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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 400x400, MWdzD9lF_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11467091 No.11467091 [Reply] [Original]

This is absolutely demoralizing, disgusting, and soulless.

This guy, Grant Cardone, is possibly the most narcissistic, empty person I've ever seen, and I can't even believe what I see when I watch this.

This is literally a person who would be a character out of GTA.


This show is peak NPC, peak materialism, peak evil. I'm speechless watching it.

This shit is pretty funny though from the perspective of a poorcuck. It makes you appreciate being humble.

We need to meme this shit hard. The people who come on this show are peak Fresco people and peak Pink wojak.

>> No.11467097

Stay triggered commie Grant is an NPC programmer not an NPC

>> No.11467101

>We need to ...
Hello mister projecting narcissist

>> No.11467103

Nah looks boring

>> No.11467105

i used to be in sales and the managers would shill this guy constantly, playing his tapes in meetings and shit. that job is peak NPC and i was miserable the entire time. it is unbelievable how those people treat their "customers" behind their back.

>> No.11467113

You belong in an oven, faggot.

>> No.11467127


Shut the fuck up, you're going to take the peak beak and you're going to like it

Nice try though Cardone shill

>> No.11467129
File: 71 KB, 610x744, 1495132400_gary-vaynerchuk-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His buddy too.

>Gary Vaynercuck

>> No.11467148

Good Lord I dont want to know how many Gen Z early Millenials will kill themself once they get 30-35 and get in which shit hole the trapped into believing into all this entepreneur,digital nomad, and frugalist lifestyle bullshit they got introdictated in

>> No.11467167

the entirety of the entrepreneurship/leadership guru industry is a giant dumpster fire full of scammers
literally the worst of the worst people on the planet
the saddest part of it all is that the normie NPC cattle worships these faggots like gods
I don't know what's worse

>> No.11467178

So sick of seeing this fucking turd on linkedin.
"I got in early on one of the biggest companies in the world and you can too if you happen to go to harvard"

>> No.11467190


Try watching for more than 25 seconds and not feel like caving his face in

>> No.11467201


He just seems like he has a low IQ?

Whats the big deal, I just ignore people like this and go on my way.

>> No.11467207

I love how this guy destroys wagecucks tho, shit is depressing but it's hilarious that people would even give this guy their time

>> No.11467211

>he hasn't read the 10x rule
Cardone is a smart guy. You can learn a bit from him.

>> No.11467214
File: 83 KB, 910x507, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.11467225

>I'm so cool I'm not going back to summer school.

>> No.11467239

>he hasn't read the 10x rule yet
Cardone is a smart guy. You can learn a bit from him.™

>> No.11467241
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1535506707846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the sales dragon"
>40 years old only 2k in the bank

lmao fucking albertans

>> No.11467245

What the fuck is your issue? Do you need to talk about it? Come on let's hear it.

>> No.11467272

Book is perfect for a gay normie.

>> No.11467273

Take your clothes off.

>> No.11467279

wtf does grant cardone do

I read like one video from him and all he was doing was blabbling on about how he is leasing this rolls royce for his business and how he can afford this and afford that

How much is he actually worth

>> No.11467290

get off /biz/ you brainless NPC

>> No.11467295

He's like the Robert "Rich Dad Poor Dad" guy, basically creates info products and shills it on youtube (books, seminars, coaching) and then uses that money to buy more real estate then the cycle repeats.

He's one of those nigger "media" influencer. In fact Grant is worse than a nigger; at least a nigger makes an honest living being on welfare while Grant tricks people using deception.

Overall ignore Grant, he's just another trick tricking the normies.

>> No.11467299

Alright one sec, reading a passage out of my boy grants book

>> No.11467311

He basically invests people's money in real estate and makes money on management fees.

>> No.11467331

Also sells sales training courses to companies

>> No.11467347

I just looked him up and I found he is worth over 300 million with his real estate empire...

Then I looked up Tai Lopez and he is worth 5 million while Gary vaynerchuck is worth 160 million.

Not sure what to believe here...

>> No.11467353

This guy is the anti-NPC, he is exploiting reality mechanics because he knows perfectly how the NPCs operate

>> No.11467364

He is worth 300 mil. That's respectable.
Low IQ but strong work ethic.
You faggots complain about shills when you hold Tron bags at the same time.

>> No.11467365

topkek my dude

>> No.11467372

This guy is fuckin based
You have to be a seething commie to hate him

>> No.11467394

all the life, business coaches, all the self help experts (nice self hep - pay some asshole to give you a session of Bullshitting) are scum.
Same with trading experts who can't trade for shit and would blow their accounts very quickly but charge normies for "trading courses" repeating the same shit they read in books written by even bigger scammers than them.

