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File: 1.44 MB, 1489x1133, Republicans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11496234 No.11496234 [Reply] [Original]

>dude let's just elect a republican to handle the economy!
>tax cuts and tariffs (a tax on demand) are good!
enjoy your market crash you idiots

>> No.11496257

Supply side economics is a myth, one essentially created by a rogue WSJ editor.

>> No.11496259

they don't even pretend it is going to trickle down anymore

>> No.11496286

Honestly though....This crash was coming anyway. All the Tax cuts and tariffs did was put more money in rich people's pockets. Any idiot you voted republican expecting a change are just as stupid as the idiots you vote democratic and think they where going to fix this.

>> No.11496291


>> No.11496327
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>> No.11496413

Even the republican representatives have been on record admitting they expect democrats to fix the messes they make

>> No.11496436

>worried about a crash
>not shorting and re-buying the bottom
Some people make it, others are OP

>> No.11496443
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Good. Fuck boomers and their chinese crap based economy. Get fucked forever, bitch.

>> No.11496475

Both parties need to visit the gas chambers

>> No.11496491

the orange baboon is killing us

draining the swamp my ass

>> No.11496514
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4%+ GDP growth, record low unemployment, longest bull run.

>> No.11496522

Trickle down is a strawman created by leftists to knock down.
Prosperity was never achieved through gibs, that's why communism has failed 30 times in a row.

>> No.11496539

>he doesn't know record low unemployment is a signal of an upcoming downturn
meanwhile US states that practice a mix of socialism and capitalism have the highest sustained growth

>> No.11496546

Good is bad, bad is good. I know.
There's no "magic wand", yeah yeah.

>> No.11496547

>longest bull run
thanks obama

>> No.11496564
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>> No.11496570

>unemployment is good
wtf I love socialism now?

>> No.11496583

Fuck Trump and fuck wh*te people

>> No.11496586

states that were built on ports with access to European or Asian markets and are by default the middleman in every international transaction have the highest wealth you mean?
it wasn't their economic policies.
california has the worst debt in the nation. and hundreds of homeless openly shoot up heroin in the train station.

>> No.11496590


>0% interest rates

thank the fed

>> No.11496602

>longest economic recovery in US history
that's nothing to be proud of Anon, Trump would have done it in half the time with twice the gains

>> No.11496610
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>> No.11496621

Texas used to be a powerhouse and now its lagged behind blue states and states like MI vs MN show how stats with close to the same base can be much better under a more modern economic policy
economic fact: what you want overall is people entering the labor market so that firms won't have a shortage of labor to expand; see Japan for more info

Long run: The pros of a relatively tight labor market is wages go up and there's more incentives to automate
>he doesn't know red states have the highest gibs

>> No.11496647

because we buy about 50x as much from china than we do from colombia...

>> No.11496689

Japan has had pretty much zero economic growth for decades

>> No.11496723

>using fefe facts rather than real facts
Seriously go look up the policies of Texas vs California/NewYork

it's not just imports (their gdp per capita are roughly the same right now), look more at the growth of the states and other economic indicators

Exactly my point, you do not want an extra tight labor market like Japan does, you want people to enter

>> No.11496749

you know if you say something like that, which can't be proven, it leads me to say something similar. if obama had third term we would be up 3 times the gains as trump did in a third of the time.

>> No.11496785

We import 5x more from china than literally all of South america combined. $500 billion from china, $100B from SA.
meaning Texas imports 1/5th the amount, so if they have similar populations, california has a natural $400 billion import boost that texas doesn't have.

They roughly have the same GDP per capita meaning texas is doing much more strongly than california given natural advantages.
California is in a position where it is nearly impossible to fail.

>> No.11496820

t. liberal

>> No.11496836

>I don't understand basic economics nor how tariffs work to incentivize production
Stay in school. Tariffs are short term pain for long term gain. A concept you shitskins never could understand.

>> No.11496837

Income tax is immoral.

>> No.11496902

taxation is theft*

>> No.11496918

Government shutdown is a good thing. In fact, shut the whole thing down for all I care

>> No.11498025

Tariff are only situationally good. For example If you put Tariffs on car parts, you help your car part industry, but your car industry migth suffer if car manufracturers in other countries have better access to car parts.

