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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11498141 No.11498141 [Reply] [Original]

Link marines. How is there only 429 views for our Queen's talk with ASX from yesterday? Don't you love listening to her intelligence, charisma, and silky legs.

"There is not one market infrastructure in the world that isn't seriously evaluating this technology at this moment in time"

"We have a number of projects in all major continents that financial services are a big part of the economy"

"We're building a platform and set of tools that others and ourselves, key partners, intellect eu, gft, accenture, who are building using our technology to solve any number of problems.our objective is to enable the market infrastructure, and their customers to integrate seamlessly"

"are all intermediaries doomed? you will see some businesses wiped out from the face of the universe, the vast majority will adapt"

We will make it frens !

Q: Will chainlink interact with the healthcare patient industry to extract data from a single source? Ex: I take my healthcare records from one doctor to another doctor powered by DLT.

>> No.11498151
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>> No.11498152

>doesn't post video

>> No.11498158

Where's the hyperlink faggot

>> No.11498164

top kek

>> No.11498175

You realize this FUD is not working at all. The original FUD was "solution" to a problem that doesn't exist now its a bandaid solution. All this is doing is giving credit that chainlink is an actual solution.

>> No.11498995

Wanted to ask about this, any news and breadcrumbs from that talk ? I assume that sibos is going to be nothing for chainlink this year

>> No.11499014

she doesn't mention chainlink once in this video

>> No.11499130
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>> No.11499149

>See the thing with this fud is that even if it is a band-aid solution to allow legacy banking systems communicate with smart contracts it will be in place for a very long time. Banks take forever to modernize any of their systems. Especially systems that have been in place for decades. Look up how many ATMs still run Windows XP embedded.

>Banks and Bankers aren't going to spend money they don't have to. They are going to keep using the systems they have always used while leveraging platforms like SWIFT, IBM, who in turn leverage Chainlink.

>> No.11499207
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Thank you for bumping the link thread to the front page THANK YOU

>> No.11500209

First day bro? Welcome

>> No.11500412


>> No.11500499
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>> No.11500500

Thanks anne

>> No.11500574


>> No.11500706

1. This is INDIRECTLY huge news for chainlink because, although the project, at least V1 will NOT need an oracle (I’ll explain in a second) it WILL be huge in terms of driving adoption of smart contracts
2. This is the most important smart contract project in the world right now. It is still in development, but when it releases then it is going to be HUGE for the Australian stock market. Using smart contracts on a permissioned DLT, they will cut costs and errors (which are a big part of costs) by a factor of 100. Trades will clear in an hour instead of 2 days. This will be a HUGE win for smart contracts — which biz loves but which many out in the world still view as “hur dur” whitepaper or worse, ICO cams.
3. This project, at least V1, will NOT need an oracle because all the data will be ON CHAIN. It’s just tracking ownership of share of stock, and money, and then transferring them. BUT if this SUCCEEDS then LOTS of other projects, e.g. derivatives, look more likely and those DO need oracles.
4. Also, use of smart contracts in LOTS of other industries will see this as a huge indication that smart contracts save money, time, and cut expensive errors and overhead.
5. There was talk in the press about how ASX had grown cold on smart contracts and DLT. Do they LOOK cold on the idea? No they are moving straight ahead because this has the potential for Australian Stock exchange to LEAPFROG a ton of other exchanges.
6. Remember, nothing more bullish for smart contracts than projects to use them for big enterprise use cases — where goal is very hard nosed, objective benefits like saving time and cutting costs. And if it is bullish for smart contracts, it is bullish AF for chainlink, which is going to be sitting at the center of the smart contracts economy.

>> No.11501186

Link can still be utilized when taking this data off the new dlt platform and providing it to regulatory and accounting firms

>> No.11501262
File: 833 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181022-183205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you missed the part when he said
>Taking a node, they are in a powerful position
>One golden source of Truth
>Straight through processing
Gonna make it anon

>> No.11501297
File: 953 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181022-190558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whole intro was about Smartcontracts
>Sergey trained her well

>> No.11501318

Her legs are perfect

>> No.11501332

For sure. She is sexy

>> No.11501388

The bandaid fud was the enigma shills cope after outing themselves as an unprofessional team who will brigade other teams telegram chat to "correct the record". Pathetic

>> No.11501584

Comfy. Thanks anon.

>> No.11501792
File: 111 KB, 900x1200, chainlink.owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you linktard, we are winning you are losing you are on the wrong side of history

>> No.11501963
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This has to be bizdisinformation thread
>have no other choice but to Pull it, so I gave the order to pull it

>> No.11502005
File: 33 KB, 750x500, get.rekt.rightsoy.chainlinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe meme looks like shit, pic related is how you look like, pink skin

>> No.11502192

@40:00 where is the starting point. ie, how do we access old data with this new golden source of truth

>> No.11502220

>Link can still be utilized when taking this data off the new dlt platform and providing it to regulatory and accounting firms

Yes fair enough, but I would argue that is NOT a super big problem right NOW. I think focus of Link for finance, and where the HUGE gains will be, is in, e.g. derivatives and other contracts where it is necessary to verify OFF chain data, e.g. price of WTI crude oil on a given date (for oil futures contract). I think THAT is where they are going to be focused first.

>> No.11502564

All im hearing is a bunch of techno mumble jumble flibble flab. No mention of chainlink anywhere. You linkies sure are desperate!

>> No.11502581

>All im hearing is a bunch of techno mumble jumble flibble flab. No mention of chainlink anywhere. You linkies sure are desperate!

Anon if you can't pay attention, then please put your head down on the desk and rest and stop disturbing the other students.

>> No.11502659

>tfw i just wanna hug her

I'm so fucking lonely guys

>> No.11502695

Bitches will flock to u bcuz of ur link stack in a year's time

>> No.11502754

>tfw 31 year old boomer

times a running out man

>> No.11502842
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Missed the Sergey stream that day but listened to this one live (thanks to the anon that shared the YT link). There was some really good bits in there but I was working so I couldn't take notes, need to watch it again. I remember stopping a few times because I couldn't believe it was happening.