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11461785 No.11461785 [Reply] [Original]

What is the state of our country? Its fucked. Young age 18-35year olds is there any reason to stay?

We have a fucked job and housing market, and educational surplus of degrees, while politically everything is done to keep workingclass and middleclass wagecucking. The GBP is going below the Euro soon.

Is there any point staying for young people? Uk feels like a ponzi scheme now

>> No.11461791
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>> No.11461794

the assfucking will continue with brexit over the next couple of years. I don't plan on living in this shithole, it's impossible to buy a home here unless you're a multi millionaire, fuck taking up a mortgage.

>> No.11461800

Orite m8 bruv kek. I left London for Madrid earlier this year. Rent is half the price, food is twice as cheap and I can live in my own flat in the centre for £500 a month.

>> No.11461802


28 here.

There is no future here unless you want to live in mediocrity and debt servitude. Unless you are the most bluepilled of NPCs, you will come to realise this a few years after graduating with a meme degree.

>> No.11461808

I'm just glad you faggots ruined my EU passport by voting for shit you didn't even understand for reasons that were unrelated to what the outcome would actually entail.

>> No.11461816

I know people who voted to leave the EU because they didn't study geography and thought Pakistan was a part of the EU

>> No.11461823


Im at a cross road. I can see the ponzi this country is and the illusion normies are trying to live up to and i need to decide what to do.

Im 23 and about to pursue a computer Science meme degree(and end up wagecucking helpdesk for 21k a year, marginally more than an Asda baker) or try forge a path elsewhere.

I refuse to enter the housing market, its fucked

>> No.11461836
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30yo boomer here I plan on getting out as soon as I can afford to. It's only a matter of time before civil war, and a consistent degradation of the country i the meantime. I say better to leave than to stay if you wanna raise a famalambo, or at the very least if you do stay then stay in the whitest parts like the north or possible the south west or parts of wales. the whole country is a basket case, totally disintegrated and mentally ill, breathing it's last breath. That being said there aren't many places in Europe which are a lot better. I'd say Switzerland, Norway or Estonia could be good options. Otherwise Aus or NZ, or even rural parts of Canada or the US would be better. UK is a dead country, I do think leaving the EU is for the best though because it means Britain will have its revolution faster than the rest of Europe which will follow as the EU crumbles.

>> No.11461838


I voted for Brexit.

The referendum was the last agonal breath of a dying civilization. It was a last fuck you from boomers who have seen their country slowly dismantled and destroyed, a last fuck you from the younth who are redpilled enough to see there is absolutely no future in this shithole, a last ditch attempt to wrestle some sort of dignity and sovereignty back.

Alas we are too far gone. The execution of it has been abysmal. The majority of the country's heart isn't in it - even though we crave some sort of change to what everyone must subconsciously acknowledge is a broken, defeated nation running on fumes of debt and unfunded liabilities - I think we realise that without total societal upheaval, think Russian civil war tier happening, then nothing will change.

Everyone will sulk back to their pit of mediocrity and die.

>> No.11461862
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>I voted for Brexit.
>last fuck you

>sulk back to their pit of mediocrity
Yep, you actually do exactly this.
Half of europe is laughing their asses off, now that Britfags ditched their unique rights inside the EU forever. Thatcher must turn in her grave so fast, she could be used as a power plant.

>> No.11461881

>* must be turning in their grave so fast, they could be used as a power plant.
I'm going to keep this one haha

>> No.11461884

>I voted for Brexit.
Are you one of those people who didn't study Geography and thought Pakistan and Afghanistan are members of the EU. Did you think by voting leave we could just put them on a boat and send them to Romania where they belong..

>> No.11461911

Fuck off with the politics. We all know it is fucked.
The point of thread is what we can do as young people instead of remain in a dying shithole. We have a window to leave or prepare.

For example i hold most my savings in USD since brexit.

>> No.11461918


>he thinks I voted because of immigration

Mate, my girlfriend is from Lithuania. I voted to leave because democracy can only function if the distance between voters and those that wield power is as small as possible.

>he thinks adding a layer of unaccountable bureaucrats who operate on foreign soil yet are the court of final appeal and can impose directives unilaterally over the population of your nation is a good idea
>posts on /biz/ where 99% of the threads are about crypto, whose entire premises is decentralising power and trust away from centralised authority

>> No.11461925
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>giving away democratic rights to pasty bureaucrats in Brussels

>> No.11461927

Ever been to Bradford?

