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File: 182 KB, 736x480, zcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11484970 No.11484970 [Reply] [Original]

Monero is nice, but I am going to stick with the best privacy coin.

>> No.11484978

ahem, is that israel in the background

>> No.11485490

Zcash Zcash Zcash

anyone not in this for the upgrade that makes it 90% cheaper for fully shielded tx's is absolutely braindead

>> No.11485518

Sapling will make BTC, LTC, XMR and BCH obsolete, no wonder the banksters are funding this coin

>> No.11485559

Oh did I also forget to mention it's probably next to be added to Coinbase? It's already trading on Gemini, so CB needs to catch up.

>> No.11485693
File: 8 KB, 300x168, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The massive inflation will always make this one of the worst investments.

> Only coin in the top 200 that is down from its value in 2016.

> Worth $250 a year ago

> Less than 1/4 of the supply is mined so guaranteed massive inflation and marginal gains or losses

> Despite the fact that it's on Gemini, has a Zcash Investment Trust you can buy, it still continues to lose value.

> Centralized Trust Privacy

> Thus, not used in any DarkNetMarkets

That said this will probably pump like it did with the Coinbase news in May going from $240 to $360 but did a massive dump right afterward and now all the way to $120 because it has massive inflation, a trusted setup and nobody uses or wants this shit.

So if you want to roll your dice with the pump and dump be sure to time it right.

>> No.11485764


>> No.11485772

I’m ready

>> No.11485787


Zcash is a Bitcoin fork

21 Million Zcash will ever exist.

Even if a 1/4 is mined the amount will not suddenly skyrocket because the more ZEC that is mined the harder the mining Algorithm is.

>being this lazy of a Fudder

Coinbase + Sapling = comfy

>> No.11485799

Is this still the only NY state approved privacy coin?

>> No.11485822

4% in z wallets. Easy to knapsack and/or time attack. Pirate, Veruscoin, KMD- all use zk-snarks but all are a better choice

>> No.11485839

Please dont get biz on Verus..pls.

>> No.11485846
File: 16 KB, 422x350, cloak_splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not cloak.

>> No.11485847


All these incel nerds can keep their Anarcho chuck e cheese coins like Monero to keep buying their trap porn.

For people trying to make money, then ZEC is the way forward. Follow the money boys. NY State already gave the green light to Gemini to offer it. What do you think Coinbase is going to do? They only want assets that are regulated.

Incels follow the traps and that means currencies that will never be adopted because of their disgustingly fringe lifestyles.

>> No.11485900

it will pump to $140 EOD

>> No.11485961

Nobody uses Zcash. There isn't enough dumb money in crypto right now to pump such a useless coin right now. Optional privacy is shit. Trusted setups are shit. Zcash is shit.

>> No.11485975
File: 10 KB, 358x500, 86F4BAA0-2EE7-4A3F-8B73-FA083213A20A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11485998

Nobody cares about this company and it's project. Nobody wants to pretend said shitcoin can protect privacy (only if you opt in and become the small percentage of the private transactions and make yourself a target) Only the derpiest of derps care about your bags full of trashcoin. Fuck you very much. Have a nice life

>> No.11486019
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today I will remind them

>> No.11486038


Looks better when it will actually be finished

>> No.11486114
File: 64 KB, 1200x600, Inflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 21 Million Zcash will ever exist.

You are correct but you don't seem to understand inflation dumbass.

> ZCASH has 15 X times the daily inflation of Bitcoin

> ZCASH has ~9 X times the daily inflation of Monero

If you are seeking returns, it's highly unlikely ZCASH is going to outperform Bitcoin or Monero

If you are seeking a true privacy coin that actually has acceptance, then there is Monero again.

If you're a dumbass hoping to time a pump right and dump before the market does, ZCASH is your choice.

>> No.11486152

1 ZEC = 7 BTC

>> No.11486281

When the FUD is nonstop you know it's a buy signal. Thanks for the upcoming future gains anons

>> No.11486286

>Coming to coinbase at some point
>Will be the only privacy coin offered there
>NY state approved...only privacy coin that is regulation friendly

All that said, I'm using this to get more BTC.

