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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1149218 No.1149218 [Reply] [Original]

>technical analysis is a hoax

/biz/ actually believes this

>> No.1149219
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>> No.1149223

Why don't you prove it isn't?

>> No.1149230

Already been proved. Try to keep up. If you don't know how that happened you need to read more about it. That's why Goldman Sachs uses it. By the way, they have more money than you and I as a result of using it.

>> No.1149234

Not him but man you type like a retard. You on a cell phone?

>> No.1149236

So what's the point of your thread then?

>X is Y!
>"OK can you explain please?"

>> No.1149272

>your thread


>> No.1149279

I assumed it was you because you bumped the thread and then replied to me in a way that supported the OP's opinion.

Why don't you explain to us all why technical analysis is good then? We're waiting.

>> No.1149336

>explain on 4chan
>being this new

Read a book faggot

>> No.1149337

I think you'd be better suited on /b/.

This is a business and finance board.

>> No.1149341

Anyone have any sauce on the laughing slut

>> No.1149382


sauce plx

>> No.1149395

Google Image Search indicated it was an outtake from a cosplay photo shoot.

>> No.1149405


>> No.1149415


>> No.1149635

I agree
too many "trolls" on here imo
and no I'm not a newfag
at least be creative with the way you troll man
you're all useless scum without creativity
/pol/ is mostly a waste of time on these types of threads

>> No.1149639

woops */biz/

>> No.1149664

It's the biz version of fedoraposting.

>> No.1149678

I used to do technical analysis. I can tell you that there's no qualification needed to do it. It's just buzzwords repeated over and over and flashy graphs. The best "technical analyst" in the moderately big company I worked for was an Indian high school graduate.

>inb4 prove it
No, faggot. I don't want my name here

>> No.1149914

I'm him and your shit is retarded and you type like a fag. Or a banker. Hard to tell.

>> No.1149922

I thought technical analysis was bullshit until I realized it is basically just trying to predict people's emotions

>> No.1149926

B-but muh psuedosxirnce and lots of numbers!

>> No.1150115

I wonder what /biz/ subscribes to?

Ah yes that meme...

>> No.1151288

quantitative > fundamental > guessing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>technical

>> No.1151291

>guys check out these lines I drew on my graph

>> No.1151292

>doing regular tech analysis
>not doing exponential moving average/bollinger crosses and selling on the way up

>> No.1151295

I type like the dude who's cock you gagged on last night you little hooker.

>> No.1153009

Who is this semen daemon?

>> No.1153016
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/biz/ still watches the news then react

>> No.1153035

chibiericka on deviantart. The more pics you get, the more your dick shrinks.

>> No.1153045

The 'technical analysis' on sites like investing.com changes from one direction to the other to the point of being utterly meaningless. One minute all of the 'technical data' says buy. Five minutes later when this is completely wrong and it moves in the other direction they simply change their technical analysis to sell.

Technical analysis is essentially just telling you what the price is doing using a graph and buzzwords and then guessing what it might do later. The fact that is so regularly does the opposite of what technical analysis says shows how pointless this is.

The price of oil moved by over 10% based on a tweet a few months ago. Technical analysis is worthless when all the lines and crosses on your pretty graph get BTFO because a journalist tweets that maybe Saudi Arabia might start limiting its oil production.

Same with the Nikkei last month. Technical analysis says it's going down, until the Bank of Japan decided they'd rather it go up and forced it to.

It's like gamblers analysing the playing stats of every player on two teams before a game. You can kid yourself that your bet is logical and well informed but at the end of the day it's a fucking basketball game and anything could happen.

>> No.1153051

OP is a retard that does not deserve the supremacy of analytics...

>> No.1153079
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>Technical analysis is worthless when all the lines and crosses on your pretty graph get BTFO
How much did you lose?

>> No.1153080


I trade full time, friend.

>> No.1153081

That's a lot.

>> No.1153084


I haven't traded on technicals for over a year, friend. I think they're good for beginners trying to understand markets but after your get your bearings it's time to start trading swings, which technical data is limited in assisting.

If you're day trading and relying on technical data you will guaranteed join the 90% of day traders who go broke.

>> No.1153094

Yeah, but a year ago, when you "were" trading on technicals.
How much did you lose then?
You know, before you "wised" up.

>> No.1153098
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> Implying "swing trading" isn't just using technical "analysis".

>> No.1153100

Let's see where this goes...

>> No.1153109

no where


>> No.1153182


>> No.1153191

i used to think TA is bullshit pseudoscience but now i think that the stock market is just voting in a short amount of time .for example we have stock XY which have some great technical signals and chart patterns .Many investors notice them and start buying thats why chart goes up thanks to TA. its not about some extreme mathematician reasons ,its just TA is new reason to buy who said that stock market is rtional?.thats why i think FA is great but for timing TA is even better

>> No.1153270

The only thing that gagged on your cock is your own hand. That can be charted as well and thus predictive. Your arm cardio is impressive.

>> No.1153274

That's why technical analysis is so great. In the type of market you mentioned, one needs all the help one can get. Thanks for proving why technical analysis is so important in trading.

>> No.1153278

So how much did you lose ?

>> No.1154261

It is a common misconception that TA is used to predict. No its not. It is used to help you react to changes in prevailing patterns which could be interpreted to a number of reasons. It doesn't matter what that reason is, the point is you know when there is a surge in buying or selling due to changes in volume and price patterns.

>> No.1154271
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Don't be shy. How much did you lose?

>> No.1154334

I think TA has value, if nothing else support and resistance levels are worth using.

>> No.1154524

The popular way to strawman TA is to pretend like those who follow it believe it predicts the future.
That way, critcs can liken them to astrologers.

>> No.1154532

TA has worth. But mostly in trading high volumes over short periods. This isn't what most traders, let alone posters here do.

If you have a computer that can do trades in milliseconds with millions of dollars, you should do ta and build a program for it. If it's right anything more than 50% you'll make money.

If you look at the most successful investors, they don't tend to do short term stuff like that. Guys like Buffett and Soros use more holistic approaches to valuation.

>> No.1154549

How'd you get the job then? How was the training? Pay? etc. I'm about to graduate college with a finance degree, and truthfully I think I have more questions unanswered about business than when I started school. Just looking for a half decent job in anything really until I figure out what I really want to do.

>> No.1154563

Get a job at a hospital doing nothing in a finance department. You'll just end up bothering the IT people to write and develop your reports and make good money.

>> No.1154565

well shit. I live in a city with several major hospitals known pretty well in the states. My ex gf has family in the finance department at one such hospital. I doubt I'm getting that job now.

>> No.1154570

Kill yourself stupid newfag

>> No.1154572

>If you look at the most successful investors, they don't tend to do short term stuff like that
That's because they're investors.
Don't conflate traders with investors.
There are already far too many people doing that on this board.

>> No.1154657

Exactly. you can't TA your way on an illiquid stock precisely because someone could easily manipulate the stock. Volume matters.