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File: 58 KB, 640x800, why-denmark-is-ranked-the-happiest-country-in-world-20-minimum-wage-33-hour-work-week-free-universities-free-childcare-free-healthcare-L4pB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11503446 No.11503446 [Reply] [Original]

how is this possible

>> No.11503458


>> No.11503461

- 50% tax rate
- no minorities

>> No.11503463

Unlike most shitholes in North America and Western Europe (like Canada, UK, USA, Germany France, Netherlands, Mexico) Denmark is an actual first world country.

>> No.11503472

scale. it's a very small country.

>> No.11503475

50% income taxes = nationalized free shit
High cost of living = $20 min wage

Not much more too it

>> No.11503487


>> No.11503491

Also no nignogs. The US is paying a shit ton on nignogs gibs, policing their neighbourhoods, housing them in jail etc. these eurofags have it good

>> No.11503508

Its the only socialism that works, why?

They have natural resources.

>> No.11503527


Every place on the planet does senpai

>> No.11503536

I remember my retarded boomer dad sharing this shit from years ago. Took me a few minutes to find it, but here you go. That's the general argument against it. What you'll find when you have two opposing views like this, is that the "truth" is usually somewhere in the. middle.

>> No.11503541
File: 98 KB, 600x583, Denmark_meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11503552


>> No.11503555

-leeching resources off Greenland
-own oil and gas resources
-extremely high taxes, think 180% tax for cars
used to live there and study

>> No.11503560

fuck you reeeee >>11503541

>> No.11503561

I thought that was a given. Race aside cultural and ethnic homogeny in a country smaller than my state makes shit run smooth.

>> No.11503562

Small population relative to other countries.

>> No.11503563

They don't mind paying taxes on everything. Consequently social mobility is low, but most people are secure and comfortable where they are in society. That may be for you or it may not be.

>> No.11503566

because they are cucks that enjoy being shit.

>> No.11503598

this is actually true.

most of the trumptards on here have never left their bumfuck poor as shit republican county.

If they went to amsterdam and saw that they could actually pay to get attention from women and not die because they were broke, i think they'd have an aneurysm

>> No.11503630


their antidepressant use and alcoholism is through the roof. they are also an incredibly dull, bland, boring people. putting any merit into a ‘happiness study’ is kind of retarded.

>> No.11503634

>the country that also has negative interest rates

denmark is fucked

>> No.11503638 [DELETED] 

Denmark is an African tier dump. Go there and say there.

>> No.11503678

Denmark is an African tier dump. Also, Amsterdam is in the Netherlands not Denmark. The post you said is "true" claimed that the Netherlands is a "shithole". Get a brain.

>> No.11503680

this. they are taxed into oblivion. if u think its bad in america, think again.

>> No.11503712

not necessarily true
they have Paqis and Roaches

>> No.11503725

It's #1 in antidepressants lmao whoever told you it's the happiest doesn't mean naturally, they mean after needing meds.

>> No.11503781



>> No.11503827

scandinavian countries are fucked. everyone is miserable and in debt. no incentive to do anything.

>> No.11503907

I met a good friend of mine while he was a visiting scholar in the US. He's from Iran but did most of his education in Denmark. I was kind of shocked to hear him go on and on about how much he'd rather be in the US once he was working due to the insane taxes in Denmark. He also feels the high taxes mixed with the large social safety net makes people lazy and unambitious. That being said, I found Denmark to be a great place to visit and I'd love to go back.

>> No.11503996

White people. We're just awesome like that.

>> No.11504059

>Eastern Europe

>> No.11504093

There’s not a 50% tax rate for everyone. You only pay 49% on the part of your income that is above $80k/year. But yes taxes are very high.

>> No.11504103

>Not understanding what scale means

Lmfao. You can take Denmark's scale and SCALE it for America. But you can't have dennarks quality of life and one trillion a year for murdering poor people

>> No.11504122

>"Hurr Durr, I obsess over a trivial amount of welfare given to nogs, but don't give a fuck about one trillion per year for military spending"

American IQs at work

>> No.11504148

> ~5.1 million ethnic Danish people
> ~1.5 million Danish-Americans
~ thirty fucking percent of Danish people left the fucking country.

>> No.11504155

>people really thinking minorities are to blame for decreased happiness
how about stop being a fucking NEET rat once in a while

>> No.11504163 [DELETED] 

But fwiw hourly wages are very high (especially for high paying jobs) because working hours are so short. Unlike in the US (and a lot of other rich countries) it’s possible to have a very good career and still have a lot of free time.

>> No.11504189

We did, that's when people realize just how brown their neighborhoods have gotten.

>> No.11504193


That's the case in every 1st world country and some shit hole countries too. It's a symptom of the modern world.

>> No.11504268

cuz muh free gibs doesn't exist in Denmark

>> No.11504347

But fwiw hourly wages are VERY high (especially for mid/high paying jobs) because working hours are so short. Unlike in a country like the US it’s very possible to make it to the top of your field and still have a lot of free time. E.g. if you want to make it to the to of investment banking in the US you’ll usually have to work 70 hours+ per week. In Denmark it’s normal for people in IB to work like 50 hours (and get 1 month of paid vacation). Money isn’t everything..

>> No.11504357

>no minorities

>> No.11504361

More white than literally any western Euro nation

>> No.11504365

>more white
Do you mean, "whiter?"

>> No.11504366

>E.g. if you want to make it to the to of investment banking in the US you’ll usually have to work 70 hours+ per week
If you want to work in an American IB period, it is 70+ hours a week

>> No.11504370

>ignore the skyrocket in crime associated with floods of shitskins

>> No.11504376

You mean no Jews
>Imagine living in a Jew free society

>> No.11504377

Poland is like 99.7% white. How was their attempt at socialism?

>> No.11504379

No niggers

>> No.11504385

Poles are slavs, anon

>> No.11504408

It's just mutts letting nigs live in their head rent free (the true reason they always have housing). Blacks have stagnated at 13% for so long, while Mexicans double in population every decade.

>> No.11504426
File: 152 KB, 1242x936, 1519653846211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuela has the most oil in the western hemisphere and its a shithole. Chile has virtually no oil but is a bustling capitalist economy.

Hong Kong is a desolate rock with no resources but their living standards are near equal to the US.

The PM of denmark had to make a public statement that denmark is in fact a market economy so bernie sanders could stfu about it. Most nordic countries have freer economies than the US, and denmark in particular had to rollback some of its welfare policies because of anemic growth in recent years.

>> No.11504446

I am heavily invested in some managed portfolios @ SaxoBank.
Any dane bro cam tell me if I did good or they are scammers. Thanks.
Down 10% since March..
Was ul 10% in Aug though

>> No.11504487

even norway?

>> No.11504521

>Hong Kong
>living standards are near equal to the US

>> No.11504551

Changed IP, posting from phone.

I know. My point is that just comparing yearly wages can be misleading. When you consider working hours, public health care, "free" education, long paid vacations, large public pensions etc. the wages after net transfers are actually very good in Denmark even for high paying jobs. And it's easy to move from Denmark to another European country or the US later in life if you start making a lot of money because Denmark is part of the EU, most Danes are fluent in English, a lot of Danes can speak German etc.

I will most likely stay in Denmark for at least 5-10 after I graduate because I don't want to choose between a good career and having time to enjoy life while I'm in my twenties.

