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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11490434 No.11490434 [Reply] [Original]

All I can say is HAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA what a bunch of fucking faggots. All of you idiots hated 0xBTC so much because of the most retarded reasons. You fucking idiots just cannot grasp a true, pure-mined cryptocurrency. IT IS A FUCKING ERC20 TOKEN THAT YOU CAN MINE. It’s literally programmable gold. It’s fucking unreal how stupid most people here are. Well you missed out, suck my dick npc’s, just wanted to rub in my riches. Stay poor /biz/.

>> No.11490463

No one cares about your little 10% pump, we're talking about LINK right now, sweetie.

>> No.11490510

>sirs pls buy 0xbtc sirs

>> No.11490544

>up 11%
>still only on mercatox, idex, etherdelta
>talking shit


>> No.11490547

I care, daddy, and I want your big stinky kinky linky dick inside my right warm 0xBitcoingina ugh yes fuck fuck fire truck ugh SOLDITY SHA3 mmmmmm papi

Mmmmmmmm shove it in my no ICO ughhhh yess

Infernal toast loves my tight little 0xBitcoingina too

Link isn’t a fucking joke, it’s actually a joke, it’s a JSON parser, ETH could add this in two lines of code. You are all delusional if you think LINK will ever be $5 LMAO

0xBTC makes my rock hard cock even harder into pure fucking diamond. Now THAT is proof of work. Working that push for that coin

God damn I love pure mined tokens, no ICO, no premine, fairlt distributes too.

>> No.11490588

psttt no one care you reddit spacing faggot enjoy the 11% gains

>> No.11490596
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>> No.11490631


>> No.11490634

>still only on mercatox, idex, etherdelta
Yeah I gotta agree with this anon. Mercatox is known for fudging numbers and I cant stand fucking with IDEX and Etherdelta

>> No.11490694

I just don’t get what you people don’t understand about 0xBTC, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a crypto and yet you still call it a packet scam

>51% attack resistant
>most evenly distributed ERC20
>ASICs don’t exist for the algo it uses
>works even after it’s all mined out
>scales with Ethereum
>no ICO, premine, airdrop, no nigger shit

Are you guys retarded? You still have the chance to mine a 0xBTC or two every few days with a decent non-poorfag GPU. Imagine this being the next Bitcoin. Still don’t want in? Okay, stay poor. There’s a reason there are way less rich than poor, it’s because most people are retarder and can not grasp the bigger picture. You idiots call for vapor ware coins and tokens that never come to be and ignore a finished product for five months. I’m done trying to help you idiots get rich, you guys can suck my ass and jack off to Link memes. I paid my rig off 100x by mining this, to think that I only sold 20% of what I’ve mined, hahahahahahhahahaahhhahaha. I’m gonna limo the price again to $4.00 just in spite of you retards, I’ve got a few hundred ETH left over from Pontus you idiots fell for.

>> No.11490714

Not possible, has to be redeployed to change it and that will never happen. It is what it is.

>> No.11490972


this 100%, you guys are retarded. LOOK INTO THE PROJECT IF YOU WANT TO MAKE IT. do it just to spite them dude, i'm holding to way higher than that

>> No.11491154


>> No.11491240

Yea, but 0xBTC can be forked and new functionality added to it, helping usher in a new era of mined tokens instead of these garbage ICO and airdrop tokens with no value that all started in the hands of the deployer.
That and new contracts can build on top of 0xBTC itself

>> No.11491293

At least be good at shilling pajeet coins. I shilled $DEAL here and it pumped 300% a week later.

>> No.11491311

Mmmm daddy creamy linky cum that’s stinky marry my ass niagara dinky float to the bottom ASS LINKY. Link is literally trash and was a meme, it’s just vaporware and will never be finished, it will never be shit. It’s time for 0xBTC. All the smart people on here know it. It’s time for a NEW ERA!

Everyone ready for the pump? I’ve got an order at 0.0015 to start things off, gonna slowly ride it up to $4 over the next week. Anyone ready for another bull? Fuck these 4chan /biz/bros, they’ve fudded 0xBTC too long. I’ve stayed in the shadows on this and I can no longer let this gem be brought down by you idiots. What’s next 0.0020 or should I go straight to double at 0.0030?

>> No.11491675 [DELETED] 
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~30 ETH checking in. God it feels good to not be as poor as everyone else here. I will join you in this pump, been waiting for a fellow whale. Check the Merc books, just put my order in. 0xBTC is a genuine crypto and has piqued my interest fully so.

>> No.11491707

Yum yum linky cum

>> No.11491708

I hit 5x and quant and 3x on CHX and you are bragging over 10%?

>> No.11491739
File: 141 KB, 960x638, FEA78A0B-F393-40AF-85AB-5653348BEBC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~70 fucking around with low cap ETH checking in. I see your order in the books, nice to meet a fellow rich anon. God it feels good to not be as poor as everyone else here. I will join you in this pump, been waiting for a fellow whale. I’ll Theo a little, maybe 20-30 ETH into the books, should we ride it up slow or full on? Check the Merc books, just put my order in. 0xBTC is a genuine crypto and has piqued my interest fully so.

