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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11474777 No.11474777 [Reply] [Original]

>spend tens of thousands courting her
>spend thousands on an engagement ring that will depreciate by over 90%
>spend the price of a new Tesla for a one day ceremony
>pop out a few kids each one costing the price of a house to raise for 18 years
>risk having her cheat and/or divorce which costs you 50% of your net worth


>> No.11474789


>> No.11474791

because what is the point of life if you don't at least try for happiness?

>inb4 Dan Boomzerian posting that guy is a fucking loser.

>> No.11474795


Anyone got redpilled engagement ring advice?

Diamonds are a meme but gold isn't, so what about a gold ring but a stone which is non-diamond, like sapphire, ruby, opal etc?

>> No.11474799
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>> No.11474811

Buy cheap shit and if she leaves you know she wasn't worth it anyways

>> No.11474826

obviously if we could we would just get something fucking basic but it's not for us, it's for the woman.
if she is ok without a diamond then ok, that's good. but if she isn't (like my wife) then I recommend you check out synthetic diamonds which look just as good but are much cheaper. also don't worry about color. if you set the diamond in gold then it won't fucking matter what the color rating is.
I got a 1.5 carat solitaire for ~$6,000.

>> No.11474827

just no stone at all, looks much better too imo

if the bitch doesnt understand and persists on a stone shes the wrong one anyway

>> No.11474840


Why even go through all that trouble? 99/100 women will leave you if you aren’t supporting the lifestyle they see on Instagram and the Kardashians

>> No.11474855
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>don't spend thousands of dollars on bullshit wedding related ventures
>buy her a simple ring because you and her know the price isn't what matters
>have an inexpensive wedding and only invite a small number of people
>dont pop out any kids if you can't or arent willing to pay the expenses required
>have mutual trust and realize if she cheats it's your fault for not fully pleasing her

why don't people do this?

>> No.11474877


Might as well expect to win the lottery if you’re looking for a frugal woman

>> No.11474897

Normie beta males anon. Kids are alright however.

>> No.11474898

>paying money to act out social algorithms that are specifically designed to defraud you from the fruits of your labor because you fell for bait that sounds like happiness

>> No.11474900

To make someone inherit what you worked hard for after you die

>> No.11474914

I bet you think traveling is also a Jewish scam.

>> No.11474915

>>spend the price of a new Tesla for a one day ceremony
See that's why my friends were smart. Go on vacation abroad and get married there, then have a nice party a few months later

>> No.11474957

No, I travel a fair amount and frugally so.

>> No.11474976

My GF of 5 years unironically makes me happier than my possessions. Giving her a nice ring that can be passed down to my children really isn't something I lose sleep over. Not everything in the world has to be materialistic or weighed against its monetary cost.

>> No.11475046


in the end we all lose
but at the same time it's our best to improve
ourselves and everything and everyone else
be a good role model for people to look up to
everything matters for the over-information layer
nihilism btfo
1 won't tolerate degeneracy
female and male roasties won't understand

>> No.11475047


>happyess is a gf
>my gf makes me happy

Wow you are completely reliant on another human being to feel happyness. What will you do when she cheats on you or leaves you? Kill yourself? Probably.

You need to be 100% self sufficient and not rely on others for anything including happyness you fucking retard. You are never gonna make it if you can't be happy unless you are in a relationship with a loving gf. Once you find happyness alone and with nothing, you are an unstoppable god.

>> No.11475057

This. It's sentimental value, just get something that looks good and focus on having a great relationship.

>> No.11475089

Having personal rituals isn't the problem.

>> No.11475100

All women cheat. It's insanity to get married.

>> No.11475101
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I suspected that /biz/ was full of wh*te cucks and this confirms it.

>> No.11475119

If that happens I will be sad and move on. Key word is "HAPPIER" not happy you dumbass.

>> No.11475130


Yeah I agree man I've only been in a relationship a few months out of my entire life so being alone is a normal thing for me, and then I know people who have gone 99% of their adult life being in a relationship and they're utterly dependent on others for happiness and feelings of self worth. Problem is when they (women mostly) grow older and become less physically appealing then they feel like shit when nobody wants to fuck them anymore.

>> No.11475136

Virgin cope thread

>> No.11475152
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>Getting married at all

If you get hitched you are one dumb motherfucker and I won't feel bad when she divorces you

>> No.11475168

All women cheat. I'd rather be a virgin than get cheated on.

>> No.11475175

Didn't know biz was full of cucky woman pleasers.

>> No.11475202
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That's a long-winded way of saying that you're too poor to afford any of those things.

>> No.11475246


Most normies are poor and they do it anyway. Most have <50k liquid and they will spend 50k to get a wife.

>> No.11475266


Weddings are the worst investment you can make. Statistically, the more money you spend on the wedding, the more likely your marriage will fail. The most common argument in married couples, by far, is about money so if you love your wife, make sure she will never be stressed out about how to pay off your wedding debt, which is a thing.

>Happily married to a perfect Russian qt and we spend less than half of our after-tax income. Our wedding was $120.

>> No.11475331

>spend tens of thousands courting her
You realistically shouldn’t have to spend a dime doing this
>spend thousands on an engagement ring that will depreciate by over 90%
Aside from the fact this is wrong from a valuation standpoint, It’s a gift. Gift depreciation is always 100%.
>spend the price of a new Tesla for a one day ceremony
Totally unnecessary
>pop out a few kids each one costing the price of a house to raise for 18 years
Only if you spoil them, or are comparing them to a really shitty house
>risk having her cheat and/or divorce which costs you 50% of your net worth
If you can prove unfaithfulness, you owe her nothing. Better yet, marry a quality girl rather than the first girl who is nice to you, and it won’t come down to that.