It's all a fucking scam. NEVER give any faggot your hard earned money for something you can learn on you own. NEVER. I think it's mostly burgers who fall for this shit and they need a fucking life coach at the gym, at work, in the fucking toilet, everywhere, just to find an excuse to throw their money outta the window, like mr Noseberg said

>> No.11467449

if you know it all why not charge people for your knowlege since its so easy

>> No.11467477

because you have to be a turbo normie scammer to pull this off successfully. He's just good at scamming people, like all the faggots in his "industry" including tony robins and other gurus whos entire careers rely on "teching people how to be successful"

>> No.11467482

Networth is different than liquid networth. His networth could be 300 million because he has 2 million and took a loan to buy a few buildings worth 300 million etc, or his company has a projected value of 300 million but they're doing 1 milllion in revenue .

>> No.11467485

stay poor

>> No.11467491

Hes into real estate and shilling his self help guru bs

>> No.11467508

>milk is good for your bones
>that is a total lie

>> No.11467512

>and shilling his self help guru bs
it amazes me that it's still a thing in 2018, how much fucking "motivational" crap do normies have to watch/listen/read/spend money on to realize they are the biggest losers getting scammed

>> No.11467540

He doesnt do traditional real estate investing. He owns a syndicate which basically is like an ICO for real estate for all of you crypto fags. Basically, he scams normies with his real estate business and they all pitch in their pajeet funds for a really small % of profit thats made on the deal. Notice how he always says to invest in multifamily or dont invest at all then begins to shill his own shit. His nw is like 100mm probably but doesnt mean hes still not a conman

>> No.11467566
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 3425348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys hands are shaking with nervousness
>he rejects his handshake and tells him to get out


>> No.11467586

People are desperate

>> No.11467604

Assets MINUS Liabilities retard

>> No.11467864

The single mother wins at the end. Fuck this shit is so rigged for ratings. REEEEE

>> No.11467872

>This show is peak NPC, peak materialism, peak evil.

why are you so concerned about what other people do?

>> No.11467943
File: 269 KB, 332x332, 1537617033685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your mother did so good, she beat all the boys!
>"I'm la goblina and I have whatever it takes"
2 seconds later
>Shiela was with us for a couple months... she washed out
>Young white guy where are youuu??

>> No.11468031


Fucking this, I work for a yacht architect in a very small business, it’s a really niche job and I only barely make six figures, but I meet a lot of crazy rich people.

The funny thing is that most rich people are extremely based and redpilled, they give great advice and they have all learned a lot from having to deal with people about how toxic humans can be.

But every fourth person is a rich NPC, you can always spot them a mile away because it’s like they have all this money but they don’t actually have any clue what they really want in life. They do bizarre shit, for example this one guy who’s voice is a LOT like the guy in your video, he dresses like a caricature of a rap person despite being in his forties, he wears a baseball cap backwards with sunglasses everywhere he goes, he hits on younger women constantly and then when they walk away he will literally say to me “yup I’ve still got it”, they always quote some stupid book like the art of war, and their always trying to namedrop. Seriously we can be be talking about the Saudi political climate and this guy will say “dude jack dorsey had the funniest joke about Saudis, I totally forgot it though haha jack dorsey though? Funny guy. Love him, good stuff.” Even though this guy is worth 200 million there’s something really sad about how he spends all his time trying to act younger than he is and still trying to be “cool”. And also he is always actually afraid of spending money.

Meanwhile other clients are absolute alpha male chads who will literally act so understated and be really polite, like this one Japanese client I have, and then you find out from someone else he had an affair with X actress. Or this one guy who invited me to a party and I met literal heads of states from small countries and I ended up invited to go hunting in Mongolia and there where gorgeous women for everyone/anyone to fuck.

But yeah getting rich only to spend all your time trying to be cool is NPC

>> No.11468085

right, because the spend everything and have no savings then get into debt for the rest of your life with nothing to show for it then working at walmart in your 60s is the good life

>> No.11468140

Lmao this guy wore shorts to an interview

>> No.11468146

the thing is that guy is probably more redpilled than anyone you have ever met. He's so redpilled that he's gone all the way around back into bluepill territory.

>> No.11468193

except now i can afford to be a NEET working on my own business while my faggy consumerist friend who made 2x as me still has money problems even though he's been working 3 years longer than me.

>> No.11468206

What am I reading?

>> No.11468256


Cool story bro.

Really though, that sounds interesting. I bet you can glean alot of good info from them. I need to position myself in a way that I can meet people who actually play this game well.

>> No.11468353


This guy is literally a brickhead.

>> No.11468496

How old is he? Shit head looks like he's about to die and he's still busy chasing money. Fucking NPC.

>> No.11468516


>> No.11468748

Holy shit these wannabe sales people are cringy af

>> No.11468754

No thanks. Bitch.