s the top free app on android

>> No.11506267

what is it? an insta clone?

>> No.11506302

People are going back to using MySpace but they're only doing it ironically because they think they're being edgy.

>> No.11506329
File: 139 KB, 1688x1916, 1540284502674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you even interacting with normies

>> No.11506739

It already peaked and plateaued. Still fine for now but normies will be bleeding out. It’s in a slow declien

>> No.11507591

Yeah, I missed when Normans would just sail around conquering shit. England, Sicily, etc... Now they are just obsessed with media bullshit

>> No.11507601

I have a 9mm and 3000 rounds

>> No.11507719

You should get snapchat, it's actually bretty gud. Instagram is a steaming pile of hot garbage and sociopathy.

>posting pictures
>having them exist forever online

Who the fuck does this? Psychos, that's who.

>> No.11507738


sounds comfy as fuck. playing disc golf and talking about n64 with other cargo shorts wearing 30 year old boomers

>> No.11507743

why do you care?

>> No.11507750

>cargo shorts
a powerful choice