>> No.11504610


>> No.11504625

Hong Kong is a global financial capital anon
it's not like rest of mainland China

>> No.11504636

~ 5 million ethnic Norwegians
~ 4.6 million Norwegian-Americans
~half the country fled to America, lol.
Literally nobody wants to live in scandcuknavia except for west African Syrian refugees.

>> No.11504670

Denmark doesn't actually have all that good natural ressources. Total rents from natural ressources are only 0.5% of Denmark's GDP. For comparison, it's about 5.8% in Norway and 0.3% in the US.

>> No.11504699

You don't seem to understand the numbers you're quoting. Only 502 Norwegians moved to the US in 2017. No, half of the country didn't flee to the US. Not even close.

>> No.11504717

As a fellow European from socialist country, you know shit.

Socialism is bedrock for corruption and tax evasion.

>> No.11504725

> half of the country didn't flee to the US.
Yes, they did. There are almost as many Norwegian-Americans as there are Norwegians. They've been fleeing the dump for centuries.

In fact, more than half fled, some went back though because they were failures.

>> No.11504732 [DELETED] 

Just to be perfectly clear... most of those "Norwegians" were BORN in the US. And the same obviously goes for this >>11504148

>> No.11504743

Imagine being this dense. I hope you are trolling.

>> No.11504754

You absolute brainlet. The vast majority of those (part) "Norwegians" were BORN in the US. And the same obviously goes for this >>11504148 . Less than 1% of the Norwegian population "flee" to the US.

>> No.11504768

20 dollar minimum wage with 75% tax kek

>> No.11504773

You might want to make sure you understand basic statistics before you call someone dense. Read this >>11504754 .

>> No.11504784

What the fuck are you talking about, retard? Of course they were born in the United States. Their Norwegian ancestors fled Cuckway. At one point, 100% of Norwegians were in Cuckway and 0% were in America. Now there are about equal populations of Norwegians in Cuckway and America. Half the population fled.

>> No.11504833

>Free healthcare
2 class society

>> No.11504854

>What you'll find when you have two opposing views like this, is that the "truth" is usually somewhere in the. middle.
Get out of here Hegel

>> No.11504858

>replacing "nor" with "cuck"
One, that doesn't even fit
Two, you need to go back

>> No.11504918

Hahaha. Let me make it really simple for you. You are comparing the CURRENT population of Norway with the number of people who are PART Norwegian in the US. There being 4.6 million Norwegian-Americans in the US is NOT the same as 4.6 millions having immigrated from from Norway to the US. Also, Norwegians immigrated to the US over many generations. If anything you should be comparing that 4.6 millions with the TOTAL number of Norwegians that have lived SINCE immigration to the US began (but it still doesn't make sense).

The absolute state of American education.

>> No.11504949

You pay like 5 times more in taxes than you would at minimum wage in USA. It isn't free.

>> No.11504966

t. shitskin

>> No.11505003

i'm depressed, white, and intelligent.

>> No.11505069

It does make sense, because virtually none of the descendants of norwegian-americans go back. Half the population fled, you cucklord. 100% of norwegian-americans count as having fled, regardless of where they are born.

You now realize that the Vikings were just people fleeing cuckway. Their ENTIRE history is just one of constant fleeing.

>> No.11505106

I can believe all the other shit, but not that theyre the "happiest in the world"

>> No.11505113

You don't know what you're talking about. People who work minimum wage jobs in Denmark pay 8% on the first 7k of income and about 30% on the rest. Hourly income (after tax) for minimum wage jobs are a lot higher in Denmark. On top of that they get 1 month of paid vacation, public health care, large public pension, and they still get paid when they're sick (assuming they work full time).

Being lower class/ middle class in Denmark is amazing. But yes if you're upper middle class/ upper class then the tax is pretty brutal.

>> No.11505115

yup thats why the best place on earth is finland... keep drinking that trump juice

>> No.11505128

> the best place on earth is this country that has never done anything ever

>> No.11505164

they don't pay for a military (15% of national expenses)
their taxes are much higher, even with the military discount
no shitskins to take care of

>> No.11505203

>no shitskins to take care of
even though they want to take in unlimited numbers, but they can't get them to come.

>> No.11505235

Is this bait or are you really this stupid? Here's a very simple example (with arbitrary numbers):
> The current population of country X is 10 million
> Over the last 20 generations 100 million people were born in country X
> Over the last 20 generations 10 million people moved from country X to country Y
That means 10% of the people from country X moved to country Y over the last 20 generations NOT 100%.

>> No.11505256

Norwegian-Ameicans born in America fled Norway, idiot. Their home is Norway and they don't go back because it's TRASH, cucklord.

>> No.11505299

That's your opinion, not a fact. I'm glad I could teach your big American brain some basic math/ logical reasoning.

>> No.11505334

It's fact - evidenced by their actions. And you didn't teach anything. You sound like somebody who thinks that Mexican anchor babies are "Americans" and not fleeing Mexicans. The facts are that if you don't descend from the colonials who fought in 1776 you count as having fled.

>> No.11505349
File: 756 KB, 926x870, 7 miss universe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 miss universe titles fggt dont forget

Adriana lima

Giselle bundschen

alessandra ambrosio

sofia Vergara


best food

best weather

Italian blacks inca Spanish Euro

all in 1 continent

south America


>> No.11505373
File: 352 KB, 256x256, 1531088366959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dennarks quality of life

>> No.11505435

Sure, if you want to call moving from a country with a 20% higher GDP per capita than the US fleeing, then it's fleeing I guess. We can call it whatever you want. That wasn't my point.

I simply pointed out that your math was completely wrong (read this >>11505235 VERY slowly if you still don't get).

>> No.11505436

i work with a venezuelan guy. probably my favourite south american

>> No.11505479

Try hitting the correct post when you reply, cucklord idiot.

Cuckwegians regularly say things like "All Americans are immigrants :^)" Do they mean that nobody was born in America? No, they mean the descendants of immigrants count as immigrants regardless of their place of birth. All Norwegian-Americans fled Norway.

>> No.11505504

>this level of mental gymnastics
there are more american expats than there are norwegians or people of norwegian heritage living in america
what does that say? that america is worse country than norway :^)

>> No.11505521
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, barbara mori uruguay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about south americans that make them very unique

yes no one is perfect but generally speaking

Uruguay Paraguay and most small towns

its like going back 50 years

people are very nice and stealing could get you killed

its the metro areas that are disgusting

just like the U S

problem with murica is that once you leave the metro areas all you have left is a huge desert

in south America the weather , amazing food and cheap rent

not mentioning the women from good families

angel faces


>> No.11505531

Sure, but as I said, 50% of Norwegians didn't flee Norway (what you said). Not even close. That's all I was saying.

I never said anything like "all Americans are immigrants" or that "Mexian anchor babies are Americans". Sounds like you're angry at me because of something someone else said. I simply pointed out that your math was wrong. That's all.

>> No.11505558

> there are more american expats than there are norwegians or people of norwegian heritage living in america
There are more American expats over the entire planet than Norwegians in America, not American expats in Norway alone.