>> No.11498039

Tariffs can be good if you put the Tariffs on goods that arent further used productively, like Mcdonalds f.e.

>> No.11498057

this doesn't change the fact that supply side economics is fake and gay
it's also basically irrelevant because the problem that caused the creating of that strawman was that the right believed that rich people create jobs
now both sides are retards because the right is the right and they masturbate while thinking about tax cuts to anything, and the left thinks tax cuts on the rich and on corporations are equally bad

>> No.11498165


I don't see why this is bad except in the sense that Japan might have other bad metrics, which as far as I know it does. It has had declining wages since the late 90s. However, it has also had deflationary pressures, and I don't know what the real wage rate is when adjusted for deflation. But the economy is also tight as fuck, with very low unemployment and a sort of national anxiety attack around who is going to replace all of the geriatric farmers in the countryside.

But theoretically you could have an economy with stalled economic growth, a generally sustained wage level, and the experience of the economy would basically be fine for workers. Businessmen may be very upset though, because opportunities for growth domestically would be almost nil without cut throat competition. However, as far as people who get a salary or wage are concerned, as long as there isn't significant inflation or deflation they're just living in an economy that has stabilized at zero growth.

>> No.11498188

>muh rich people
Going to save about $4k compared to last year's taxes and I'm far from rich. Stay mad faggot.

>> No.11498209

that's what you fuckin get when you're the most xenophobic country on the planet and your birth rate is like 1.4

>> No.11498211

Democrats might be pussies but at least they can run a stable fucking economy. Once again they're gonna have to clean up another Republican recession.

>> No.11498232

> $4k tax savings
> far from rich
Obvious larp is obvious

>> No.11498242

which is going to be a fucking trip because ER is still insanely high, the target funds rate is low as hell, and tax cuts were huge, so there's not enough room left to stimulate the fucking economy once this shit gets too close to the sun

>> No.11498245

Daily reminder. Tariffs are not a conservative policy. Tariffs are traditionally done by Democrats. Trump isn’t a true conservative; he can’t even cut spending.

>> No.11498264

I only make $72k a year, that's not rich, that's middle class.

>> No.11498300

because he can't even repeal obamacare because everyone is realizing that obamacare is actually good and republicans are retards

>> No.11498502

Lol is this what democrats actually believe? Democrats were a mistake.

>> No.11498571

no it isn't a tax on something like McDonald's would only be a consumption tax. in increased cost to the consumer will reduce economic activity all while the money goes into the governments pockets. and we all know how great the fucking government is at spending your money right?

>> No.11498599

yeah u right bro the current republican leadership is really knocking it out of the park

>> No.11498601

People really think Obamacare was good? Fucking how lmao
I've heard from many older people about it and its effects were seen as negative by everyone including people who worked in hospitals and know their insurance and healthcare shit.

>> No.11498659

So you have some brain cells.

>> No.11498686

lol I'm saying there is no way anyone in the middle or lower classes saved $4k because of trump tax cuts you fucking inbred

>> No.11498703

Lol yeah it sucks being a perfectly healthy 23 year old male and being required to pay an expensive monthly insurance premium because of you know who. The only people that think its good are probably NEETs who have everything paid for by mommy and daddy. Drugs are probably also a factor.

>> No.11498736

Trump was elected as the fall guy. /pol/ were useful idiots. Congrats Jews won again

>> No.11498753

A great place to live with non existent crime?

>> No.11498759

>calls others inbred
>is apparently incapable of middle school level arithmetic

>> No.11498893

I share this sentiment

>> No.11498932
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>> No.11498945

>yfw you realize single payer healthcare would solve your complaints

>> No.11498958

lol k keep lying all you want. The tax bracket for a $72k income only moved 3%. There is literally no scenario where you could have saved $4000 over the previous tax system. Doesn't matter if you filed single, or jointly with your sister and your 12 inbred dependents. At most you probably saved $2-300. But odds are it was even less than that.

>> No.11498968 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 735x417, pos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay in school
you realize that tariffs are taught to be have been taught and proven to be a net loss in economics post-secondary curriculum right?

>> No.11498992
File: 20 KB, 735x417, pos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay in school
you realize that tariffs are taught and proven to be a net loss in economics post-secondary curriculum right?