Unique rights to pay through the nose and not be able to close your border to unskilled immigrants from Eastern Europe who for the last ten / fifteen years have depressed wages and flooded the unskilled labour market? Keep 'em m9

>> No.11461930

Oh no now you can't live and work in the EU
>oh wait
>yes you can
>it's just mildly inconvenient to do so now
And don't pretend like you were ever going to live or work in the EU. Sick of millennials griping about this like they were ever going to leave the UK

>> No.11461934

Do the degree and escape to asia, lota of british coders out here

>> No.11461940


Been my plan desu. Where would you recommend?

>> No.11461944

> don't pretend like you were ever going to live or work in the EU
I'm literally living in the EU right now, lol.

>> No.11461945
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Birmingham here

We need to allow more immigrants to work within the economy. So preferably more Africans and Middle Easterners

>> No.11461948

Don't worry. You can get a job working for minimum wage at Pret or Costa now that the Polacks leave. That is... if Pret and Costa will still have any customers left.

>> No.11461951

>Ever been to Bradford?
Yeah Bradford, Rotherham, Rochdale, Whitechapel & Walthamstow are all shitholes

>> No.11461952

Thailand is fun but it gets boring, maybe a year or two is a good experience. in Korea now and its very nice, no crime, almost zero wogs, and people treat you nice

>> No.11461953


EU to most of them is likely Benidorm of Beefa or a Ryanair flight to some tourist trap so they can get instagram photos.

Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia - all are literally being threatened by EU with financial warefare to comply with things their constituents DO NO WANT.

>> No.11461960

If you're genetically British stay and improve your homeland. If you're not, go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.11461966

>We will fight then on the beaches
>We will fight them in the fields and in the streets
>It has come to my attention that beach, field and street fighting comes at some potential economic disadvantage

>> No.11461967

Any anons consider moving to Asia? Singapore for example?

>> No.11461970

>stay and improve your homeland.
What stay with Mum and Dad aged 34 because I can't afford to rent. Id rather live in Europe and have my own flat.

>> No.11461972


Was thinking Taiwan as i taught myself chinese years ago. Thailand sounds worth it for a bit as does korea. How does job market for a coder/programmer work there generally? Totally ignorant to it atm.
Some friends have had success just trading and living from profits there as rent is cheap as fuck

>> No.11461975

>muh immigrunts
>Unique rights to pay through the nose
>unskilled labour market
Holy, you really dont know shit about economics and what opportunities the common market enabled GB to do.

Back to /pol, faggot - your lack of education is showing. /biz slowly regains its sanity after all the shitcoin shilling /pol-raids.

>> No.11461984


One of my clients lives in Thailand and works as a freelance dev for UK / US firms. You don't work for local firms m8.

>> No.11461986


Shut up about brexit. Holy fuck. This country was in DEEP decline for a decade before it even happened

>> No.11461989

>If you're genetically British
Yeah get those fucking Normans out.

>> No.11461992


Thought it would be something like this. Gonna look into it, may not even need to complete this meme degree as i can already do basic shit that most enployers want. Doing well trading too on the side. Could save more money there than here

>> No.11461994

>depressed wages and flooded the unskilled labour market

Perhaps gain some skills? Then you won't to compete with 3rd worlders just to pay the bills.

I guess training and education are too hard for the 'white working class', easier to vote for Brexit and hope everything magically turns out for the best.

>> No.11462004

how about you come over here to australia, mate? you get all the cons of life in the UK with the added benefit of paying significantly more for everything including basic necessities along with higher taxes! can't lose..

>> No.11462011

>Yeah get those fucking Normans out.
Don't forget to kick out all the Ancient romans too

>> No.11462015
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>bought btc as a hedge against brexit
>so far still doing well

>> No.11462021


You realise schools and government push degrees to the point they are worthless now?

>> No.11462025

I know exactly what the common market did. It was good for trade, and also (for reasons indont know) the pre-requisite for loss of sovereignty. Call me old fashioned, but I believe that communism (rich countries pay for poor counties, except Germany which makes enough from exports to not give a fuck) is a shitty idea and fuck meds

>> No.11462026
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>> No.11462044


I put 4k into btc before brexit, best financial decision i made lol

>> No.11462074

>all the Ancient romans too
Everyone lacking a 100% pure ordovicic heirtage needs to leave!

>for reasons indont know
You dont know a lot of things, that is correct.
Grab a book on economics and educate yourself how it works. Maybe you will want to stay here, after /biz finally stops losing money in shitcoins. Because now, you are not able to decide on your own, if the access to the biggest market in the world is a good thing or not.

>> No.11462075

Come to Australia.

Minimum wage is like legit 37K AUD per year.