>> No.11486347


>hurrr hurrr muh inflation
> hurrr muh tokenomics
> huur muh superior undetectable fog implemented ghost chain obscure coin to by trap porn

just shut the fuck up and buy ZEC to make money it's as simple as it gets lmfao.

>> No.11486356
File: 9 KB, 344x146, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, Komodo is a great privacy coin

>> No.11486423

Don't worry. They wouldn't listen even if I explained nothing at stake with sock puppets, a stack of poker chips and a short presentation narrated by Morgan Freeman

>> No.11486440

Get David Attenborough and I'm in...

>> No.11486468

The sock puppets will likely be caricatures of Jews, so maybe a German accent would be best?

>> No.11486470

What massive inflation? This is a 21 mil supply with a similar emission rate to Bitcoin. It's just newer so is that what you mean, there are still more to be mined? Laziest reason I've read to not support this coin. Why not go for the easy ones like there is a backdoor, it's not truly private, the founders get 10 pct of the entire supply, etc?

>> No.11486479

enjoy your rock

>> No.11486492
File: 146 KB, 1121x543, 1526874265526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>privacy coin
Nice bait, OP... nice one.

>> No.11486498

All this means is that it's a newer chain. No shit it will have more inflation. You could mine 50 bitcoin in one hour in 2009, too. Who cares longterm? Not shilling this coin and I hope it dies for various reason, but am I missing something about inflation?

>> No.11486616

Don't mind the KMD, XMR, CLOAK shills. They're intensely jealous that their shitcoins are never going on Coinbase. We all know what happens with CB listings, right?

Get your ZECs while still under $200.

>> No.11487038

zcash - kommodo - safecoin @ safe.trade

>> No.11487549

>We all know what happens with CB listings, right?
A massive shit dump after a minor pump. So good luck with you DEAD ON LISTING coin.

>> No.11488307

>he doesn't know what happened with BCH
>he doesn't know what happened with ETC
>he doesn't know what literallju and unironically just haappened with 0x last week

Since I need to spoon feed you: Understand that a listing on Coinbase signals not only a new asset available for trade, but the legitimacy of it in the eyes of regulators, institutions and retail investors.

Coinbase listings actually do make a huge impact. But then again what would you know about that since you're buying no-name shitcoins looking for a random pump.

>> No.11488404


>> No.11488436

Kek OK seeya when it dumps and scares away the jews from buying.

>> No.11488443

Being traded exclusively as a speculative asset doesn't make for a good future for a commodity. Actually having use and acceptance on the other hand brings stability and security to the field. Guess which privacy coins actually get used?

*Hint* Not ones with baked in backdoors or privacy disabled by default.

>> No.11488481

Lol you sell the coinbase pump. You trade shitcoins to acquire king shitcoin.

>> No.11488824

Wow you are a retarded incel aren't you?
Who cares about a ***future*** commodity?
We are talking about reaping the benefits of ZEC's inbound listing on Coinbase.

God you desensitized incel nerds are beyond dense.

Stay poor fapping to 2d, ZEC chads gonna make it

>> No.11488939

>OP about what is BEST privacy coin
>Comment about legitimacy of long term trade for regulators
>Talks about immediately dumping and making a commodity look like a sinking ship
Yup... That's how you make trash look legitimate

>> No.11488977
File: 100 KB, 991x672, 7ABCA5C6-019C-4C89-9C6E-8850B8720C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZEC Chads only

>> No.11489006

welcome to crypto little guy

ZEC chads only.

((((((you)))))) are never going to make it

>> No.11489026

>Ponzi schemes are the only way to make it
Kek. If by "make it" you mean stay successful exclusively via LARP on a pajeet forum, you right

>> No.11489537
File: 148 KB, 600x600, 1532924458958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dev fee
>optional privacy

>> No.11489555
