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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11488129 No.11488129 [Reply] [Original]

Don't worry /biz/ I got you covered on coinbase leaks. If anything hits I'll know about it and if it's another momentary tax calculator leak I have it running in tandem with another script to start recording the screen, launch, and go to it for video proof.

>> No.11488155

Based and Redpilled

>> No.11488169
File: 74 KB, 638x676, 1537676239740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11488211

I only need to work in some type of notification just in case I'm busy wage cucking but I figure email to sms will be good enough for it

>> No.11488244

Based af but don't share this with the fags on reddit

>> No.11488268

pretty cool bro

>> No.11488288

not posting source for all the /biz/ bros not based

>> No.11488362

Ifttt they is ur fren should be faster. If ur up to it setup ur own mqtt broker and simple client app for notification each uSec means $$$

>> No.11488369

I was actually thinking the other day of something like this. thank you based anon

>> No.11488388



>> No.11488405

yeah let me hand out my personal scripts for every cunt on here to use and spam coinbase servers with so they make sure it doesn't leak any of the normal ways. even then I bet most people on here couldn't even get python installed properly let alone the dependencies. Checking every 10 seconds is probably overkill but if they do pull another Bill O'Riley fuck it let's do it live scenario I highly doubt it's going to be up for hours again before being removed like last time but 1 person doing it every 10 seconds is way less noticeable vs a horde of autists

>> No.11488430

Why not just make a telegram channel and shill the results there?

>> No.11488448

sending an email to sms with 5551234567@vtext.com for verzion as an example was easy and it's already done

fight me

>> No.11488485

Really not difficult writing a script like this. Literally calling an API and then writing an if statement that will print whether or not any info was retrieved.

>> No.11488507

was considering a twitter account or something people can follow since /biz/ is a fucking mess and it's easy to miss things. I'm looking into it but if I do just post here it's not like it won't get spammed and reposted by every pajeet possible

>> No.11488540

SMS is unreliable and might delay.

Anyway for d brainlets here hi can't code u can use nodered, mosquitto and free vps tier in aws or Google install everything it's a drag and drop programming. Install Mqtt client in ur phone thats it u get notified faster than OP

>> No.11488551


You should make a special discord. Any Pajeets can be verified through talking channels.

>> No.11488595
File: 32 KB, 546x426, 1530218359205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah the

>watch -n 10 curl https://api.pro.coinbase.com/products | grep ADA

Is really big brained rocket science code

>> No.11488606

even if there is a delay the notification is only for me if I'm at work. I wouldn't be able to post the video capture file or json response from the api until I'm home but I can at least grab some bags while I'm wage cucking.

>> No.11488615


>> No.11488649

Am I saying this shit is difficult to do? api checks are ez and so is scraping sites for keywords I just don't want every fucking retard possible that wouldn't even know where to begin with this copy & pasting my shit spamming cb servers.

>> No.11488901

>even then I bet most people on here couldn't even get python installed properly let alone the dependencies

> even then I bet most people on here couldn't even get python installed properly let alone the dependencies

>> No.11489207

thanks for your work

>> No.11489245
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>he thinks his python script is extra special
>even then I bet most people on here couldn't even get python installed properly let alone the dependencies
holy fuck the absolute state of zoomers. programmers will make zero fucking money in 2025 when everyone realizes it's pretty fucking easy.

Also if you need a script to predict cb listings you're doing it wrong. This thread is cancer.

>> No.11489610

I wouldn't put it past some of them to actually google for 10 minutes on how to get it running. Like I said the less looking the better chance of it happening again even if it is for only a few minutes this time

>Also if you need a script to predict cb listings you're doing it wrong. This thread is cancer.
waiting for potential leaks ≠ predictions but yeah you could just follow charts and play spot the sell walls getting fucked with random pumps (pssst it's bat) but having an early alert on a leak so you can double down without a doubt is doing it wrong? You must have stage 4, I'm sorry anon you aren't going to make it.

>> No.11489993


Shut up faggot. I just built this with python and beautiful soup in like 10 seconds. You're not special.

>> No.11490370

>pssst it's bat
zoomer is mad I shit talked his basic python script and inability to buy zrx at ico, bat literally 370 days ago, ada, dash, etc every other shitcoin that cb will add. Except xrp they're not adding xrp sorry. If you're hoping to "double down" you're already way too late. People, including myself, loaded their bags at half this price a long fucking time ago knowing that cb was inevitable.

>> No.11490379


>> No.11490585

I hope BAT goes down more so I can get more