I live easily on 20K / year and am making 80K as a software developer. I am saving any excess and investing. Tax laws are good for both investors and employees, plus we still have good schools and healthcare too. Best middle spot between Europe (socialist cucked high taxes and refugees) and US (capitalism cucked low minimum wage, bankrupt if you have a health problem).

As long as you don't move to Sydney or Melbourne, you can afford property eventually.

Australia is like literally one of the only places on earth where you can still make it and have a decent life as an average person.

>> No.11462085

>a decade

>> No.11462090


Every person on here complaining about Australia as much as brits about the uk.

>> No.11462093

The UK was founded as a pagan country and that's what it should return to. If you're not a druid who spends their time building henges then you need to fuck off back to where you came from.

>> No.11462096

As an expat, how do I invest in the UK? Like i wanted to open a vanguard but they need a UK number to do that, its hard to find concrete information on this shit which isn't some company selling tax evasion to non-doms

>> No.11462102

Yeah if they are they are fucking retarded. We have it so much better here in pretty much every way possible.

>> No.11462103

Give me money and I might make more.

>> No.11462104

how about we just do what everybody wants and remove all first, second, and third generation immigrants and immediately solve 90% of all current social policital and financial issues

>> No.11462105

For the price we pay, no, dipshit. If you think the EU is ~JUST~ a common market then you need to unfuck yourself pronto. You faggots with your "but muh economy desu" shit

>> No.11462124

>how about we just do what everybody wants and remove all first, second, and third generation immigrants
Fuck it lets just kick everyone out and send them all to Australia like we did back in the good old days.

>> No.11462126
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ur a fgt m8
the EU is a shitshow of corporations lobbying for retired politician cock.
We will flourish under WTO rules and the EU will WANT to deal with us after german car manufacturers start crying about profits crashing.

>> No.11462135

A man can dream. Every darkie, every stinking Paki, every little yellow man, every sand nigger- helicopter ride to the middle of the North Atlantic. Welfare budget through the floor. Crime rate drops. Some oldies die because the nhs is addicted to foreigners, and then- the world doesn't end. If only

>> No.11462136

don't listen to this faggot. he's larping.

to get that minimum wage you need to first be able to get a job, which is gets exponentially difficult once you're out of sydney and melbourne (which also happen to be extremely expensive).

taxation is through the roof. the highest bracket being 45%. on top of that you also get to pay GST on everything you buy so that the poor and broke don't manage to sneak away..

you absolutely cannot live on 20k AUD a year here unless you live in the middle of nowhere, if in a major city, 20k AUD a year will get you a mediocre life where you will literally have nothing left after paying for the bare necessities.

australia is a floating turd in the ocean full of cunts like this who are in denial at how terrible the place is as their exposure to world is terribly limited.

>> No.11462138
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Shut the fuck up cunts. We arent here to debate what went wrong, we are deciding the best path for young people to /make it/ in the circumstances

>> No.11462157

>we are deciding the best path for young people to /make it/ in the circumstances
don't live in the concrete jungles

>> No.11462171

>a last fuck you from boomers who have seen their country slowly dismantled and destroyed, a last fuck you from the younth who are redpilled enough to see there is absolutely no future in this shithole, a last ditch attempt to wrestle some sort of dignity and sovereignty back.

Cutting your nose off to spite your face then. Glad to see you took a measured approach considering the actual issue and outcomes at hand rather than essentially ticking "WAAAAAAAAA" at the ballot box. Faggot.

I personally can't wait to see the massive EU funding be sucked out of the poor areas that voted overwhelmingly for brexit, Wales for example. They're going to fucking rot .

>> No.11462173

>not enough education to decide properly
>decides anyways
You wont make it anytime, be it with or without EU.

Get proper education, open up a business, pursue what you excell in and realize in time, when someone talks shit about something they dont understand.
Last one is the most important part and the one, which most people fail to achieve. See Brexit & "muh sovereignty".

>> No.11462192

I think we have all learned from this thread that the UK is fucked. That's something we can all agree on. The solutions are to either kick out 98% of the population and only leave those true 100% brits from Blackpool who have been Inbreeding for thousands of years. Or go somewhere else

>> No.11462195
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Is there anything more cucked than wanting to be part of a superstate where you can't vote for the president?

>> No.11462209

>imagine leaving the uk

>London is bigger than all the financial centers in Europe COMBINED! Because of regulation being consolidated in Britain, it even beats New York City – a fact that is often overlooked. The United States has SEVEN regulatory agencies that compete with each other for power compared to one for Britain. London still wins hands down. Neither Frankfurt nor Paris even has the infrastructure to function as London does.

>> No.11462211

>third generation immigrants
holy fuck lol imagine getting sent "back home" to a place that your grandparents didn't even live.