>> No.11505571

more americans leave america than norwegians leave norway
therefore norway>america
my logic is bulletproof

>> No.11505592
File: 10 KB, 200x136, 1496949947002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danish girls are a whole new level of kinky. All together, Danes are just weird. They are so foreign to me and I live right across the border (flensburg). Every week they drive here to go shopping for booze and groceries. Germany is like their Mexico. They have levels of Ordnung that just make me uncomfortable. Also, who all days that they have no brown people is wrong. But somehow the brown people behave much better than in Germany or France. I'm convinced they put estrogen in the drinking water or something. Would explain the man-boob epidemic and the passive nature of Danes.

>> No.11505613
File: 14 KB, 640x531, 15241898_10157879982915271_4942783381734386310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in south america they also teach you to randomly double space in the middle of sentences

>> No.11505627

Per capita and historical trends, retard. America has been the number 1 destination for immigration for centuries. Cuckway has never been a popular target.

Norwegian-American rejects became Norwegian elites.
The authors compile large data sets from Norwegian and US historical censuses to study return migration during the Age of Mass Migration (1850–1913). Norwegian immigrants who returned to Norway held lower-paid occupations than did Norwegian immigrants who stayed in the United States, both before and after their first transatlantic migration, suggesting they were negatively selected from the migrant pool. Upon returning to Norway, return migrants held higher-paid occupations relative to Norwegians who never moved, despite hailing from poorer backgrounds. These patterns suggest that despite being negatively selected, return migrants had been able to accumulate savings and could improve their economic circumstances once they returned home.

>> No.11505878

Neo-nazis fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.11505962

there's some pretty good evidence that scandinavian countries experienced 'evaporative cooling' of the most non-conformist people to US migration.

the ones who stayed tended to be considerably more accepting of the subsequent welfare state, 'law of Jante' etc.

>> No.11505970

>yup thats why the best place on earth is finland
Says fucking WHO? Some retard who has never even been there?
t. finn

>> No.11505980

i thought that south americans live in mud huts, am i wrong?

>> No.11505995

Happy because all on anti depressants

>> No.11505999

No faux conservatives in power. It's not that hard.

>> No.11506011
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 132612_HBJxOHyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha you just went full retard boy.

This is another quote from the same "author"

>> No.11506039

Tax tax tax..
Mustang GT starting from 35k$ in USA
Mustang GT starting from 110k$ in Denmark

>> No.11506253

one thing fucking incel burgers can't get their head around is that in decent cities you don't need a fucking car. please stop discussing european cities until you have at least left your state.

>> No.11506256


plus they actually use USD

>who is Charles Darwin

>> No.11506268

So libertarians and ancaps arę leftists? Agree with the ideology part.

>> No.11506284

>- no minorities
kek although not as much as NorGAY and Sweden Yes

>> No.11506292

based and redpilled

>> No.11506456


>> No.11506525

>"""""EASTERN""""" Europe

How the fuck can you even make a post on this board with an IQ of 31? Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.11506546

You will hate your life if you don't have a car in the Northern European cities.

>> No.11506547

This is litteraly false and anyone can check for himself.
However, the real reason for why Denmark has a very high-functionning economy is that they fund their social security trough VAT.

>> No.11506554

actually true
I spend 50 euros per month (600/year) on public transport
friends who have cars spend like 300 per month (3600/year) for gas, insurance, parking, tires, repairs, etc; sometimes it could be 500+/mo
on top of that, good luck selling your depreciating car when you're fed up with these expenses, there's severe liquidity crisis at the moment. what used to be 10k last year is around 3-4k today and still nobody buys it
it's common picture when take 100k cars from dealerships and can't sell them for 30% of initial price after 3 years, including expenses is like throwing away 30k away every year while you could invest it or build a house to live in

didn't bought a car, been sort of frugal + doing small side hustles for 4 years, saved up enough to afford 3 room flat, and I'm 26
how does it feel to have 35year mortgage which you'll be unable to pay off till retirement? :^) financial crisis? I don't care, would buy a decent PC during Christmas sales and I'm /comfy with my 1.6 BTC

>> No.11506556


>> No.11506560

rent in south America averages $150 PER MONTH FGGTS !!


so does blue eyes argentina

>> No.11506623

There is no minimum wage in Denmark.

t. Dane

>> No.11506626

I'm from Denmark and I am considered a minority there. Also the average 'white' mud from America would be considered a person of colour.

>> No.11506627

fucking retarded amerimutts, both dem and rep

>> No.11506702

11% on antidepressants? That sounds like a made up thing. Afghanistan has 5% heroin junkies, which makes sense all things considered... but 11% antidepressants somehow seems worse that.

>> No.11506708

>50% tax rate
>"free" healthcare

>> No.11506728

>they are taxed into oblivion
>happiest country in the world
i guess taxes are not the worst that can happen to you after all

>> No.11506750

>$20 minimum wage
we dont have a minimum wage
>33 hour work week
try 37
>free universities
>free childcare
thats a huge lie, childcare is expensive as fuck
>free healthcare
true, but no dental and no physical therapy, i also think big pharma is abusing the shit out of the state since much medication is subsidised

>> No.11506990

>300-400 billion is a Trivial amount

>> No.11507027

>51% income tax
>25% VAT tax on all products
>150% tax on cars ontop of the 25% VAT tax
>State dictates what university degrees you can take based on your high school grades for life
>State dictates how many courses you must pass every semester or they expel you
>Healthcare system has waiting times longer than east germany
>State literally spends money on propaganda to children and general population about how America and private sector system is evil without ever mentioning Switzerland

>> No.11507055

>>State literally spends money on propaganda to children and general population about how America and private sector system is evil without ever mentioning Switzerland
Though you have to admit that Switzerland is particular case. It only thrives thanks to its bank system, and lots of french/german workers that live on the borders... Its system can't really be applied to other countries easily. Same goes for its brand of direct democracy, unfortunately.

>> No.11507056

>I don't understand how income taxation work
>my university must be pay to win
>I live 5 years less than any west euro but that's ok because I'm not a socialist

>> No.11507064

OP realizes that his country is not the only country in the world and that there are better places to live than his shithole nigger tier toilet room.

How about you man up, take your fucking bags and move elsewhere? Its that smiple. But since niggers are degenerates and cant think longer than 1% of the speed of light (c) then you wont make it anyways.

>> No.11507077

>Healthcare system has waiting times longer than east germany

Do you know why?

>> No.11507095

Why are americans even allowed to comment on any healthcare system when the only metric that matter in that regard (life expectancy) is DECREASING in their country ?

I mean, if you are born in the US, you have a 5-year tax compared to an european.

>> No.11507123

>Do you know why?
Niggers and retards go to the emergency ward every time they sneeze.

>> No.11507133

I don't understand why taxes are considered bad. I recall reading articles showing that when you compare our services to theirs, we are taxed more, even if it isn't an official tax. Education and healthcare in America alone send us over the edge in comparison.

>> No.11507151

Because it doesn't cost a kidney and the soul of your firstborn to go to the hospital in Denmark ?

Total public spending in Denmark is 55% of GDP, 35% in the US. Except the US has neither public retirement, healthcare nor free universities. It balances out

>> No.11507164

You can get away with higher taxes if there is social cohesion but most of these countries (I live in one) are simply squandering their wealth and in effect stealing from future generations. You always pay the price for socialism in the end.

>> No.11507197

Such is life I suppose.

>> No.11507225

>It's fact - evidenced by their actions

What actions? Being born? Why would they move to a country they have never seen or been to before?

You're so retarded you have to be a mutt.

