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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 786 KB, 746x494, absolute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11462127 No.11462127 [Reply] [Original]

>you're this guy
>pay $1,500 a month for a fucking bunk bed
>have to deal with 30 other people constantly
>finally back from your 10 hour work day
>unpaid because even though you spent 4 years of your life at college, you're still an intern
>try to find some solace by watching some kino on the 1.5k laptop you bought just to not be bullied by the basedfest
>they're having a fucking hippie music festival right next to your bed



>> No.11462180

we've had this thread, it was great but it's old news anon

>> No.11462291

This is actually a great example of how wage cucks would live without government regulation which maintains their housing standards. If you let landlords run wild like this you end up with bunch of wage cucks crowded in an industrial warehouse with netflix piped in to keep them complacent.

>> No.11462313


go back to r.eddit if you want "news" faggot.

>> No.11462330

Civilizations rise when people produce more than they consume. Sure most occupants don't produce useful shit, but at least Netflixed cattle farms like this cut down on what they consume.

>> No.11462334

>government regulation isn't responsible for housing being so expensive and jobs being so city-clustered to begin with

>> No.11462363


Government regulation keeps wage cuck housing at least humane, and yes "expensive," but without it its still expensive, you just end up with the OP's cuck warehouse and the price is still expensive, the landlords are just richer.

>> No.11462408
File: 326 KB, 779x777, 1539901997797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if you snore thats a problem, we call you "dinosnore", if you're a dinosaur, you're extinct off the community"

>> No.11462431

this was my thread last weekend. nice repost fag

>> No.11462455


Instead of criticizing all these commifornia faggots from your parents basement, why don't you go out and propose a plan to solve the high cost of housing? Go ahead and create your own startup that will solve the housing problem in California and I guarantee you, you will become a billionaire. But, oh wait right, you are just a fat NEET that is just to retarded to find legit solution to this problem so you resort on shitposting about it on a Brazilian coin trading forum because its easier than doing actual work.

>> No.11462485

you should be flattered

>> No.11462489

>this someone how passes housing and zoning laws
>build my own cabin in the woods, government sends bulldozer following day

>> No.11462495

lmao all of this projection and we arent even in the movie theatre nigga

>> No.11462514

Again, just pointless critique without any solid proposals for a solution. You are just pathetic. KYS virgin loser.

>> No.11462523
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 1517508032061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cali fag squawking from his cuck box

deal with it bitch.

>> No.11462529


>> No.11462542
File: 51 KB, 800x675, 1537341426683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dont even live in the US

enjoy lmao

>> No.11462546
File: 795 KB, 3946x4806, __violet_evergarden_violet_evergarden_drawn_by_diandianzai__1921e0779c222da93883be608e566e22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, uhh, build affordable housing to the outskirts of the city? Maybe build even further from the city, but make a small train/bus thingy that lets everyone go to city to work and then transports them back after work.

>> No.11462547
File: 449 KB, 958x438, eggman9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but
>stop mass immigration
>get rid of subsidised housing
>get rid of the fed and their negative interest policies
>suddenly realistic interest rates and no more inflation
>not everyone and their mom puts their money into real estate, because save investments have negetaive interest rates if you calculate in inflation
>not everyone and their mom buys a house, because the payments would be much higher

Here you go

>> No.11462615
File: 489 KB, 640x900, 1536032546306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Future is ACCESS not Ownership"

>> No.11462687

Old thread you fags are all late adopters

>> No.11462692


>> No.11462790
File: 242 KB, 920x1380, 1538692626564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bang this Russian bitch. She's got some kind of weird hot vibe. Everyone else in the warehouse can watch.

>> No.11462803

>Go ahead and create your own startup that will solve the housing problem in California and I guarantee you, you will become a billionaire.
In real estate, you make moneys by creating a problem, not by solving it.
Just stock them in chicken-famr cuckshed and they have to pay $1500/month anyway. WHy the fuck would you build the house for the same profit lmao
get rekt calicucks

>> No.11462852
File: 267 KB, 936x951, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11462873


>> No.11462878

Buy high sell low

>> No.11462889

imagine the smell

>> No.11462910
File: 160 KB, 402x274, Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at 16.13.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.11462928

Why the fuck are there no drapes?????????

>> No.11462951

you seem to be confused
no one wants to live or work in the shit hole that is california

>> No.11462971

no drugs no sex

>> No.11462980

we're not criticizing them, we're laughing at how fucking stupid they are

>> No.11463009

Sergey doesn't live there, he has a fucking house, you piece of shit!

>> No.11463123

There is no housing problem. The prices are artificially propped up because housing is an investment vehicle.

>> No.11463192


You know this is in California, right?

Dumb muthafucka

>> No.11463268


>> No.11463394

>why don't you go out and propose a plan to solve the high cost of housing?
Build up

>> No.11463460
File: 28 KB, 500x686, annileppala-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supply and demand

>calls someone out for being redditfag
>uses reddit spacing
The absolute state

>Maybe build even further from the city, but make a small train/bus thingy that lets everyone go to city to work and then transports them back after work
Oh, you mean a car? Cause that sure didn't fuck things up

>In real estate, you make moneys by creating a problem, not by solving it.
You are not wrong.

muh community or smthing

Desu it's a pretty cool way to live if you are into it.

>> No.11463515


It's "self-policing" everyone can see you so no one is ever going to fap or do anything lewd.

>> No.11463620

How about just move to a cheaper location

>> No.11463662

>Just move 2 hours away and commute

>> No.11463702

Stop letting people who aren't US citizens or permanent residents buy real estate. Housing should not be a speculative investment, it is a basic human need, and the Chinese who buy houses only to have them sit empty only diminish available supply for people who actually need housing and are looking to buy. You can't buy property in China, I wonder why that is

>> No.11463745

From biz perspective, however, this is slumlording done right.

>> No.11464156

There are no Fire Sprinklers in this room.
Where is the Right Wing Safety Squad at ?

>> No.11464196

>living in germany
>not originally german but i got a german id
>not working because i dont wanna gf does the same
>entire day is mine to do whatever
>still getting enough money for 52m2 flat
>have 3 big ass flatscreens ps4 1500€ pc and so on
>get some anonymous extra munnehs via crypto
>living the dream
>fuck murrica

>> No.11464210

Doesn't a studio in Munich cost over a million Euros?

>> No.11464243

who needs that?

Only idiots work in germany, its so easy to make money without working 8 hours 5 days a week and when they think you have no job they stick 400 euros up ur ass for doing nothing + they pay your rent and thats unlimited.

>> No.11464291

You don't have to tell me, I'm living off rental income