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11478287 No.11478287 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s face it if you’re here you’re most likely a bag holder and waiting to make it

A few years ago I used to be really active on instagram, like every other normie. I posted as much cool stuff as I could in my “discipline” (could be any lifting, art, archery, etc) It was cool enough for the city I lived in, but then I moved to a bigger city and I felt like I was struggling to compete. Then I started looking at the explore page and realized that on a global stage I don’t stand out in any sort of way that I’d like. I realized the only way I could would be by being rich as fuck. So I stopped all activity on Instagram. I’ve saved so many posts of qt 3.14 gfs, beautiful beaches, countries I’d like to visit, and friends I’d like to reconnect with after I make it. I get lost in this dream often, thinking that one day I will really make it, be free, and return to the global stage and really feel the social confidence of being financially free and able to go do just about anything I want anytime.

But in the meantime we are wagekeking. I tell myself I’ll hold on as long as it takes, but will years pass with me looking back and saying “I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time daydreaming?”

>> No.11478340

Literally roastie tier. "I wish I was as cool as these other stacies on instagram!"

>> No.11478391

Nah man you don’t get it. I can tell from your post the path of thought you took and you have never felt what it’s like to be a chad. I felt that for a while in my small city.

Real Chads are on Instagram for the most part. They have cultivated a following. Your page is your frame. If it’s strong enough you can meet a lot of cool people and make great memories with them. Social capital is important and unlocks doors to many things in life you would never get otherwise. If you think anything else you’ll hate your life no matter how much money you have.

>> No.11478854

Just always set a timeline of when you expect events to happen. Never just idly think "one day", no, look at things realistically and think in timeframes.

I honestly believe crypto can take until 2020 to moon again, if it even does. Literally anything could happen, so I'm not getting too caught up in my entire life resting on that again. I'm learning proper risk management and how to trade, and I've been doing well so far after getting serious from taking massive losses earlier in the year.

At my current job, the guys like me, I've been contracting for them for over a year now, and I'm getting recommendations from my manager for any new positions that open up.

I'll be happy if I get that, because that'll at least be a 60k salary, and enough for me to finally move out of this studio apartment and start meaningfully improvign my day-to-day life instead of living paycheck to paycheck. So there are two things: 1.) Improving myself by slowly increasing my stack of crypto which may one day moon again, 2.) Continuing to work good at my job so that at least I'll be in a better position than I am now.

You just need to breathe anon, and realize the only thing you CAN do is keep moving forwards, and working slowly towards your goal. Always have in the back of your mind that life is ultimately out of your hands. You could die tomorrow, or you could come across an opportunity of incredible fortune. Continue to dream of what you want if it keeps you going, and think about how at least you're not a starving african child.

There will always, ALWAYS, be people in a worse situation and a better situation than you. Live knowing this, and it becomes easier to accept your current life.