>> No.11499010

>fails to account for the additional $1000 tax credit per child
>fails to consider the tax cut off gross for small businesses and contractors
>Thinks that 3% of $72k is at most $300
Don't have any kids but the small business deduction was a nice boost for me. Even without that it would have been around a $2k tax cut though.

>> No.11499075

Somebody's gotta pick up the tab. I don't want a system that favors the losers because I'm not a loser.

>> No.11499111


>> No.11499162
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you're not a loser unless you are a very high wealth individual since you'll pick up the tab via insurance and less economic growth due to the inefficiencies of insurance/multi-payer

There's been studies showing the US as a whole will be better with single-payer, Obamacare is a half-measure

>> No.11499183

by the way you can unironically go bankrupt with cancer at 50, don't just assume you will be healthy forever being in the "healthy" range

>> No.11499186

people here are more interested in dickriding republicans than objectively speaking on economic figures

>> No.11499244

>communism has failed 30 times in a row

name 1 communist country.
(pro-tip: you can't because they didn't exist)

fyi the USSR/Cuba/Venezuela/North Korea never were communist and never claimed achieving communism. If the ruling party calls itself Communist party it doesn't mean that the country is communist (e.g. modern China).

You, like most retards from /pol/, cannot even differentiate between socialism and communism and unironically believe it's the same exact thing (communism = socialism = everything left of Democratic party policies)

>inb4 muh REAL COMMUNISM NEVER BEEN TRIED muh commieballs from /pol/

>> No.11499247


>> No.11499249
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enjoy wanting to have government-funded, overvalued, underproductive, uncompetitive (both to consumers and employees' needs and demands) companies ruling your society and being the main factor in the valuation of your shit monopoly money you bumblefucking status quo niggerdolt

>> No.11499305
File: 88 KB, 1500x723, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny thing is almost no economist favors the republican strategy

see my pic (and this is from 2003)

>le waiting list etc meme
>le worse treatment boogeyman
funny how nobody wants to model their healthcare from us, meanwhile most countries in Europe and the anglosphere have overall better public health and are not rioting from wait times


>> No.11499332

You can't inb4 "real communism has never been tried" when that's actually what you just wrote. There's always some fucking caveat with you people.

Gas lefties desu.

>> No.11499345


>> No.11499360



>> No.11499474

That business insider article highlights a key assumption by the study: Medicare providers would be mandated to take less reimbursement. Medicare already pays doctors so little they either refuse to take it or compensate for the low reimbursements by running around like crazy forced to treat more patients then they should. If they lower reimbursements even more then many will just quit. Quality healthcare.

>> No.11499513

>tariffs are bad!!

good goy, just let China continue to rape you in the ass without doing anything


>> No.11499514

fun fact, orthodox jews are the most anti-zionist of all

>> No.11499530

Really depends on if you're talking about the ones in Israel or the ones outside of it.

>> No.11499654
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You probably thought Bernie Sanders making college free was realistic.

>> No.11499754

Best solution is private clinic system and deregulating the medical industry.

>> No.11499761
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, stf,small,600x600-c,0,0,1000,1000.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like you are why i want voluntary enclaves to be a thing, where people can essentially apply to live in privately-owned areas of land that are necessarily free of the affairs of the surrounding state, and operate on a set of rules set forth by the owner of the land
it goes without saying that the more ancap ones would shit all over the collectivist shitholes
you'd eventually have middle-income ancap individuals in these enclaves having more wealth than entire socialist enclaves

fyi the only reason china isn't totally irrelevant is because of its special economic zones
pic related is the cover of new prints of the communist manifesto in the new, crypto-based world when the welfare dollar and every company and megacorp that exists because of it disintegrates to fucking dust and the above-described enclave thing happens

>> No.11499771

Hello fellow comrade, the Kremlin offering us double rations for spreading misinofrmation is great is it not?

>> No.11499780

Obama care is a mistake. It ignores economic theory which you should have at least a basic understanding being on biz board. Everyone is subsidizing people with preconceived notions. Have fun subsidizing obese fucks like boogie.

>> No.11499781

this is the by far the dumbest post I have ever seen in the history of this board

>> No.11499783

Typing so much to say nothing. Sad.