>> No.11507275

If you let poor people take half your shit you make them happy. Is it right to let poor people steal your shit?

>> No.11507309

incidentally, denmark can get away with being a small peaceful country because other countries like the US and China spend absurd amounts on defense

also this
frog here, and france enjoyed very high quality of life in the 80s and 90s
smaller european countries are making the same bet despite longterm circumstances being inevitable
those of you above 20 years old remember Sweden used to be held up as a model country thorough the 2000s
nowadays it's Estonia, and as an aside they're praised for being open and more LGBT friendly than their neighbors... wonder how that'll turn out
you brainlets thinking this is about politics won't make it to see your grandchildren. all it is about is a few corrupt men at the top and a lazy populace selling the future of everyone else

>> No.11507443

Crypto is tax free though

>> No.11507498

> Why would they move to a country they have never seen or been to before?
Because massive numbers of people are doing exactly that everyday all over the world. Their ancestors did that exact thing in order to come to America.

>> No.11507720

This picture is wrong. The average workweek is 37 hours, and there is no minimum wage.

>Leeching resources off Greenland

Greenland gets an annual of 718,16 million U.S. dollars, in wellfare gibs by danish tax payers.

>> No.11507734


fuck off statist scammer.
Its "tax payed" not free.

>> No.11507770

That's it, I'm moving to Denmark

>> No.11507789

Americans have higher salaries.
People who like things like Scandinavia are usually the losers who don't make enough money. Scandies who make money seem to look for an out to America.

>> No.11507795

>~ 5 million ethnic Norwegians
>~ 4.6 million Norwegian-Americans
>~half the country fled to America, lol.

Is seems that "American education" meme is actually real.

>> No.11507815

you cannot afford it

>> No.11507821

how hard is to immigrate to norway,denmark or sweeden?

even with all the complaints i see in the internet they are still better countries than my south american shithole i live

>> No.11507829

By parity of purchasing power, americans with higher salary don't live better than west and north euros.

>> No.11507843

Cuckwegians claim that "America is a land of immigrants. All Americans are immigrants :^)". Cuckwegian logic states that the descendants of immigrants are immigrants regardless of where they are born, therefore ALL Norwegian-Americans are immigrants and ALL count as having fled Cuckway. Cuckway is their home, but they don't go back. They fled.

>> No.11507892

>Americans have higher salaries

What Americans? Those who live in NY/LA and pay $3000/month for the privilege of renting a studio apartment? Or people in the "fly over" states, in the Rust Belt/Midwest? I guess they've elected Trump because their lives and career perspectives were so awesome.

If they really earn so much money how come that most of them are one paycheck from being broke and don't have more than $1000 in savings for an emergency?
Also, if Americans earn so much money then why so many of them are up to their eyebrows in debt?

>> No.11507921

Lol, yeah don't need a car if you use taxi a lot (or just sit in your concrete box browsing biz), which is fucking expensive. Public transportation is filled with drunks, addicts, nutcases, crying babies etc. daytime, even in northern Europe (also dindus in Sweden). One of the best feelings is to sit in soft bus bench and find out it is filled with urine.

Metro/subway/underground doesn't run at nights for security reasons. Busses and trains are never on time, at least in the winter. So much fun to wait a bus in a cold for 20 minutes. Your 6 km trip to work takes 10 minutes with car, 30-45 minutes with bus and you might have to change the line once or twice.

I have been in Stockholm, Göteborg, Helsinki, Oslo, Prague, Berlin, Paris, London, Düsseldorf, Tallinn, Athens and many other cities all over the Europe. Same shit everywhere, if you can manage only using subway in daytime, then your good, otherwise you need a car or must pay shit ton of money using taxis (Uber is illegal in many places).

>> No.11507928


>Norway is their home

If you think that all descendants of Norwegian immigrants, who moved to the US in the last 200+ years are still ethnic Norwegians who "fled Norway" then you're a troll or an idiot.

But since you're an American both options aren't mutually exclusive. ;^)

>> No.11507948

Cuckway is their home and they refuse to go back. I don't blame them, Cuckway is a disgrace; however, these are the facts.

>> No.11507951

I hate this because I have an olive complexion but I'm white af. I even did 23andme

>> No.11507959

In short: because they're stupid and stupid people stay poor.

I used to be homeless but finished a bachelor's degree with very little debt because school is "free" in America if you're poor. Then I work and manage my money well because I'm not stupid.
Living pay check to pay check is for stupid people. I never lived paycheck to paycheck even when I slept outside because having extra money for a cushion is what you should always do.
But then again I am smarter than you so it's not surprising you think da system be uhpressin u. Stay poor, loser.

>> No.11508025

>Lol, yeah don't need a car if you use taxi a lot (or just sit in your concrete box browsing biz), which is fucking expensive. Public transportation is filled with drunks, addicts, nutcases, crying babies etc. daytime, even in northern Europe (also dindus in Sweden). One of the best feelings is to sit in soft bus bench and find out it is filled with urine.
>Metro/subway/underground doesn't run at nights for security reasons. Busses and trains are never on time, at least in the winter. So much fun to wait a bus in a cold for 20 minutes. Your 6 km trip to work takes 10 minutes with car, 30-45 minutes with bus and you might have to change the line once or twice.
you are a larping burger honestly

>> No.11508046


You are a total retard and troll who continues to embarrass both yourself and your country with your stupid shitposts and complete lack of logic, thinking that is very amusing.
It is amuzing, just maybe not in the way you imagine it to be :^)

>> No.11508057

> no one owns anything, everyone is in debt and on drugs
Sounds like america except americans have to pay for healthcare on top of all that

>> No.11508083

Seems that cuckwegians can't be consistent

> "American is a nation of immigrants :^)"
> "Norwegian-Americans aren't immigrants!"

Pick one.

>> No.11508131

> it's not surprising you think da system be uhpressin u

Where did I say that American system is oppressing ME, mr. "smarter that u" guy?

>because having extra money for a cushion is what you should always do.

And yet most Americans don't. Why is that? Oh right, they are stupid.

How come that just a generation ago there was significantly less debt, more prosperity and less poverty then, mr. "genius with bachelor degree from community college"?
Millions of your compatriots just SUDDENLY became dumber right?

>> No.11508148

There is actually nothing wrong with socialism or even communism as long as you live in a homogenous society. Communism only failed in russia because of the turbo kike stalin.

>> No.11508194


People who come to America are immigrants. Their children that are born in the US are Americans, US-born citizens.
How come you don't know that?

I'm starting to suspect that you're actually not an American, but just trying to larp as one to make them look even dumber than they already are ;^)

>> No.11508216

>Millions of your compatriots just SUDDENLY became dumber right?
What do you expect to happen when you flood a territory with poor and stupid people from the third world like mexico?

>> No.11508224

>How come you don't know that?
Because I was told that America is a nation of immigrants, that we are all immigrants - except for injuns - they are the only ACTUAL Americans. Whites are the REAL illegals.

These are all mainstream slogans. Don't pretend they don't exist and that cuckwegians and other cucknavians don't parrot mainstream leftist slogans.

>> No.11508244
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>anything from the government

>> No.11508257

>no minorities

>> No.11508289

greenland is a bottomless hole that we throw money into, they would go right back to the stone age if it weren't for us, they have absolutely no way to support themselves if they want to remain a first world country

there's a reason why they still haven't rebeled, they know this, and they are fine with it

>> No.11508370

>Hong Kong is a desolate rock with no resources but their living standards are near equal to the US.
where the fuck did you hear this garbage?

