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11500239 No.11500239 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11500266

9000 sats eow

>> No.11500325

Strap in bois!!!!

>> No.11500895

This is it. The real XRP run to $10. All of the puzzle pieces have been put together.

Get in or be salty later.

>> No.11500905

Xlm had this months ago. Nothing special, kys.

>> No.11500911

this doesn't mean anything. also xrp is last in that list, lmao.

once the 60 billion get released you'll witness a dumpening of the likes you have never seen.

>> No.11500913

huge, huge new for the legitimacy of crypto. Anyone not buying xrp now is a complete brainlet.

>> No.11500917

>60 billion get released
you don't know anything about XRP please leave.

>> No.11500919

Will 3000 xrp be enough to make it?

>> No.11500939

Don't forget Jed dumping his 5 billion. He literally has no reason to hold them.

>> No.11500940

i know that 60 billion is not in circulation and once they are in circulation the price will get diluted

> muh escrow
> muh they wont dump

doesn't matter 2 fucking shits. once they are in the open market they will stagnate the price and make people sell.

>> No.11500965

Hurr durr you are not going to make money in the next two weeks you idiots! sit on the sidelines!

>> No.11500967

you don't know what you're talking about do you? He can't dump more than a set amount of XRP based on daily volume, per day. No mega dumps.

You should probably find something other than crypto....

>> No.11500975

Don't forget the billions of xrp that r3 has since ripple folded outside of court.


So many people with billions of tokens waiting to sell on NPCs
Literal pyramid scheme

>> No.11500985

volume already way down kek

>> No.11500995

im buying in anyway, its literally the first minutes, wait till normie investors hear of this

>> No.11500996
File: 130 KB, 1016x636, whalebro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didin't know about this, wew even more retarded to ever hold this coin. Too risky to buy this pump in hope of it going higher, nothing is worse than getting stuck with XRP bags.

>> No.11501018

I document the volume every day. We were roughly 2500 btc volume 2 hours ago. We're already double that. Gl anon

>> No.11501019

Salty samefag shitposter.

>> No.11501042

Wew this automated npc response to cope

>> No.11501044

Every month they release a certain amount from escrow to sell to institutions/companies that will use their products, anything not sold is put back into escrow.

>> No.11501090

so they sell to institions, thy try out some xrp. remember that xrp is an utility token and you can send $100 million in value with only ~20 xrp easily.

what will they do with the rest of the xrp they bought from ripple labs?

that's right my fren.

they dump on silly moonbois on the market.

thats what I would do when I was a company buying at big discount from el ripple lab. dump on you plebs

>> No.11501117

>$100 million in value with only ~20 xrp easily
wtf are you talking about? to make transactions through xrapid you would need $100million worth of ripple.

>> No.11501123


>> No.11501124

Except they won't use xrp and xrapid doesn't use xrp.
>He still doesn't know

>> No.11501208 [DELETED] 

xrapid requires XRP.
Also if Ripple actually ended up selling all the XRP they hold in escrow to banks, that would mean xrapid was be adopted and the volume on the XRP network would be massive.

>> No.11501232

no that's not how it works. clearly stated in the papers on the xrp site

a banks xrp node can operate for a full year with like 50 XRP. it's an utility token.

you can send $100 million with a few XRP easily. it doesn't work the way you think it does.
sorry anon. you should have listened and not bought into it when you read the papers on the xrp site that state : this is not a speculative asset.

>> No.11501239
File: 73 KB, 2100x480, xrp-liquidity20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xrapid requires XRP.

>> No.11501248

From liquidity providers. Not from redditors

>> No.11501257

Do Banks really invest in XRP?

Banks do not invest, buy or hold XRP tokens.

There are banks working with Ripple company, and they make payments to Ripple company per their use of the Ripple protocol.

Real Value of XRP

Certain amount of XRP is being destroyed to cover transaction fees. Currently, the default transaction fee is 10 drops (0.00001 XRP).

As an example, only 10 XRP tokens need to be destroyed if a bank needs to settle 1 million transactions in one year.

To have a better understanding of the real value of XRP, we need to know its destruction rate.

From the inception of XRP, only 0.00526% of all supply has been destroyed.
sorry senpai you get meemed.


>> No.11501278


look man Im just a brainlet trying to make some money ok?

>> No.11501299
File: 264 KB, 640x848, lightningcrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and im a not that brainlet trying to warn my brainlet fren from making the worst mistake of his life : getting stuck holding the XRP bag.

it's really bad cause with that huge supply, it takes forever to recover if it starts tanking on you.

>> No.11501300
File: 548 KB, 1000x1503, Bane_Nolanverse_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple expects one of you in the wreckage once those billions get market sold, brother.

>> No.11501333

They do have to hold XRP if they want to use Xrapid

"Since using XRP does not require multiple nostro accounts, redundant liquidity costs are collapsed into a single XRP account.17 Compared to using Ripple without XRP, using Ripple and XRP eliminates up to one additional day of funding for nostro accounts, saving up to 99 percent of related liquidity costs, as long as the bank has access to an RTGS system and XRP exchange that can support the necessary size of payment obligations. The bank would hold enough XRP on its balance sheet to handle its largest payment and could top up as needed from real-time exchanges."

>> No.11501340

Yeah don't get jewed dawg