>> No.11499804

If you think trump is pro russia you are retarded. Follow the policy and not the rhetoric NPC fuck.

>> No.11499813

congrats on missing gains because you hate america

>> No.11499816
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>I don't have an argument

>the funny thing is almost no economist favors the republican strategy
They say a lot of things.

>> No.11499825

Because you know nothing about economic theory. The government cant do anything right or efficiency. The best way to reduce prices and to provide a better service is to allow the free market to work its magic.

>> No.11499850

>you know nothing about economic theory
>work its magic
You really are the dumbest and most dogmatic motherfucker itt.

>> No.11499852

Some already exist and have been operational for decades. East Wind Community in Missouri being a notable one.

>> No.11499876

>Because you know nothing about economic theory.
Except I major in economics, unless you are a part of the defunct Austrian school of economic theory they teach the government is important as they provide public goods at greater efficiency than the private sector can.

>> No.11499881

You have a great argument there npc.
Are you saying the medical industry is somehow so different than any other industry. Free market plus competition brings prices down. PLease pick up a book on economics because you are clearly retarded on the subject.

>> No.11499895 [DELETED] 

wrong reply

>> No.11499916

So how do we bring the price of shirts down?

>> No.11499932

are you saying if the government had a monopoly on shirts we would have cheaper shirts?

>> No.11499936

Clearly we need a government bureaucracy to be put in charge of manufacturing all goods, government is more efficient than the private sector after all.

>> No.11499939


This is a fucking stupid self fulfilling prophecy.

> Republicans royally fuck things up
> Pretend everything is fine
> Campaign on the message of "Our country is in a bad situation! The government cant do anything right or efficiently, elect us because we're pro small government"
> Repeat

>> No.11499957

>shirts are public goods!
this is why I don't argue economics with people who have no economic education

>> No.11499980

Presidents don't have nearly as much power over "the economy" as you think. And people who think otherwise don't even know what "the economy" is. Presidents like Trump HAVE to brag about "the economy" and "the stock market," but everyone with a brain knows that jews are behind everything

>> No.11499981

>but shirts aren't public goods
Neither is healthcare.

>> No.11499996

if you cannot imagine why healthcare isn't a public good, I really don't know what else to say

>> No.11499997

>Are you saying the medical industry is somehow so different than any other industry

Yes, obviously it is, since demand is not fairly spread out and the cost of treatments varies depending on what you're afflicted by

The free market has no way of providing affordable healthcare for people who get sick, which is why it's nationalized in every country on earth

>> No.11500025

You are literally argueing that a government monopoly will provide a better service at a better price. There is no different where economics is concerned. There is evidence now that fdr delayed the recovery from the depression because of his "stimulus".

I have a degree in economics too turd face.

>> No.11500030

If you can't imagine there being a limited number of doctors and thus healthcare being a limited good I really don't know what else to say.

>> No.11500060

So thats why these countries are experiencing massive deficits from their medical care system. The NHS couldnt even handle a flu epidemic. Not to mention the massive taxes. The american system is worse tho because it cant decide what they want to do.

>> No.11500064

Texas is 35% white while northern states have a higher white population therefore making them more prosperous. Once those states have less whites then they will be weighted down more.

>> No.11500088


What i wrote was an attempt to educate people who unironically believe that any policy that doesn't involve tax cuts for the 1% is SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM AND LITERAL MARXISM.
The same people who said that Obama is a communist and think the USSR was a communist country.

You people are like religious fanatics who believe that any deviation from their faith equals heresy. Just as ignorant and stubborn.

>> No.11500124

>The NHS couldnt even handle a flu epidemic


>Not to mention the massive taxes

Full single payer healthcare is expensive but not as expensive as hybrid solutions (USA, Switzerland)

Fully private healthcare would just result in mass deaths because people would be unable to pay for treatment

>> No.11500156

>Fully private healthcare would just result in mass deaths because people would be unable to pay for treatment
Not seeing the issue.

>> No.11500182

I'm not that other guy but seriously dude you're trying to argue that public goods are "no different"??
>In a free market, firms may not provide the good as they have difficulty charging people for their use.