>> No.11508377

brown people are under way more pressure in denmark than sweden or germany, if they dont attend language courses or work, they get no welfare gibs

its also way easier to get thrown out of the country for bad behavior aswell

>> No.11508380

>What do you expect to happen when you flood a territory with poor and stupid people from the third world like mexico?

So, you're saying that poor people in the US are mostly from Mexico?
The Rust Belt, Mid West and the rest of the "Trump country" are also mostly Mexicans, right? Workers who lost their jobs because manufacturing was moved to China/Mexico are also exclusively first generation Mexican immigrants?

>These are all mainstream slogans. Don't pretend they don't exist and that cuckwegians and other cucknavians don't parrot mainstream leftist slogans.

Only the people in first generation are immigrants. Their children and grandchildren are Americans who often don't even speak the language of their foreign-born parents. If they were to return back to their parents' homeland they will be treated as Americans, not as locals.

Why do some of them still cling on to their immigrant descent is another matter, albeit pretty interesting. Why would people in the "best country on Earth"™ wouldn't want to fully assimilate and dissolve into their new American identity? ;^)

>These are all mainstream slogans. Don't pretend they don't exist
>parrot mainstream leftist slogans

If slogans mean more for you than your own laws then you are not very different from the people who make them. You're the only one who is parroting them in this thread, not some "norwegians". And probably you do it in real life as well. Think about it.

>> No.11508444

>American IQ at work

>> No.11508464


It's a low density country with mostly White people.

That's like the recipe for 100% happiness.

>> No.11508476

> “America is a nation of immigrants...except for the cucknavian-Americans!”
They fled and they won’t go back.

>> No.11508477

no it isn't

>> No.11508481

>happiest country in the world
>meanwhile one of the largest antidepressant consumers

>> No.11508511

it "was"

or rather, the tax department didn't bother to make any laws for it, and didnt even bother to look into it because it was just internet funny money afterall, no value lmao

there is tax on it now, and its probably one of the highest in the world, just like anything else

>> No.11508517


Yeah, that's the guy who is comparing the current population of Denmark/Norway with the total amount of American citizens who claim Danish/Norwegian descent (probably including like ~1% mutts too).
And he does it because he's buttblasted about "muh slogans" and 'nation of immigrants'.

I suspect that he isn't an actual mutt though. Even they can't be THAT stupid.

>> No.11508529


>> No.11508541

there's no official government minimum wage, however through the unions, which has alot of power, there is a minimum wage

>> No.11508554

Are you fucking illiterate? I said this is the general argument against it and that it's the kind of shit my retarded boomer DAD shares.

What am I saying, of course leftists are illiterate. They don't actually read... anything, really.

>> No.11508555
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This is true actually.

America is a ROUGH country to live in. It's actually similar to Russia and China by quality of life and general society. I've been to all three.

Actual first world countries for White People to enjoy a high standard of life and raise a healthy family are Denmark, Sweden (still), Germany, Finland, Poland and maybe 1-2 more. The rest of the world is a literal shithole.

>> No.11508567

>picture about high taxes in Denmark is false
>the real reason Denmark has gibs is high taxes
Down syndrome

>> No.11508570

can't speak for other cities, but I've never missed having a car in Copenhagen

>> No.11508571
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>> No.11508572

>no Switzerland
>no Austria
>no France
That's where I know you are full of shit.

>> No.11508580
File: 240 KB, 1183x661, a3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweden, Germany, France

>> No.11508584

Show me how Denmark is taxed at 80%.
You have 4 hours.

>> No.11508591

You were parroting some other leftist slogan about Trump voters being poor - in reality, in the 2016 presidential election the average Republican voter had a higher income than the average Democrat voter.

Given your fondness for leftist slogans you probably have been using le nation of immigrants slogan elsewhere.

>> No.11508601

>I can't read : the post

>> No.11508603

I'm not the one who just contradicted myself, nor am I making any claims. As I said, that picture is the general argument against OP's pic, but I don't really care enough about Denmark to know.

Do you actually read the shit you type?

>> No.11508619

That's really funny, because your entire post history in this thread has been nothing but your retarded responses based on your inability to read or understand what other posts actually say.

>> No.11508627

>>meanwhile one of the largest antidepressant consumers

what about painkillers abuse epidemics in the US? Why would people in "the richest and bestEST country on Face of the Earth" have to stuff themselves with opioids all the time (not to mention meth and other shit).

I mean, i get it. Nordic countries are just socialist, marxist AND LITERALLY COMMUNIST shitholes personally ruled by LITERAL STALIN and his NORDIC COMMUNIST PARTY. They have cold weather and almost no sunlight. So yeah, they have to take anti-depressants to not to off themselves.

But why all that drug abuse shit in America? You're paradise on Earth, "happiest and wealthiest", "the best", "the paradise", "unique", "exceptional", "the only world superpower" and all that other retarded propaganda shit they use to brainwash you every day.

Why do YOU have to abuse drugs so much?
You supposed to be superhappy and earn millions every day. Why aren't you?

>> No.11508630


Outside the rapefugee hives in big cities, Germany is amazing, and so is Sweden.

>> No.11508631


Finland isn't as bad yet but the politicans are hell bent on achieving the same as the shitholes you mentioned. Whats even worse is that we are too cucked to do anything about it.

>> No.11508644
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But... that's a great quote.

>> No.11508650

>Because massive numbers of people are doing exactly that everyday all over the world. Their ancestors did that exact thing in order to come to America.

Statistically that "massive number" is insignificant when compared to those who stay. Checkmate

>> No.11508658

>Letting the US subsidize all their armed forces woes.
>Putting the extra money saved that would've been budgeted to the armed forces into social services
Gee, anon. I wonder how they could ever do that when they don't have to worry about a goddamned thing when they have US subsidizing NATO around.

>> No.11508680
File: 289 KB, 685x962, white race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is simple

1. Largely white population. No niggers or third world immigrants to drag down the welfare system. Free healthcare, childcare, universities goes to support the white families who are actually productive instead of being leeches to the system.

2. Long history of trade and capitalism created a highly entrepreneurial culture

>> No.11508682

My claim is that this picture is false. It claims Denmark has a failing economy due to his supposed high taxes.
However, it's false. It has a lower unemployement, better standards of living and a higher labor force participation than the USA, which is on the biggest bullrun in the last 2 decades. You heard it right, Denmark's average is better than US's peak.
My claim is also that this absolute economic miracle is because they have a high VAT, wich is a very protectionist tax that allows them to fund some of the best public services in the world without impeding their economic stability.

tl;dr : you are a retard and you can't read, probably due to a lack of decent schooling in the shithole you call home.

>> No.11508684 [DELETED] 

>in reality, in the 2016 presidential election the average Republican voter had a higher income than the average Democrat voter

Except a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 did vote for Trump in 2018.
If you believe that a voter cannot change his vote from GOP to Dems and back and is somehow forced to cast his vote for just one party his entire life then you're even more retarded than you already proven yourself to be in this thread.

Please continue to post, your blatant idiocy is really amusing.

>> No.11508688

Why are you even bringing up USA, you fucktard? What does that have to do with anything? You seem particularly butthurt about that one country, to the point where you assume that everyone lives there. You sound mentally ill desu, get help.

