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11484950 No.11484950 [Reply] [Original]

When applying for jobs, after race, sex and veteran status questions, I am asked if I have or have had a disability. If I genuinely have should I still say no? Will checking yes hurt or help my chances at being hired?

>> No.11484969

i would say no

>> No.11484984

its for software engineering though, not some physical job. Whats the point of them asking? Is it similar to how they go out of their way to hire women and PoC?

>> No.11484997

if you're autistic go for it

>> No.11485056

the disabled are a protected class in the united states, you can't be discriminated against

>> No.11485139

Just because they're protected doesn't mean they don't get discriminated against. It just means they can't legally SAY that's the reason they weren't hired. This is why most employers don't give any reason at all for passing on someone.

>> No.11485374

so theyre not required to hire a certain amount of disabled people? why do they ask then? it says theyre forced to.

>> No.11485415

Wut? Where does anything say they are forced to hire a quota of disabled people?

They have it on the job applications because if they do hire a disabled person they need to make 'reasonable accommodations.' Wheelchair ramps, disabled parking spots, that kind of stuff

>> No.11485427

No they're not required to hire any cripple, tranny, or negros if they don't want to
There's no such thing as federally mandated hiring quotas in the real world

They're required to interviewing a certain amount of cripple, tranny, or negroes that qualify, and that's why they ask
But there's nothing that says they have to hire you

>> No.11485438

Working requires a healthy mind and a healthy mind requires a healthy body. Fat people like yourself should kill themselves.

>> No.11485514
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>> No.11485539

>They're required to interviewing a certain amount of cripple
so it will help? getting an interview is a huge advantage as opposed to not getting an interview.

>> No.11485703

> "We must reach out to, hire, and provide equal opportunity to qualified people with disabilities.*"
> *We don't actually have to hire you if we don't wanna though, as long as we say it's for something unrelated to your disability

I mean it gets your foot in the door if they haven't been interviewing any other disabled people, but again even in that situation, legally they don't have to do anything more than interview you.

>> No.11486396

>I am asked if I have or have had a disability. If I genuinely have should I still say no?
You were not disabled just because you sucked Jamals dick in high school.

>> No.11486415

you want to be a nigger tranny veteran with autism
otherwise you'll be a neet forever in 2018 and the future