>> No.11500198

I agree that hybrid system is worst; which is why completely private system is needed.
>Fully private healthcare would just result in mass deaths because people would be unable to pay for treatment
There might be some death, but you know there is this thing called charity? The overall good would be worth it. For everyone but the absolute poor would save a lot of money every month on medical care costs.
I live in canada, and we have to wait over 6 months to get major surgeries.

>> No.11500200

>You are literally argueing that a government monopoly will provide a better service at a better price. There is no different where economics is concerned.

I'd like to hear your theory on how defunding public schools for private schooling would provide a better service at a better price, there is no difference where economics is concerned

>> No.11500213

>Be American
>At High School, go through rite of passage school shooting
>End up shot, need urgent surgery to have bullets removed or else will die
>Bullet removal costs $200,000 USD
>"Please dad, can't we afford to have the bullets removed to let me live?"
>"No Timmy, we can't afford it. Remember, you're an American and we don't want any of that commie nonsense of national healthcare that would have saved your life. Now die quickly as having you lying in this hospital bed is costing us $500 per minute that we will need to pay to Dr Shecklestein"

>> No.11500259

Well it is retard. Public spending for education keeps going up and grades keep going down. Compare grades of charter school compared to public schools.

>> No.11500292

>but you know there is this thing called charity?
charity benefits those who are greedy and punishes those who give more, overall you reward greediness

dude, stop getting your news from pol

being in limited quantity doesn't mean you can't nationalize it

Please continue, make sure to touch on how private schools will provide a better service for society as a whole

Please make sure to include examples from countries that don't use public schools

>> No.11500334

>being in limited quantity doesn't mean you can't nationalize it
Part of the very definition of a public good is one where the consumption of it by one individual cannot affect its availability for other individuals.

>> No.11500358

not realistic at all, the hospital didnt even get shot up

>> No.11500381

Some economic schools (the one I went to) teach a public good as a good which benefits everybody

I was using that definiton.

Having your neighbor not die and be bankrupt from cancer is kinda nice

>> No.11500386

I make no points the post

>> No.11500415

Oh look, it's the exact fucking argument republicans make every time their guy is in office. Remember how mad you got during Obama's term about how he wasn't fixing the economy fast enough? The economy that your other guy Bush II crashed?

>> No.11500440
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>> No.11500448

1% Healthcare levy, sure 1% is a decent amount
but it's cheaper than private health insurance and I feel good knowing thay I'm not forced to bend over for kike hospitals and pharmaceutical companies while billions upon billions of dollars go missing from the budget or are wasted in pointless military expenditure

>> No.11500571

all your study shows is that people who attend charter school does better

now prove that having a country full of charter schools will be better than having both

>> No.11500578

yes jews control everything. Thats why the UN is constantly cheering them up when there is a Conflict in the middle east. Thats why there were never any progroms against them, because whenever people got angry at them, jews used the media to point the anger at soemthing else.
Im neither a Jew nor affliated to one, but pls go back to /pol with your retarded conspiracies.

>> No.11500586

when responding make sure to include the notion of total utility of society and decreasing utility of money

>> No.11500596

>Some economic schools (the one I went to) teach a public good as a good which benefits everybody
That's a retarded definition and it sounds like you went to a diploma mill, stop using it.

>> No.11500639 [DELETED] 
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taken from one of my macroeconomic textbooks

>> No.11500676
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here's a picture from one of my economic textbooks (now zoomed in more)

different professors/publishers teach stuff differently

>> No.11500684

The argument is the same for shirts, medical care and schooling.
Don't forget about all the unfunded mandates. Unions are cancer. They wont budge and the government cant afford to pay their pensions. You cant even fire a teacher if he/she is doing a bad job.
It is possible to have it both ways tho. If the government was to outsource schooling and medical care system to private companies. That can also work; or even have the single payer compete with the private market. HInt hint it wont be able to compete.

>> No.11500698

he probably bought his education online for a 1 time payment in exchange for a degree.

>> No.11500735

You can even outsource national defense to private companies. Black water went the the white house with a proposal that would cost 8 percent of the current military budget. I think your textbook is selling boomer myths.