>> No.11462240

Lol, cope faggot. My business trades only with nl, dk, and de, no uk presence. Brexit will cost me money and I still voted for it- because, contrary to everything your arse-fucking communist teachers told you, the economy is not the be all and end all

>B-but muh economy
That's literally all you faggots have got. I don't care how much money it will cost, (and it's not even certain it will) a nation that cannot make its own laws, enforce its own borders, deport criminals etc etc is a vassal state. You may like being a NPC faggot slave, but don't assume everyone else is as cucked as you

>> No.11462244

>what we can do as young people instead of remain in a dying shithole.
get money, buy saint kitts and nevis passport, enjoy libertarian society

>> No.11462249

not for a lot of people. But I'm 25 and make around £100k for about 36 hours a week so I ain't even mad

>> No.11462256

sounds like the USA, but with less opportunity.

>> No.11462273


>land of the free
>taxed no matter what country you live in

>> No.11462281

it is

>> No.11462294
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>> No.11462297


>> No.11462309

Extraterritorial taxes cover having to bailout dumbfuck Christians who get themselves imprisoned in shitholes like Turkey and North Korea.

>> No.11462310

good maybe we will see more industry and jobs instead of mismanaged EU funds
even with the EU money Wales is rotting, has been since welfare replaced the mining industry
what it needs is component leadership and assume responsibility for its social problems

>> No.11462351

what the EU is really about

>> No.11462354

Is housing that fucked in the UK? I tought it was still ok

>> No.11462377


If you are under 60 yes.
Housing in the UK is a literal Ponzi Scheme now

>> No.11462532

>We have a fucked job and housing market, and educational surplus of degrees
Just like most anglo countries then.

Really makes me think.

>> No.11462583

If you're so low IQ that wages in the unskilled labour market affect you negatively, you need putting down ngl.

>> No.11462593

most 2nd/third generation immigrants are middle class, as their parents who immigrated were dirt poor in the 1950s-60s, worked their fingers to the bone to provide for their childen. This lead to a large % of doctors, lawyers, accountants ( amongst other white collar jobs) being over represented by indians/chinese relative to their population in the UK.

t. 29 year old boomer third generation immigrant accountant, who will be retiring by 35 while the rest of the UK zoomer population remain as rent slaves

>> No.11462605

Get a qualification/degree/skill that is in demand then?

Silly bugger.

>> No.11462622

What's a good site for housing prices in the UK? I only get results for foreigners on google

>> No.11462637

Go to South Africa or Poland, then you will understand countries run into the ground, thats why they all moving to england, cause you UK fags are lazy and have countless jobs that you wont take, but keep being an entitled twat...see how far that takes you.

>> No.11462659


>> No.11462707


t.22y/o second generation immigrant working as an accountant out earning 90% people my age.

Feelsgood. I already own a flat and about to buy a house, shit is comfy if you know how to manage your finances.

>> No.11462731

I don’t know what I’m looking at

>> No.11462748


Where abouts in bham? Black country here. Birmingham yo yo's btfo

>> No.11462755


t. pajeets who got diversity jobs at EY / KPMG earning less than minimum wage if you work out hourly basis pay

Seriously though lads, accountancy is fucking wagelsave hell. Not sure how people can hack it for 40 years.

t. quit the profession

>> No.11462767

Lol, I don't work at a big4 firm.

Industry is where it's at.

>> No.11462772

It really says a lot that the dumbest posts itt are by militant brexiters

>> No.11462781
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toast illeagl in britain

>> No.11462791

lmao its probably low IQ pakis somehow they always end up as accountants. for these streetshitters its like being in heaven a white man would go crazy doing this menial type of work

>> No.11462806

I'm escaping to Canada. It's still cucked but at least it has space, guns and cheap land.

>> No.11462812


You don't need to be smart to be an accountant. Just basic maths skills and memorising reporting standards.

Tax advisory is harder but even then all it requires is a good memory.

All will be automated within a decade.

>> No.11462819

absolute classic, you most likely didn't get 5 A*-C in your GCSE's, but then when an immigrant has a good job its
>muh diversity hire

The absolute state
Don't tell me you also bought LINK?

>> No.11462825

Try https://www.rightmove.co.uk/

>> No.11462833


>all of the Big 4 literally have special programmes ONLY open for BAME applicants to hold their hand into a job
>thinks diversity hires are a meme

>> No.11462868

diversity hires are not a meme
But the biggest meme of all is people who would have had no chance anyway in getting a top job, criticising indians/chinese ( who consistently top the exam results table every year) for supposedly being a diversity hire

Immigrant parents literally beat their kids daily to ensure they destroy all other students in GCSE/A LEVEL. Yes there are those that get diversity hires, but a huge portion who are extremely skilled.