>> No.11508700

>in reality, in the 2016 presidential election the average Republican voter had a higher income than the average Democrat voter

Except a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 did vote for Trump in 2016.
If you believe that a voter cannot change his vote from GOP to Dems and back and is somehow forced to cast his vote for just one party his entire life then you're even more retarded than you already proven yourself to be in this thread.

>> No.11508720

>economic miracle
Dear god this retard sounds like a victim of brainwashing lol

>they don’t have high taxes because they have a high VAT
Buddy are you even awake right now? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.11508727

You implied Trump voters were the poor. Trump voters were, on average, wealthier than Clinton voters.

>> No.11508747

>1. Largely white population.
Counterpoint: many shitholes in America that are ethnically "white" also have many degenerates and leeches, because "white" as an ethnic description is specifically an abstraction that describes "white american"; this is done because "Mongrel, light skinned, irish/kraut/pole" is too long a description. In summation, Denmark has no "white people" in it. It has Danes, Nordschleswiger, and Faroe Islanders.

>> No.11508756


No free education, free healthcare, free handouts and 3 money? Why can't I have free educations, free healthcare, free handouts and 0 money.

Look at all that false cope. United states have 25% more people using anti depressants per capita than Denmark but somehow this is left out of the equation.

Make no mistake, people in Denmark have it better than American's by a long shot unless you are upper-middle to upper class.

Their middle and lower class have it made, with the increasing wealth gap it doesn't matter if there is no wealth mobility because there isn't one in America anymore anyway save a few incredibly lucky individuals.

tl;dr Your post is full of statistical inaccuracies/obfuscation

>> No.11508759


>You seem particularly butthurt about that one country

I probably shouldn't respond to bait posts like >>11507795
but i wouldn't say that i'm necessarily butthurt ;^)

>What does that have to do with anything?

Well i've mentioned a couple of reason why people in Nordic countries consume anti-depressants.
Can you answer my question about pain meds abuse epidemics in the US?

>> No.11508764

But I never implied they don't have high taxes. I only stated that this pic was false.
And yes, Denmark's economy is better than the US in terms of labour force participation and standards of living, whereas this pic implies the opposite.

>> No.11508772

fuck i hate american conservatives

literally the dumbest demographic I can think of, and they always have that lingering unjustified superiority complex to boot

redpill: if you are a conservative in america, you are a fucking retard

>> No.11508810


Poor conservatives are the dumbest demographic in the nation by far.

Rich conservatives are just working(successfully) in their own interest.

>> No.11508821

What makes you think most people everywhere aren't relatively "stupid?" Do you understand distributions and bell curves?
And what makes you think if you don't add more stupid poor people to a population that population won't become even more stupid and poor?
Averages, son.

>> No.11508833
File: 54 KB, 399x385, 9E909497-AB06-4089-AC7F-A8BB2D94340A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that backpedaling

>> No.11508837

This. In practice, most of these were the religious nuts that didn't like where the state religion was headed.

>> No.11508843

Point me the post where I said Denmark didn't have high taxes, third worlder.

>> No.11508851

>Rich conservatives are just working(successfully) in their own interest.
Here, here ;)

>> No.11508857

>Rich conservatives are just working(successfully) in their own interest.
granted, but that doesn't change my disdain for them

>> No.11508876

Denmark is the largest users per capita of anti-depressants in the world.

>> No.11508904
File: 176 KB, 960x946, 56b381f5dd0895c4558b46ad-960-946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it's the US.

>> No.11508925

Why? Why do you hate people who want to be successful and keep the fruits of their labor? Why do poor people like you have such a crab mentality?

>> No.11508950

Fucking THIS

The only place where public transportation does not suck dick is in Asia

>> No.11508968

Why should you get paid the full cost of a chair while also getting paid to make said chair?

>> No.11508970
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>dumb enough to buy a shit Ford car

Why not just buy a nice Mercedes in Germany and drive it to Denmark. W211 2006 e class diesel taxi tier run forever car costs €5K.

>> No.11508984
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Same for suicide, Denmark ranks lower than the US

There is no difference between public transport in west europe and asia honestly, except Japan and Paris where the trains are older.

>> No.11508999

Are you retarded? Switzerland is of course not as cheap as a shitcountry like cuckSA, but I earn about 10x as much

>> No.11509002
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Not a chance. Literally everyone in the US is either on prescribed or illicit psychoactive drugs, because they can no longer bear the pain of living in a corporatist, Kike-run Oligarchy.

>> No.11509026

>Why do poor people like you have such a crab mentality?
I'm not poor, my parents are millionaires and I've about 300k net worth at 25 (selfmade if you discount the fact that I had an easy upbringing - which you could I would have had anyway because I live in the sane first world (Denmark)).

because sacrificing your integrity and working in your own interest to the detriment of others are fucking despicable traits

>Why do you hate people who want to be successful and keep the fruits of their labor?
in what fucking world did I even say a variation of this drivel

I fully support being rewarded proportionally to the effort you put in; that doesn't change the fact that being born in america is an absolute crapshoot. If you are slightly unlucky - even if you do things right - your life could be irrevokably fucked. That's just the tax aspect; the other aspect is the pure stupidity and complete lack of morals that american conversatives openly display, such as in the case of global warming or voting an actual subhuman idiot into the white house

>> No.11509041

*could argue

>> No.11509060

>There is no difference between public transport in west europe and asia honestly, except Japan and Paris where the trains are older.
I'm going to have to disagree

>> No.11509063
File: 145 KB, 1003x915, discretionary_spending_pie,_2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welfare programs like unemployment, medicare, social security, medicaid, etf. fucking dwarf military spending, but most people only see this chart. Normies don't know the difference between discretionary and mandatory spending.

>> No.11509065

>What makes you think most people everywhere aren't relatively "stupid?"

Yes, i'm sure most people can't possibly possess the superior IQ and brain power it takes to get a bachelors degree from a community college in the US and brag about this immense achievement on an anonymous message board ;^)

>Do you understand distributions and bell curves?

Do people who constantly brag about America being the best country on Earth understand that?

>And what makes you think if you don't add more stupid poor people to a population that population won't become even more stupid and poor?

How rich and smart were most immigrants who came in the US in previous centuries?
If the US would only let in rich and smart the US would be a significantly smaller country now. ;^)

>inb4 b-but European immigrants are not the same as Mexicans!

The established WASPs didn't think so about Irish, Italians and even European Jews when these first came to the US en masse...

Also one would think that a person with your background (as you said you were homeless) would have had a little more compassion for people less fortunate than you. Instead you're full of arrogance and contempt for the people whom you perceive as "inferiors".

>> No.11509069
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>> No.11509084

Tried Korea, Japan, France, Germany, Belgium , North Italy and Austria, honestly the differences are absolutely minimal.
Incidentally, I haven't been in a pulic transport reeking piss in about 15 years in western europe, and I take the tram and the train every day.

>> No.11509107
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>> No.11509127
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>> No.11509155

All I can say is I absolutely hate using public transportation in Europe, while in Asia it is my preferred method of transportation


>> No.11509177
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>> No.11509185

Absolutely deserved, it's a proper shithole.

>> No.11509243


As a US citizen I am jealous of Danes.

When there is a solid safety net it is much easier to take entrepreneurial risk. I would like starting out in a place like Denmark and then once I make it big with a company, move to Monaco or Switzerland.