>> No.11500779

>says other people went to a trash school
>believes private companies try to maximize efficiency (and thus total utility of society) rather than profit

>> No.11500811
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good for them! seriously. if that's how they wanna live and they're happy the way they are, they should totally be allowed to do it.
as it stands, though, if you tried to start your own enclave and do anything ambitious on it, you'd come under fire from authorities looking to tax and regulate you. you're also not allowed to discriminate based on ethnicity in the sale of property, which you would *have* to be able to do in the kind of enclaves that i'm thinking of, simply by the nature of having freedom of disassociation.

i am laughing SO FUCKING HARD at you guys. even if you were somehow surprise shills or whatever, you don't even have the slightest fucking CLUE what is coming. it just, like—you poor, poor fucking souls. the sheer, fucking fragility of everything.
IMAGINE having crypto come along, and not even fucking BARELY understanding what it means for private economies, the literally 100% guaranteed inevitable FAILURE of the liberty-grabbing welfare state, and the government's ability to enforce regulation.
what's worse—imagine actually being *opposed* to this. to the rights of individuals to govern themselves, so long as they are not infringing on others' liberty.
and it's what you fucking get for putting all your faith in a fucking bureau and the corporatocratic cartel that pays them

>> No.11500813

You can't even read your own textbook. Did you even pass?
>National defense is a good example of a public good because it is difficult to get individuals to pay according to how much national defense services each one receives
So not at all like healthcare then because in a private system an individual would pay according to how much healthcare they need(and can afford).

>> No.11500887

>you're also not allowed to discriminate based on ethnicity in the sale of property, which you would *have* to be able to do in the kind of enclaves that i'm thinking of, simply by the nature of having freedom of disassociation.
It would be easy to institute a shorter trial period and just say they were thrown out for not doing their share of work. The one I mentioned in Missouri has a short trial period of a few weeks before being given provisional status then a longer trial period of a year before they get full rights. After each they can be thrown out over being a poor worker or even just most of the community not liking them. Its about the only level on which communism can work, a small population coupled with measures so that you're very selective on who you allow in to keep out leeches.

>> No.11500890

Private companies do try to maximize efficiency exactly for profit. I never said it was for the utility of society; that is just a side effect. This is because when there are many companies competing in the same industry they need to keep the price down. Otherwise the customer wont buy the more expensive product. The search for profit incentives efficient exactly o achieve more profit.
Now lets look at what the incentive of a government run monopoly. What is their incentive? Yeah that's right to increase their budget and bureaucracy.

>> No.11500950

Tariffs are a good thing if you invest in American companies that benefit from US consumers not being able to buy the cheaper Chinese equivalent. Not so good if you hold Chinese stock. I hold far more American stock so tariffs are good for me.

>> No.11500966

the point is that it's difficult for them to provide healthcare efficiently

>ow lets look at what the incentive of a government run monopoly. What is their incentive? Yeah that's right to increase their budget and bureaucracy.
Their incentive to maximize public good comes from voters and politicians, if voters and thus by extension politicians do not care about an inefficient government then you end up with Greece.

>This is because when there are many companies competing in the same industry they need to keep the price down
except many industries that have perfect competition have inefficient players get out competed and you end up with a oligopoly which will cause the price to increase

Anyway if you want proof of this look at Medicare and how efficient that is per dollar it is given vs insurance

>> No.11501000

>the point is that it's difficult for them to provide healthcare efficiently
Except its not, you just don't like it because failures would die and that hurts your fefes. You even talked about it being a good thing for your neighbor to not get cancer and die because they can't afford healthcare. Why should I have to pay for your incompetent neighbor that is either too much of a failure to have a decent paying job or too irresponsible to pay for health insurance? Such people being culled would be nothing but a net gain for society.

>> No.11501056

>t. Chink investor

>> No.11501073

>except many industries that have perfect competition have inefficient players get out competed and you end up with a oligopoly which will cause the price to increase
What are anti-trust laws.
>Their incentive to maximize public good comes from voters and politicians, if voters and thus by extension politicians do not care about an inefficient government then you end up with Greece.
I never heard such a retarded argument before.

>> No.11501076

The point is anybody can get a health aliment which you can be bankrupted with health insurance and not everybody can have a decent paying job. The idea is the government can provide the same service more efficiently in that people overall recieve a better standard of healthcare, and private citizens could still opt for private healthcare which would be by default better than public (any private enterprise worse than public would be out of buisiness)

do you also support the end of social security so that old people and disabled people will die?