>> No.11475357


>If you can prove unfaithfulness, you owe her nothing

Anon, I...

>> No.11475388

How long have you two been married?

>> No.11475397

Depending on where you live of course.

>> No.11475511

He wants to settle down actually

>> No.11475533

Life on my own feels totally pointless and empty. So what’s the point of my money then

Not that I’m marrying some vain whore who doesn’t want to do her part or wants a ridiculous wedding but I’m fine with “losing” money to a point

>> No.11475702

Skip the roastie and hire a surrogate to bear you children. With the money you'll save by not entering a lopsided financial contract with a parasitical female you can invest way more into your offspring and still have enough to regularly fuck prostitutes who look way better than your wife would. Marriage is totally suboptimal for a man unless she is wealthier than you.

>> No.11475712


>> No.11475744


>> No.11475758
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>he didn't find a frugal, high earning Asian wife on the Mr. Money Mustache singles forum
>he isn't DINK making 250k+ per year household in a low COL area
>he didn't retire before 40 years old
Sometimes I wonder with you guys. Just keep investing in your shiny coins and calling women roasties I'm sure it will work out.

>> No.11475794

>You are never gonna make it if you can't be happy unless you are in a relationship with a loving gf.

Looks like you're unable to be happy no matter what. Too bad, sucker.

>> No.11475812


Only 2 years but it's awesome so far. Love going out in public and watching roasties seethe with envy, seeing how easily they are replaced and how far they've priced themselves out of the market. When it comes to love, outsourcing is based and redpilled.

>> No.11475827


Oh yes do that and have a fucked up kid. Thats a great plan goy.

>> No.11475875

>implying a woman/the state can raise your kids better than you can
ever wonder why so many sons of incredibly successful men turn out to be complete fuckups?

>> No.11475902

Marriage has one purpose - to raise children, and then create a support system for the entire family - the kids get older, they help raise food and clean and bring in wealth to the family.

Now, marriage is all about women's narcissism. It's HER day. She gets a ring, she gets to keep her dress, she gets to make all the decisions about the party. He gets to show up, and his tux is rented.

Wake the fuck up already. It's Princess culture, that even the feminists can't shake off. Every woman in western culture is told from the moment she can speak that she gets HER special day, damn the cost or headaches or how the husband feels. IT'S HERS.

And god help you if you don't make it perfect for you.

Buddy of mine got divorced this year, married 14 years. He worked his ass off for her, starting with her personal fantasy "destination" wedding with all the perks, then the perfect house, spending more decorating it than the house cost, two demanded upgrade houses, vacations, clothes, anything that wandered through her brain he indulged, and he was fortunate that he made a ton of money.

When they started the ransom negotiations...er..."divorce proceedings", he said she was bringing up shit about their reception, she still held a grudge over, because it wasn't "perfect".

By the way...she's a 6, on a good day. And she cheated on him. With a 3.

Never get married. Western women will break you - and they're taught how, from an early age. Their job, and they take it very seriously, is to break and dominate you, to fulfill their every wish, demand and fantasy. You? You get to pay for it. She might let you have a taste, if you behave.

That's why I don't feel bad about fucking married women. She's gonna destroy him eventually, you're helping him escape sooner.

>> No.11475915

Rings period are a modern invention by the DeBeers corporation. You could give her a hat pin, and it would have the same meaning.

Just buy her something that you don't care if she loses or drops into the garbage disposal. It's a fucking symbol, and if she needs a ring that costs as much as a good used car, she's not in this for love, she's in this for bragging rights and gathering possessions.

>> No.11475937

Passed down? Dude, pawn shops and jewelry stores are glutted with rings "passed down". Your kids will want the cash value, not the ring. Wake the fuck up already.

>> No.11475943

What game is this from

>> No.11475954


Damn sounds pretty red pilled with the frugal Asian wife DINK thing. Might have to look in to this, thanks

>> No.11475989

>>he didn't find a frugal, high earning Asian wife on the Mr. Money Mustache singles forum

Who's going to rape you dry, the nanosecond you don't work out on her mental spreadsheet. One fuck up, and she will have your balls, and your house.

If she even exists, I smell serious unicorn here.

>> No.11476131

>social algorithms
top kek is that a newspeak for muh social construct?
just don't have kids goy

>> No.11476499

my wife's engagement ring increased in value by approximately 30 %

>> No.11476641

Value? What, you're gonna sell it?
Get real. The only valuation for an engagement ring is for insurance purposes - and the more value it accrues, the more money you waste insuring it.

Anyone who brags about their wife's engagement ring going up in value is rationalizing the wasted money he spent on it, locked up in an asset that won't be sold until both of you are dead, when your kids just want the cash value.

Me, if I were ever dumb enough to get married, I'd pay as little as possible on a ring, and say, no, we're not throwing a 50K party, but I'll put that money into a house.

But I'm not falling for the marriage joke, so it's a moot point anyway.

But you keep thinking that ring is any sort of investment for you. For your kids, sure, and they'll blow it on useless shit when you're gone. Or she'll pawn it when she dumps your ass, and buy her black boyfriend something. Engagement rings are the property of the woman in the court's eyes anyway, they're considered gifts, and any rise in value is HER benefit, not yours. Try and sell it, or take a loan out against it.

>> No.11476686

OP trying to blackpill people
I feel sorry for you if you've never felt love before, everything will understand when you do

>> No.11476762

it's not an investment. you're right sbout the insurance bit... spot on. kek