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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11500509 No.11500509 [Reply] [Original]

So why do wagies and neets always choose the extreme. If you could live comfy by working 3 hours, max 5 hours a day 4 days in the week. That would be fucking awesome. Don't understand how you could do literally nothing, but as a wageslave myself I understand that working 8 -10 hours a day is fucking torture. Not even taking in regard all the responsibilities that come with it.

So biz, what is your ultimate goal once you make it? Will you find the balanced ground or go all in the extreme?

>> No.11500581

I'm not sure what my ultimate goal is anymore. I used to think it was just enough passive income to pay the bills. But that doesn't seem to be the ultimate anymore.

I needed something to do so I went back to work. But I found a comfy work-at-home job and it seems like a pretty good compromise.

The trouble with part timing is that only menial jobs really allow it.

>> No.11500588
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Be me
>Want to work in finance
>Realizes work weeks are 80 hours on average.

>> No.11500622


Here in Ausfalia for example, a lot of top level execs are on meth.

No larp.

>> No.11500623

My goal is being able to work 4h/day, 5/week. That's how it was back in school and it was a-ok. I used to have all afternoon to do something that was actually interesting. I guess this is what I'll do when one of my get rich quick schemes actually works out. Then I'll keep busy with more schemes in the morning and get laid the rest of the time.

>> No.11500635

You get paid double though. Think of it like you're doing all the work now so that you can retire early.

>> No.11500662

Retire early to enjoy... what? With 16 hours a day you have no family, no time for hobbies, no non-work-related friends... you will be alone and miserable.

>> No.11500664

Hmm, many people seem to struggle to find the ultimate goal. It isn't helping that too much time is not good, but too less time not either. It's like society is only forces us to extremes in this day and age.

Checked. Dude finance is fucking horrible, expcect to be treated as a fucking dog for at least 5 years and that's if you keep developing yourself. The whole wage proposition is just getting worse and worse with time. Everything is way too expensive. You litteraly are forced to invest in something if you want to live without fearing being completely broke the moment you get fired or something.

I took a one year break from school to just straight up work, having more money to invest. just fucking regret not doing it sooner. Fucking Wageslaving is slowly driving me mad. So fucking tired.

Hope Link will moon.

>> No.11500672
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paid double, means double the tax. And don't think you will get paid every hour if it's for the company. There are enough replacements...

>> No.11500754

Comfort is for caskets. I'll work 12+ hours a day when wealthy if I'm passionate about what I am doing. The trick is for your work to be so interesting that nothing ever FEELS like more than 3 hours max, adhd unironically helps with this if you train yourself. I would take a month to myself to start off having made it, spending the last 2 weeks finding a project to work on. The biggest luxury for me would be having the freedom to just take a break when I really need it. I do this currently, but it'd be nice to go relax somewhere else when I do.

>> No.11501051

>The trouble with part timing is that only menial jobs really allow it.

I had hopes of finding something I could do long term that would be satisfying and had few hours a week, but there isn't anything like that so I just ended up being a NEET. The world isn't made for people who prioritize free time over grinding