>> No.11501088
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Fuck off cuckservtive.

I'll take more expensive tomatoes for whites to have jobs.

>> No.11501099

>What are anti-trust laws.
That would be a great solution if they were enforced and that except for the fact some industries actually are more efficient in a monopoly structure (roads)

>> No.11501100

>not everybody can have a decent paying job.
Then they should die.
>he idea is the government can provide the same service more efficiently in that people overall recieve a better standard of healthcare, and private citizens could still opt for private healthcare which would be by default better than public (any private enterprise worse than public would be out of buisiness)
While still robbing money from us to pay for the dregs of society.
>do you also support the end of social security so that old people and disabled people will die?

>> No.11501130

Yeah I do believe they need to be enforced more often.
>That would be a great solution if they were enforced and that except for the fact some industries actually are more efficient in a monopoly structure (roads
This is not true at all. How do you think the railways were built?
You want to have different companies bid for the contract unless you like paying more.

>> No.11501144

do you also support the end of social security so that old people and disabled people will die?
Absolutely. It is a literal ponzy scheme.

>> No.11501165

Anyway I have been procrastinating with this thread and I have 3 exams tomorrow, thank you all for the discussion.

>> No.11501244

We probably wont ever have a proper crash again because too many people are playing the game now. A lot of people are saving up in preparation to buy the bottom, and trading is easier than ever with the internet now. This is just going to end up being everyone trying to catch the falling knife. The bottom will never come and we'll just end up with a lot of cut hands.
Whats more likely in a modern 'crash' is an inflated rate of divergence between classes and their wealth while the stock market sort of moves sideways.

>> No.11501274

np npc
Hope you remembered all your propaganda for your test tomorrow. Since your argument is literally summed up to competition is bad and government run monopolies are good.

>> No.11501384

you can literally do this right now, there are a number of enclaves but most exist either as hippie communes or live-in corporations. if they grow their own food self-sufficiently, they only need to interact with the outer society when paying property taxes to keep the extortionists from shooting up the place.

>> No.11501503

See you in 2020, fag.

>> No.11501620

the railways were built on government subsidy?

>> No.11501706

No they are were built with no government involvement. All by private companies which did turn into a monopoly. The overall result was that america had more railways then anywhere in the world. Actually too many railways. This kills the myth that the government is needed for roads.

>> No.11501742
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*screeches the statist npc*

>> No.11501821
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>thinks there's a difference
the deep state runs shit,
fucking zoomer cucks don't know how shit works

It's a roughly 9 year cycle. Whoever is the president doesn't matter. The cycle is about to be over.

>> No.11502102

Tax cuts ARE good you commie the government has a spending problem. And tariff on Chinese is good negotiation as well. It hurts the chinks 3 times more than us.

>> No.11502235

Fuck off back to r/politics

>> No.11502281

> funny how nobody wants to model their healthcare from us
commies like communism even when it kills them.
> meanwhile most countries in Europe and the anglosphere have overall better public health and are not rioting from wait times
They don't even have healthcare. Their countries are piles of dogshit. Go there.

>> No.11502440

> Republicans are responsible for 100% of the deficit
> "The government has a spending problem. Elect Republicans!"

>> No.11502578

You pay for healthcare in Europoor with 50% of your taxes, commie.
You get better healthcare in US and I am not paying for your fragile ass.

>> No.11502600

If you have a spending problem, lowering the amount of money you have to spend does not actually fix the spending problem, it just makes it worse.

>> No.11502735
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Tax cuts does help the issue making the government fend for themselves. Democrats go around giving buckets of welfare to any illegal crossing the border.

>Republicans are responsible for 100% of the deficit
Let's not deflect that Democrats are ALSO responsible for the debt.
>pic related
>Trillions in bailouts
>wasteful social services.

Both are at fault but I'd rather have Republican give me more of my money back than a Demo spending it on social services.

>> No.11502803
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>public good
yep. certified retard.

>> No.11502811

>Allowing retards to heal, be cured and breed for free
Oh fuck off.

>> No.11502955

THIS. Anyone receiving healthcare for free should have to pass a battery of tests to prove they are at least within the standard deviation of 100 IQ.

>> No.11503524

emergency care is fine in europe, but non-emergency and long term care is fucking shittycompared to the us