>> No.11462892

>Immigrant parents literally beat their kids daily to ensure they destroy all other students in GCSE/A LEVEL.
yeah and thats why these "people" come swarming to the white mans land from their shithole countries. they are braindead stupid and all they can do is memorize shit like an automaton.

>> No.11462895

Daily reminder UK has been on a managed decline since 1945. No other option but to embrace mediocrity.

>> No.11462912


Mate, I am sure you've worked in firms and sat next to someone and thought how the FUCK did they get the job?

The person who causes extra work for everyone else, the person who has to have their hand held in every single task they do. You really think they got there purely on merit?

I am not even saying this is down to their race - sometimes it is, sometimes it is other reasons, but in any place you work, even you as a 2nd / 3rd gen will find some freshie who is fucking SHIT at the job yet somehow coasted into a role.

And this will backfire on you as an Indian or Chinese just like it has in USA. Chinese students there get rejected from jobs and universities all the time because their exam results are too good and another arbitrarily defined group requires piggybacking at their expense.

>> No.11462913


>> No.11462924

thanks for your brilliant contribution

>> No.11462934


Also I am not mad at diversity hires - they are just exploiting a system which is enabled by pathetic naive liberal goras who have no sense of in-group preference. A diversity hire is just exploiting the system that is infront of them.

>> No.11462943
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you mean since we joined the eu

>> No.11463053
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>brexiters weren't intelligent enough to vote correctly

>> No.11463092

Brexit was a bluff by the ruling class that got out of control when foreign powers and banks eager to avoid EU open banking laws poured money into supporting it.
Congrats on cucking yourself.

>> No.11463103
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>> No.11463120

>believing this
no one in the ruling class wanted brexit, you brainlet
>in b4 muh jacob rees-mogg, a literal back-bencher, and muh aaron banks, a random businessman

>> No.11463132

>All will be automated within a decade.

>> No.11463142

>Uk fags Anonymous (ID: jb7USRHt) 10/20/18(Sat)13:32:16 No.1146
its definitely all a ponzi but i love london too much and america is literally a shithole as far as general living standards goes

i will probably live at home until the housing market crashes and buy the bottom

>> No.11463144

Holy shit you don't even know what the word "bluff" means.
Maybe spend more time on your homework and less discussing geopolitics lmao

>> No.11463159

I think British people are too stubborn to change. You think what you think and you don't argue about it; keep calm and carry on. What also comes to mind is, "If you don't like it then fuck off.".

I didn't even know what a Libertarian was until I was 19, from the internet of course. Where else are you going to hear a different opinion, when most voters vote out of bitterness. Just consider how racist and anti-migrant much of the North is, yet they always vote Labour. In what other country would you this?

My own father will vote Labour even though he can't stand Muslims, niggers and gays, simply because he hates Tories. Absolutely insane.

>> No.11463161

Work on your reading comprehension. They are stupid first, brexiters second.

>> No.11463171

>genetically british
found a brainlet

>> No.11463172

Retard alert

>> No.11463182

America is a shithole if you live with niggers. I'm sure those yanks living in their bigger houses, with bigger wages, with guns and acres of land are really uncomfortable.

>> No.11463187

Thats because half of working age spain come to uk to find a job over past 3-4 yrs you fuckwit

>> No.11463200

Your dad's a good lad. You are some zoomer wannabe burger cunt.

>> No.11463217

You’re an uneducated retard who hasn’t got a fucking clue. So sit down and delete system32 because you don’t deserve to be on the internet anymore you fuckwit.

>> No.11463225

the fact that its bigger doesn't make it any less of a shit hole
china is big too
america is cool if you're a suburban mega npc faggot or rich as fuck in somewhere like nyc or san francisco
other than that its even more of a ponzi than the uk.

>> No.11463240

give me a good laugh and present your case that all the cabinet, the prime ministers past and present, all the political parties and all the multinationals and all the world leaders and merchant banks were lying just to goad us into voting to leave, and then spend the next 2 years pretending they're trying to wriggle out of it, just to continue the bluff. at least it's more original than "russia"

>> No.11463246

tories aren't an anti immigration party anyway mate
truth is working class white brits are for the most part lazy cunts and labour would definitely suit them best from an economics perspective. or have you not been paying attention for the last decade?

>> No.11463261
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>> No.11463282

I'm not pro Tory, I was just trying to say the country is stuck in a spiteful party based war against each other

>> No.11463310
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