In the US you have to worry about high rents (1/3 of expenses), high medical costs, car insurance, etc. At 35% average, taxes aren't super low either. It's a bigger burden to get by.

>> No.11509257


If you shoot and miss as a Dane you still get to go home, eat dinner and sleep.

If you shoot and miss as an American you go right out on the street.

The American dream is long dead.

>> No.11509261

How in hell are taxes so high in the US ? That's about as much as I pay in France for social security+income tax+local taxes.

>> No.11509276
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'free education' doesn't mean shit. Everyone has a master's degree there because it's just the standard.
U.S. colleges get flooded with Europeans because they need to stand out somehow

U.S. has superior healthcare and insurance is provided through your employer. The max I'd have to pay on healthcare a year is $2k then the employer covers everything else

>> No.11509283


They are only high if you are lower/middle class. Taxes actually go down the more you have.

>> No.11509294

>U.S. has superior healthcare
Doubt it, your life expectancy is years lower than here and is dropping.

>> No.11509296

LMAO at idiots who think Denmark doesnt have ethnics

There are shitloads of them and growing by the week

The refugees welcome lobby are radicalised here. I went to a political event about the EU in 2015 and it was just full of people plotting to kill people voting for the danish peoples party

>> No.11509313


Kek, holy shit the coping.

Imagine spending $100,000 on a degree while some Dane sends nothing and then trying to frame it as thought the degree that costs 100,000 is actually worth that much.

Imagine having to pay 2K to have your life saved while a Dane has to pay nothing and you try to frame it as though the 2K was worth it.


>> No.11509319

Denmark is smaller than Iceland lol, should just be Norway's county or something.

>> No.11509322
File: 132 KB, 1440x1562, 85K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True. You have to work in your free time on your own projects so you can shoot.


If you make 85K in California, a decent white collar wage (you get by plus a little extra if you are frugal, life expenses are about 45k if you are frugal), here is the combined tax rate.

>> No.11509331

>U.S. colleges get flooded with Europeans because they need to stand out somehow
Nah that's because most EU universities have student exchanges with the US colleges. My uni had such a deal and we had a couple of Americans in every class.

>> No.11509336

Norway is the Qatar of the Nordic, they're ok.

>> No.11509356


I always love the argument that America has the best healthcare in the world and that's why it's OK that we have to pay an absurd amount over free countries.

We aren't even top 20 in global life expectancy.
Absolutely BTFO.

>> No.11509364


Not true. Taxes go up if you make more income. To federal tax rate is 37% over 500k plus state taxes which are up to 13%.

The way you ("the rich") keep more money is through write offs. If you are a business owner or investor you can use these write offs against income and pay taxes on a much lower amount.

>> No.11509382

> using “cope” memes to try and make socialism hip and cool!

What a fucking dork.

>> No.11509417

It's weird, I make 36k€ gross (bit above the national average, but its engineer starting salary), and end up paying a bit less than 10k€ in taxes - not counting VAT
Living expenses are around 15k€/year and I'm not that frugal (3br condo inner city)

>> No.11509458

Only a dumbass would have to spend 100k on education. If you don't perform well enough to receive scholarships you shouldn't be in college.
I also like how redit is ignoring the fact that I pay significantly less than they do for healthcare lmao >>11509276

>> No.11509510

Good charts, anon. Wonder how many downvotes you'd get for that post on r/LSC? Trick question, you'd be banned.

>> No.11509534

The taxes I pay for healthcare amount to about 1k€/year, plus 400€ in insurance to be covered for everything, dental and full payment for glasses included.

>> No.11509568
File: 1.01 MB, 1058x4220, debt-to-gdp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"It's not how much you make, it's how much you keep."

Crazy man. Take a look at this data. Average net worth by country and debt to gdp by country. Denmark is looking pretty good. They have almost double the net worth we have in the USA plus those social services. Also, the Danish national debt is 35% of GDP where the USA is 82% (it is actually closer to 107%). Lol USA is fucked!

>> No.11509581
File: 279 KB, 387x1879, average-net-worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Average net worth by country.

>> No.11509627

>large public pension
None of this shit is sustainable. Every single one of these Nordic utopias is headed for an epic socioeconomic collapse within 10-20 years.

>> No.11509652

I am going to give you the RED PILL truth about the Scandinavian countries. Personally, I am an immigrant that has lived in Sweden for over 10 years and I have basically grown up here, so I know shit. I have 3 Bachelor degrees in comp sci, maths and economics so don't talk shit about. Going for 3 masters here since education is free and I don't give a shit how much it costs for the government. This will be a number of red pill truths only based people know and goes for Denmark, Norway and Sweden since they basically have the same systems with slight variance. It will come from the perspective from who someone who wants to MAKE IT in Scandinavia

1.SECURITY Life is great here with all of the benefits of free education, healthcare and welfare for someone that is a NORMIE/NEET/NPC or whatever you call it. The opportunities for someone who wants to have a stable normie life here are great like literally in all life areas. You could be a basement dweller for the rest of your life and turn out fine.

2. PEOPLE You may have heard that Scandinavian people are seen as "cold". Reality is that they are simply less than average socially competent people. The typical Scandinavian doesn't understand social cues like fraternity or being yourself eg. They rarely develop deep friend relationships even though they have known someone for a long period. You will never see them be true "bros" with someone. They feel uncomfortable with that and only mantain shallow relationships. I have never felt I could trust a Scandinavian as a real friend unless it was work-related.

>> No.11509666

3. MENTALITY Being above average is frowned upon here. It is literally a passive-aggressive crab-mentality (google it). You will never be critiqued directly but through some other means. This is the man reason to why MENA immigrants do crime here. Most Scandinavian people here are PUSSIES! They are afraid of protecting their values when it is needed let's say when some shitskin immigrant is calling them a racist because they didn't let them pass in the que of a food store. Just a small example. Your average shitskin immigrant(=this year it would be an Afghan) is very aware of this fact and no wonder they don't respect Scandinavian women, take advantage of welfare, do petty crimes eg. I would summarize this simply as low testosterone because you don't see this shit in Russia or Poland eg. I clearly see the pattern: Rarely do I see someone with a character, values, drive to achieve something or going against the grain. On a national level this is called Political Correctness as you all know.

4. MAKING IT This is the most depressing point for me personally. If you want to make it, like making millions, be prepared to have it working against you even though you have a solid baseline. Remember being a NORMIE is a fine but as soon as you want to move upwards its shit.
-Make over about 500k$, start handing over 52% of it to government and indirectly sponsor the unproductive refugees.
-Having employees in a company is very expensive.
-I know literally zero people that want to seriously have a much better life, full of experiences such as fucking smoking hot Blondes, driving fast cars, trying out crazy stuff eg. Everyone here gets content very fast once they pass 20.
-33% crypto tax

>> No.11509686

I am seriously wondering how these countries made it with this kind of mentality. I believe it was sheer luck combined with higher than average arithmetical IQ. It will become worse in the future. The decline has just started. With the refugee, feminism and socialism waves growing larger coupled with Scandinavians being the most in debted people ever I have stopped giving a shit. I will either move to Norway where the salary is higher, start my companies and get the fuck out once I have enough of fuck you-money.

I am sick of the mediocrity and felt I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

ASK ME ANYTHING if I happened to miss something.

