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11465463 No.11465463 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11465521


The way to do this is always make your altcoin allocation based on BTC dominance at the current point.

For example, if BTC dominance was at 60%, keep 40% in BTC and 60% in shitcoins since it is more likely for BTC dominance to fall at that point.

If BTC dominance is 35%, reblanace 65% into BTC and 35% in shitcoins.

This is always the correct answer.

>> No.11465543
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>> No.11465611
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>LTC in 2k18 TOP KEK

>> No.11465632

Show your ass portfolio

>> No.11465642


Yeah, you aren't going to make it. LTC is the worst. Charlie Lee is the worst. Worst than Jared.

>> No.11465706

What folio app is this?

I'm starting to get mad at blockfolio

>> No.11465711

rate3 100%

only faggots disagree

>> No.11465721


This but i acually just go allin alts when btc over 55% adn btc when btc it was 25%


But man this allin on coinbase listing folios by poorfags are retarded:)

>OP is fag

>> No.11465724

Its delta

>> No.11465749
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>> No.11465761



Mah nigga

>> No.11465760

10% of this retard's portfolio is dogecoin

>> No.11465772

You know dogecoin was profitable coin in bear market kek

>> No.11465784

I got 2x from dogecoin and I’m holding it for meme sake

>> No.11465914
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>> No.11466351

Same Here. Rate3 all in.