>> No.11491802

Hey there cum baby, wanna squirt onto my 0xBitcoingina baby girl? And yeah let’s do this thing sloooowwwww like the first time ughhhhhhh. I’ll talk to some friends about getting some more ETH on this, could be anywhere from 100-1000 just depends on how drunk they are; these fuckers are crazy.

>> No.11491828

I hit 30x on TRTL and it took less than 10 days and you're bragging about a 5x and 3x?

>> No.11491839

Side note: fuck you /biz/ you fudded ETH, you fudded BTC, you also fucked yo by fudding LITERAL BITCOIN ON ETHEREUM HOW RETARDED ARE YOU GUYS?? Do I need to spell it out for you? Once this gets off of Mercatox (soon after this pump) then you all are gonna feel like retards once again. Seriously I cannot fathom the amount of idiocy that flows freely through the brains of you npc’s. You guys suck, you guys are also poor, stay that way so I can stay rich. You guys are about to be fucking floored that you didn’t buy at $0.30.

>> No.11492075


I'm poor and I own 0xbitcoins. save me from my ignorance teacher

>> No.11492092

Im down so much on this shit I put all my savings in at $2 you told me it was the next ethereum. Im ruined!

>> No.11492098

Yea they are working on getting on better exchanges but there's so much scummery afoot. Like huge listing fees. The community is always willing to donate for reasonable listings, but spotting the good exchanges in the mess of awful ones is tricky

>> No.11492114

wtf is a cum baby

>> No.11493089

Seriously, they could have started mining in the time they spent complaining

>> No.11493106

Why do you retards tie your identity to projects? You all need help

>> No.11493228

yes that is -super weird-

>> No.11493864

0xbtc time will come im just waiting holding it out but when it moons i will be shitposting on 4chan that the scums all kill themselfs hehe

>> No.11494789

you discord shills are pathetic faggots. 0xBTC is shitcoin and always will be

>> No.11494797



>> No.11494812

>>most evenly distributed ERC20
this is catagorically false. Everything that aims to be a currency created after BTC hit like $30 is permanently crippled because they were mined mercilessly by chinese and venezuelans and have nothing near "fair" distributions that anyone with any sense or money would ever accept.

>> No.11494907

Prove it

>> No.11495700


They're paid (ie Fiverr pajeets), or bagholders from some shitty discord that bought my bags after I, and all the other early miners dumped on their retarded heads. It's one of the most obvious scams around, they just can't get it through their heads that mining is about the security of the blockchain, not just token distribution. Ah well, thanks for the free money retards! Don't worry, some even more retarded normies will buy your bags next bull. Next time learn what actually gives a cryptocurrency value & you'll make better choices.

>> No.11495763

>pumps 10%
'You doubted this shitcoin all your life, look at me now, I'm sat in my mansion, surrounded by lambos and naked females, staring at a pool full of cristal!'

>> No.11495775
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>> No.11495818

Link or it didn't happen.
What'd you sell your tokens for? Which ICO did you buy into? ;)

>> No.11496784

I can’t even water is it coming from who can link I like bitcoin but ferocious Ethereum variants ugh yes cocoa eeee

>> No.11497515

Ms. Cleo is gonna be out of work

>> No.11497688

> has never gotten in on anything early
> isn't about to start now
sounds about right

>> No.11498581

don't bother anon.

What's /biz/ now?

>"guys, look at this new ICO"
>literally whos
>don't bother to research

like, you fucking idiots, use common sense. You have an ICO, a deployed token where the deployer has ALL the coins from the start. How is that decentralized, how is that fair? One whale can buy half of the supply and manipulate the market of said coin and you're fucked but
you will do better if you invest in a rope at this point honestly.

I'm done talking with anons about 0xBTC, they are a bunch of idiots, show them literally gold and they will say >what's this piece of shit it's worthless

If anyone wants to find intelligence, it's not here


>> No.11499284

There’s a reason no one successful sticks around on /biz/. Projects like 0xBTC don’t come along very often. You’re missing out on something amazing.

>> No.11499333

This coin has a pattern. That pattern is some whales pump it a little trying to get losers to buy, then dump hard and it never recovers. ATH of over $4, now $0.30, and in a week or two from now it'll be $0.20 never to see $0.30 again. Eventually it'll be basically $0.00.

I shat on this literal shittoken since the beginning and I've been laughing the whole time watching idiots like you lose money, OP. Congrats on not listening to the smart people here.

>> No.11499372

How fucking braindead are you? Imagine being you and thinking losing 60% of your value over the last month while literally every alt is pumping is "something amazing". Yes, amazingly trash.

>> No.11499403

Id like to spit in your fucking face

>> No.11499641

Nice trips anon. You’re retarded. It’s nine months old, impatient scum.
Good thing I mined well over 20,000 when it was worth $0.08 and sold most at $4.50. I made some play money from this project, still have 5,000 tokens for when it reaches $50+ in a year. You’re poor and mad, fuck off haha
Jealousy is a bitch.