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1148825 No.1148825 [Reply] [Original]

>760 verbal SAT score
>500 Math
>Graduated top 10 in my class
>always have been considered one of if not the smartest kids in all of my classes except Math
>go to top 20 uni
>can't even pass pre-cal
>all of the science classes that i used to be the top of my class in require more math in college, im shitty in them now
>tfw there is literally no subject i could possibly major in right now that isn't worthless because i suck at math

>tfw doomed to a life of surfdom because i'm good at irrelevant shit


>> No.1148833

you just aren't applying yourself

there is no such thing as "bad at x subject" you're either stupid, or lazy.

if you can learn history, you can learn math.

>> No.1148837

bribe your professors to give you passing grades. you're totally fucked if you are in the US or any country with real standards. Maybe go to school in India, China, or Romania.

>> No.1148844

Just forget science. Its shit anyway. Do history or Russian or something like a grown up.

>> No.1148845

do fuckin accounting or business administration, little to no math in either

>> No.1148865

My entire life identity is crashing down. In highschool I laughed off being bad at math because I was great at other subjects. Now i'm ashamed as i am a sophomore taking pre-cal while people my age are already taking Cal 3. I have no idea what i'm going to do with my life. I've taken a bunch of worthless political science class and a few econ classes which i really enjoyed. Considered being a lawyer or someshit but my gpa is already wrecked beyond repair for lawschool. Apparently econ is really math heavy and the intro course i took was only basic graphs and shit; so i doubt i could ever succeed even though i find it interesting. I'm so lost. How could i have become this.. just a few years ago i was busting my ass as i was so, so, so close to being valedictorian and i really wanted to give that speech. Now i'm wasting 30,000 thousand dollars a year of money i don't have to achieve nothing. I'm 19 and 60,000 dollars in debt, with no declared major. I'm considering just dropping out and becoming NEET. But my parents think i'm doing amazingly and i can't imagine the shame they will soon feel. On the otherhand i'm thinking of just spending another 60,000 dollars just to say i atleast got a degree in something worthless like history or some shit. I'm legitimately considering just telling people i followed what i loved and history is my passion or some shit when i end up jobless. I guess its better than explaining i had to drop out because i was too stupid to study anything worth while

>> No.1148976


congrats, you're the average millennial

I just turned 20 and got a job making 44k/year, still live with me mum with no bills to pay so I keep every penny

You shouldn't have gone to college

>> No.1148984

>be me
>800 math SAT
>go to top ranking engineering uni in country
>took calc 3 my first semester freshman year
>now in my second semester taking linear algebra and differential equations

ha ha you are DUMB-DUMB

>> No.1148989

How can people be bad at lower level math? It's the only genre of academia that fundamentally makes sense.

>> No.1149000

I entered college having to take basic algebra I. Yes, it was that bad. No I'm in my senior year and currently have an A- in a calc 3 course. It's going to be hard but if you put everything you have into you might succeed. I may just be an incredibly rare anomaly though.

>> No.1149001

Math education is really abysmal in the secondary level of education and it can be difficult to succeed unless you spend what would be an inordinate amount of time studying just math compared to other subjects.

>> No.1149002

That's what I thought too. Then one day I reviewed some my work for the more elementary courses I took and realized how unnessecarily difficult they were made to be.

>> No.1149031

u fucked

>> No.1149034

>senior year
>taking calc 3
it's the easiest calc course and you're competing with freshmen and sophomores to boot.

>> No.1149085

I loved people like you in college. Did well in high school but sucked ass when it counted. Not so smart with picking a 30k/year school for undergrad with no scholarships, eh? There's no hope for you. You'll end up 120k in debt with a shit degree voting for Bernie in 2020.

Or you can be an adult, buckle down, pick a major with a job at the end of it, and stop being a whiny bitch about the past. Study history like a faggot and apply to shitty law schools. That way you can end up as a paralegal for 2 years before you actually become a lawyer. You're welcome, faggot.

>> No.1149112


Unfortunately, non math skills aren't really useful other than social skills. I recommend sales assuming you have social skills.

>> No.1149158

I do 4 hours of math a day in order to get an A in Calculus ...you're fucking lazy and deserve to suck.

>> No.1149193

Law school.

>> No.1149205

I feel you dude. Don't blame yourself for growing up in a small pond, it was the only thing you knew. Now buckle down and work harder.

>> No.1149209

Teaching myself linear algebra on interest. Is it more than just vectors? Should I really bother with it?

>> No.1149212

Kek dude, linear algebra is fundamental to basically all of science and engineering

>> No.1149260

Those aren't things worth bragging about...have you won any national/international math competitions? Do you have a good internship/research position lined up? I was in the exact same boat freshman year and as good as it sounds when you tell your grandma, the feeling I have right now is a hell of a lot closer to OPs.

OP its okay even those of us with 800 math SATs taking real analysis feel fucked, provided my department averages 80k starting but that still like 30k less than some people are gonna be making.

>> No.1149278

Wasn't there a study done that showed by and large, the one thing the human brain is equal on across everyone of every IQ is the potential to learn math and how to apply it critically? I remember reading something about this. You should find a good way to teach yourself how to learn math well instead of parading your high school grades around.

>> No.1149281

I feel like I was gimped academically for growing up in a rural area and going to a rural high school.

>go to college
>suddenly realize I don't know shit while every other kid in the room learned everything already in high school through insane IB/AP programs and other bullshit

fuck all that noise, it's unfair how good of an education the richer high schools offer their students

>> No.1149284

>don't even remember my SAT score
>can't find the record
>don't feel like spending $60 to find out

>> No.1149300
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problem is that everyone is good at irrelevant shit.

we need terrorists to wipe out countries every year to just compete with the over population.

>> No.1149313

Sounds like me op. I just left all math subjects til later in my degree, got an internship and stayed with the company then never went back to finish.

It will bite me in the ass later but meh