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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11476715 No.11476715 [Reply] [Original]

>sorry sir, your purchase for one Happy Meal has been blocked. Apparently your Bitcoin address has been blacklisted for donating to online far-right and neo-Nazi groups

How do you deal with the inevitable techno nannystate crackdown in crypto? All your addresses and transactions are public

>> No.11476781

stop being a neo nazi faggot and dont worry about it

>> No.11476788

your ID checks out Mr. Shekelstein.

>> No.11476791


>> No.11476795

Why would you donate to Neo nazi groups?

>> No.11476796

You don't
we're fucked

>> No.11476800


Im eastern orthodox actually fake ideologue gangster. we killed the nazis realy well

>> No.11476808

OP deserves to be ostracized from society

>> No.11476810

>Sorry, you donated to a campaign we don’t support
>Sorry sir, you’ve been flagged as owing money to the IRS. No sale. Pay them back instead!
>Or your credit card company
>Or anyone
You’re like that guy who hands his computer over to the fed because “I only go on facebook.” You’re interesting, even if you think you’re not.

>> No.11476822

Hers a theoretical scenario
You donate money to your local GOP for state election, ten years from now the Dems are back in power with a vengeance they declare certain factions within the GOP as nazis, oops you donated to nazis

>> No.11476826


then do something about IT FAGGOT!Q!!!!!

>> No.11476843

This isn't being done with credit cards or bank account numbers, so why the fuck would this happen with crypto? Brainlets gonna brainlet

>> No.11476848

Wouldnt happen because I would be using monero to donate

>> No.11476853

use XMR where the government cant crackdown
>inb4 they'll just ban it lol XD
yeah just like guns, booze, and drugs.

>> No.11476854
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>> No.11476878

Banks can do that shit anyways.
But there are lot's of privacy options for crypto.

Anyways, if you're advocating for the right to discriminate against others, then don't be a faggot when you get discriminated against.

You're just getting a taste of your own medicine. #deportconservatives

>> No.11476890

Why would an adult be buying one happy meal

>> No.11476899
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>he says he is serious about bitcoin
>he reuses the same address

>> No.11476901

Generate a new wallet.

>> No.11476912

sounds like being gay and republicans gotta get back at you using jaheeeezus

>> No.11476932

this. only took 18 repplies to find the first non brainlet answer. i guess december/january buyers are still here in full force

>> No.11476938

>He doesn't know how to create a new seed and address

>> No.11477013

Block chain is public, so those addresses are still linked to the other ones

>> No.11477108
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At your service

>> No.11477197

monero is for the realstic people :)

money the world deserve

>> No.11477208

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.11477272

Never heard of chain analysis eh? Also most of the mixers are probably honey pots.

>> No.11477354
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>sorry sir, your purchase for X has been blocked, you're blacklisted for being a retarded lefty

>> No.11477366

there are literally people that will call you a nazi if you voted for trump

>> No.11477378

that's because you literally are a nazi you fucking rethuglican

>> No.11477382

If you eat junk food, you're not a true follower of Hitler

>> No.11477396
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does my poo look healthy?

>> No.11477400

>old woodland camo
>BDU cap
>a large notification stating they accept credit card instead of everyone just assuming they do

How old is this picture?

t. army vet fag

>> No.11477419

they can't stop tumbling services and since there's a profit margin in it for the service provider, there'll always be such services available.

ie: your primary address you've donated to KKK or Nazis or w/e. You need money for burger king, you send $500 worth of BTC to the tumbling service, they take their cut, send like $490 to your new wallet address. No one knows your initial $500 and new wallet with $490 are at all linked together because there are hundreds of thousands of transactions being moved through the service every single minute.

>> No.11477444

Fuck off /leftypol/. How's the whole "turn the non-pol boards into Leftists" op going?

>> No.11477473

Because bank transactions etc aren't public nigga

>> No.11477476
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No, not at all, get more fiber and stop eating greasy shit anon

>> No.11477551

First they came for the NEO-nazi's
And I did not speak out cuz i hated NEO-nazi's
Then they came for the traps
And I did not speak out cuz I was not into traps
Then they came for me
And there was no one left to speak out cuz /biz/ was filled with traps and NEO-nazi's.

>> No.11477560


>> No.11477572
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>> No.11477581
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>> No.11477884
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>> No.11477916


that's like my poo errday famm

>> No.11477969

>trusting a tumbling service
do you even decentralize

>> No.11478565

>fuck off reality
Literal retard

>> No.11478576
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