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11476650 No.11476650 [Reply] [Original]

why bother trying to become rich when nothing can fully restore what is lost by circumcision?

without a normal dick, I will never be complete or satisfied with life, not even as a successful multi-millionaire.

>> No.11476658

There are methods you can use to restore your foreskin you know.

>> No.11477246

Inb4 circumcised copers

sorry to hear that OP. Cant fathom what kind of freudian tier mental anguish must be caused by knowing your parents paid some old jew to slice your dick with a scalpel as newborn infant. There ARE some emerging foreskin restoration techniques though, look into it. Or maybe use your gains to fund said research

>> No.11477263

You had been jewd lol at americans.

>> No.11477269


Let go of it and move on.

If you cant, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11477275

Bro stem cell foreskin restoration is on the horizon

>> No.11477277

someone redpill on me why circumsision is bad

>> No.11478210

The majority of nerve cells are removed, which changes sensation and increases the likelyhood of sexual disfunction.

>> No.11478226

Dude trust be it's better than have dick cheese all the time

>> No.11478535

Watch Clopper the man raped of his foreskin
On YouTube circimucison an American love story or some shit is the title

>> No.11478560

Kek you don't get dick cheese bro.
It's called showering and dick cheese is dry spoof, you clean your dick after you fuck right?

>circumcision cope
>tfw your benis was mutilated as a child

>> No.11478578

Nice FUD nigger faggot.

Uncircumcised dicks are disgusting. I'm cut and sex feels great - granted, never felt uncut sex, but it's good enough for me. Can't miss what you've never had. Enjoy your disgusting looking dick that no hot bitch will ever touch.

>> No.11478593

My mom tried taking me to get circumsized not sure what age I was but I can remember being like fuck that. Absolutely refused and have had my foreskin intact ever since. I was literally like 3-4 years old but it is one of the few memories I have from that age. Love the sensitive pleasure of getting my dick sucked / etc

>> No.11478597


>what is showering

>> No.11478602

Cope. Chicks dig my Snuffleupagus

>> No.11478608

t. Small dicked faggot

Foreskin doesn't show when you're hard if you don't have a mini cock

Nice cope

>> No.11478609

You can't produce new nerve endings. Your new foreskin would be just as dead as your mangled dick and the head will still be dry, crusty, and dead. Circumcision should be a crime.

>> No.11478617

I don't think you would be this angry if you were really happy with your mutilated penis.

>> No.11478632

Ruined my life. I fucking hate my parents for forcing this shit on me.

>> No.11478647

>t.coping schlomo

>> No.11478689
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Male circumcision good
Female circumcision bad

>> No.11478715

Well it's better than having tiny dick there is nothing that can fix that.

>> No.11478740

I’ll tel you what will fuck you up way worse than circumcision - getting a vasectomy. Had one a year ago and it was the worst decision of my life!!!

>> No.11478978
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guess there's only one thing left to do

>> No.11479026

I would've retained my foreskin if it weren't for the stupid surgeons forcing it on me while fixing my testicular torsion problem.

>> No.11479036

I suspect the doctor cut a little more than your foreskin, anon, because I'm circumcised and I have mind blowing sex quite often. The only reason I'm not satisfied is because I'm a degenerate. Check your dick and make sure you still have the head, and if you do, then all you need to do is get rid of your mental block. Cheers!

>> No.11479062

Lelelele man, I'm cut and have been since a baby. I was worried about it until I was 17 and a girl told me she liked it. News spread I was cut and I've been floating in pussy since.

The lack of neve endings is great cause every girl I fuck I make them cum several times before I'm even close.

You know that feeling that you fucked up when you can't make her cum? Well they get that feeling towards you and this has resulted in marathon sex sessions all in an attempt to make me cum.

You uncut pansies have fun with that. I've fucked so many women in relationships with uncut men and they keep coming back.

Swimmmmming in pussy and I'm broke as fuck. Go figure that.

>> No.11479081

This fine chad knows what he's talking about, because I've had a similar experience.

>> No.11479091

i try touching my uncircumcised dick with the skin pulled back and cant its so sensitive
feels good. must suck to be cucked by the kikes

>> No.11479100


Just ignore everything you've been told about circumcision being a "normal religious practise" (the Old Testament writes about it as a form of ultimate humiliation and triumph over one's enemies, btw)...

It destroys a major part of the penis. It's not ONLY lots of highly sensitive nerves that are lost forever, reducing the ability of the man to experience pleasure, but it takes away the FUNCTION of the foreskin which is to both protect the glans of the penis from the environment and to play a role in the 'sliding' motion of a penis going into and out of the vagina. So circumcised males are less able to enjoy and less able to have proper PIV sex.

It's literally mutilation of the most sensitive part of the human body, but because people have done it in the past, apparently that makes it alright to do now (NPC's repeat learned behaviours without questioning them, it's a script efficiency thing).

Most circumcised males aren't necessarily aware of these things and most react with defensiveness or simply obliviousness, insisting that they haven't been harmed, they have health sex lives, etc... but by any objective, outside perspective - there's clearly a loss of sensitivity, a loss of function, and all sorts of complications and dangers in the procedure itself.

>> No.11479180

I don't think I'd circumcise my kid, if I have one, but talk a lot of exaggerated bullshit. There's plenty of guys who have had ciscusicions when they were adults, and some like it better, some don't see a difference and some don't like it. One positive thing about circumcision is that it reduces your chances to get STDs, including AIDS.



>> No.11479280


>some like it better

What percentage is that? Oh right...

>One positive thing about circumcision is that it reduces your chances to get STDs, including AIDS.

If you want to sacrifice your penile sensitivity so you can be a manwhore, go ahead, but those things aren't a huge concern for me.

I notice you don't suggest cutting the labia of women to reduce STD's or AIDS.

>> No.11479301

Actually it does not
That's a complete myth perpetuated by false reports done by the AAP
You could also believe that circumcision increases the chance of getting STDs and you'd have equally verifiable research behind it
Which is to say, practically none

>> No.11479353

>being so beta you care about pleasing girls instead of pleasing yourself
you are incredibly delusional. also stop with the redditspacing please.

>> No.11479480

>protect the glans
That's why we wear pants, idiot.

>> No.11479672

you realize pants don't do anything to protect your glans, right?

>> No.11479705
File: 407 KB, 960x540, 87FFCBF8-C60B-4EB2-A24E-F79AC93B3551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can’t cum

>> No.11479825

>muh STIs
Imagine being so s.oy-addled that you mutilate your son's penis because you expect him to grow up to be a coalburning faggot slut.
Because those are the people who get HIV in first world countries - fags, in particular black fags. And even then, just using a condom nearly completely obliterates the risks and puts the difference made by circumcision down in the noise.
That is what people are telling you when they talk about circumcision and HIV prevention - that you should expect your child to be a cumguzzling BBC rider who is so low IQ and impulsive that he can't even figure out how to use condoms.