>> No.11509730


Can you provide a single source that backs up this statement? Or are you just using hyperbole? Purposefully using exaggeration does nothing put show that your stance is incorrect. Especially when there is no data showing which.

Now look at the first letter of each sentence.

>> No.11509748

>comparing scandinavia by a whole
>leeching immigrant
>muh degrees

you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.11509758


This lol, it's clearly a coping murican.

>> No.11509765
File: 17 KB, 425x283, el-risitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>USA 85% to 107% debt to GDP
>Denmark only 35% debt to GDP
>Muh capitalist utopia

HAHAHA. Did you know about this?

>> No.11509774


>> No.11509782


stop larping, faggot

>> No.11509783

Because you produced it, you can put whatever price you want and the buyer decides if it’s worth it

>> No.11509788

Honestly probably the biggest problem in scandinavian countries is the flood of immigrants but even that is mostly in Sweden. For some reason they went full retard with the immigrants.

>> No.11509795


incredible surplus created by capitalism and massive oil reserves

>> No.11509829

Diassprove me then faggot
Just my thoughts, feel free to share your perspective

>> No.11509836

>butthmad mutt salty to live in his nigger infested pit

>> No.11509909

>It's actually similar to Russia and China by quality of life and general society

Well no, China is way more comfy, you work less and have higher standard of living, cheaper rent, better purchasing power, girls are more feminines, no fat slobs, everything is cheaper... Oh, and its free of niggers and spics so you have literally 0% of violent crimes. This alone is unvaluable.

t. working in Chinkland for the moment

>> No.11509955

I wish I was born over there. Could NEET and play my games all day

>> No.11509979

Why do you always forget the glaring problem with the USA. You guys spend more than the world combined on your military.

>> No.11509992

fags in here don't realize that danish happiness is directly connected to danish SSRI consumption...

>> No.11510027
File: 151 KB, 371x329, 1520143516934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Reddit socialists on a business and finance board.

no wonder this board is still in the dark ages, the redditfags never left.

>> No.11510045

Americans consume more of them and still aren't happier.

>> No.11510050

Sweden is by far the easiest, don't even bother looking into Denmark and Norway, they're so much harder. Just try to avoid to live in the worse part of big cities in Sweden.


A danish person.

>> No.11510081

>no minorities

I wish, would honestly be okay with paying these insanely high taxes if we could at least be rid off 3rd worlders

>> No.11510099

Everyone in america is prescribed antidepressants because doctors make a lot of money from giving them to everyone. Walk into the doctors office and tell him your sad because you lost a game of dota 2 and he will give you an antidepressant.

>> No.11510132

found the goblino

>> No.11510160

crazy right? four chans wild with wild people hahaa.

>> No.11510182

Marry a Scandinavian woman. Try through online or tourists. If you are autistic your only chance is by faking a Venezuelan passport and claim to be a refugee. Good luck fren

>> No.11510235
File: 52 KB, 900x810, sqQlid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having women

>> No.11510580

Also the #1 consumption in antidepressants per capita. Lolololololol

>> No.11510666

incredibly fucking naive. Are you a child or something?

>> No.11510716

I might not read all that but you seem mad.
Calm down.

>> No.11510929

aren't they into niggers though?

>> No.11511138

To be honest, I have only seen a couple of Scandinavian girls with blacks and all of them were older hags that want the BBC. US blacks are not the same as here where the blacks are the biggest subhumans I have seen aka disgusting people from Somalia with yellow teeth. Although they are into other kind of immigrants that have their shit together. Don't take this as a fact because when the Scandinavian thots go to summer vacation to either Rhodes, Ayia Napa or Magaluf they fuck with literally everyone while drunk. Fucking disgusting but I don't really give a shit anymore. Whats the pont?

>> No.11511836
File: 510 KB, 448x761, SA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south America has 7+ miss universe titles

dont be fkn stupid read my prev post

this is the best continent in the world and those are FACTS






>> No.11512023
File: 448 KB, 240x320, happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back la day ago from 3rd visit to copenhagen this month
>only went to fuck scandi hotties
>one came from fucking malmo just to fuck me
>spent weekend with a different pregnant scandi
>new personal best of 7 times in a day
>cant wait to move there

yfw this is not a larp, it really is that good

>> No.11512287
File: 78 KB, 800x525, star wars hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- no minorities
as a Swede I am very jelly of the Danish way of life in this regard

>> No.11512668

>U.S. has superior healthcare and insurance is provided through your employer.

That is 100% wrong, dipshit. The U.S. does not have the best healthcare. If that were true I would have that now, but I don't have any because it's too expensive.

>> No.11512737

go back

>> No.11512920

Other? What the fuck 58 billion

>> No.11512992
File: 249 KB, 1915x705, chrono trigger zeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to hear you're having health issues anon.

>> No.11513075

>When there is a solid safety net it is much easier to take entrepreneurial risk.
With what capital are you gonna use to to take that risk? It all gets taxed away. If you're an American you're free to take personal risks to make it happen... live out of a van, lose the insurance, live off the grid as much as possible in order to take those entrepreneurial risks but in Denmark you WILL be paying taxes one way or another for services you don't necessarily need.

>> No.11513092


Ethnically homogeneous population with a strong free market that can easily afford to pay for a nice set of social programs. A kind of "Nationalist Socialism" if you will. Very different from the Leftist, collective ownership forms of Marxist socialism. The problem is that much more "diverse" nations with high levels of social parasitism and porous borders (such as the US) can't feasibly implement something similar as supporting it would overwhelm government resources. Also note that every actual Leftist Communist/Socialist government doesn't actually have social programs even close to as effective as places like Denmark. Think the Chinese Communist party gives a shit if you starve on the street or can't afford cancer surgery?

>> No.11513196

enjoy the safety that trillion dollar military budget buys you, unless you're germany, your contribution for nato probably doesnt even show up on the map

>> No.11513312


>service business that has a low startup capital requirement
>assuming all Danes have no savings
>licking boots this furiously

The median net worth is higher in Denmark than in the US. That is after taxation.

Its not black and white like you want to portray. Apparently you are living like a homeless person who could die at any moment due to an accident and the lack of health insurance. Good luck with that.

>> No.11513426
File: 5 KB, 250x203, 1539891476474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to specify that only people with an actual career will get insured. Always offered even at entry level positions. Again though, you have to actually be useful to get this benefit

>> No.11513508

It seems to me that it worked while it was a homogeneous society - social pressures probably keep people working hard regardless of the safety nets.

Now that they have imported all these low IQ people who will only take and not contribute, it may not keep working. IMO.

>> No.11513624

> welfare state with a regulated free market environment
> socialism

Do Americans actually know what the difference between a western social democracy and socialism is?

>> No.11513661
File: 100 KB, 638x1000, 90E29F50-8CE0-4382-8821-C4CCB2DD3266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don’t need to share their wealth state with illegal immigrants. So there’s more for themselves. Is it that hard to get?

>> No.11513717
File: 54 KB, 566x480, 1538256307494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, all capitalistic countries are sparkling yardsticks of virtue & are 100% devoid of any corruption at every level.

The only people who claim capitalists/socialists are corrupt are those who gorge on lines of shit from politicians. Both systems have room for corruption

>> No.11513827


Blame your government for that one. Trump wants to fix this.

>> No.11514679

usa defense budget means they can fight the rest of the world combined. pretty cool desu