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11461522 No.11461522 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain this dumbass meme

>be me, live in uk
>yearly rent 4,400 bong
>yearly food under 1k
>other expenses minimal, gaming computer and pirate all digital entertainment
>basically average yearly cost under 6k

>average uk salary 25k
>time to get a 20 percent deposit on average salary: 2.5 years

>> No.11461545

>yearly food under 1k
Are you a bird? What does your daily diet look like?

>> No.11461556

I think it's largely cause I'm not a meatard but it's honestly not hard. Toast in morning about 20p, fruit throughout day 50p, cereal lunch 40p, cooked thing for tea bout 1 pound

>> No.11461560

No one apart from weirdos like yourself are happy living that life for 2.5years.

>> No.11461561

wow depressing

>> No.11461564

What's "cooked thing"?

>> No.11461570

You don't own a fucking thing once you have a deposit. You'll be kicking up percentages to some kike banker for the rest of your life.

Fuck that.

>> No.11461575

Stir fry, burritos, pasta jars, frozen crap in the oven (rarely do this) or beans on toast.

I'm a tsudent. Pretty much everyone lives in the same standard of acomodation and for food I'm above avergae. Many people eat microwave crap nightly.

>> No.11461577


You eat worse than a slave or a serf.

>> No.11461582

You probably weigh 110 lbs. At least your costume for halloween is sorted.

>> No.11461594

1st: try to get a job with average payment in these areas without having to commute hours one way to your job.
2nd: calculate, how much the maintenance of the house costs over the years.
3rd: Include maintenance costs on your everyday needs. What do you do if your washing machine breaks down?

Please elaborate on this.

>> No.11461600

I'm 6'4" and eat a very large amount. e.g. 6 slices of toast, totally 100 percent full bowl of cereal. I usually balance it so I don't become flabby.

I highly doubt this
> for food I'm above avergae. Many people eat microwave crap nightly.

>> No.11461611

>yearly rent 4,400 bong
do you live in a shed?

>> No.11461622

>tfw saving 1-1.5k a month
>most of my coworkers are living paycheck to paycheck

I have no idea what they spend their money on, i'm not even autistically frugal like OP

>> No.11461628

>1st: try to get a job with average payment in these areas without having to commute hours one way to your job.
Pretty much everyone I know has jobs lined up. I'm at an exceptional uni but it's the same with friends at decent ones.

>2nd: calculate, how much the maintenance of the house costs over the years.
>3rd: Include maintenanc>e costs on your everyday needs. What do you do if your washing machine breaks down?

>Please elaborate on this.

I'm talking about to buy a house, which is apparently the hardest part. Moaning about paying off the mortgage is nowehre near as common

>> No.11461630

Do you not get bored of eating toast, fruit and cereal every day?

>> No.11461634

kek, the old british ice sandwich

>> No.11461636

>He thinks he'll get accepted for a full mortgage with 20% deposit
Got bad news for you, kiddo

>> No.11461642

Not really. Sometimes swap toast with crumpets and change cereals.

What do you do instead?

>> No.11461682

>I have no idea what they spend their money on, i'm not even autistically frugal like OP

$300+ for a car they cannot afford
$200+ for just buying any food they like and not comparing prices or brands
$200+ for having "brand awareness"
$200+ for interest on a credit they took years ago
$50+ for an expensive phone plan

The amount of impulsiveness is quite high on some people. I work as a consultant and need good clothes as well, but e.g. having style does not equal spending money on style. This goes both ways, but many think they need the one to have the other.

>Pretty much everyone I know has jobs lined up.
In areas where houses are cheap? Tell me, because I have money and love to spot opportunities in areas, where people have well paid jobs and property is still affordable.

>> No.11461734

>In areas where houses are cheap?
I average cities e.g. Leicester, Nottingham, York

so you do the exact same thing or worse. Thanks for the input

>> No.11462166
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no OP
the dumbest meme of all is
"you should own a house, home ownership is a sign of success"

>> No.11462210

>fruit throughout day 50p
So what, one or two fruits a day? Not really a healthy diet you've got there.

>> No.11462231

motherfucker i'm 5'9 and i have to eat significantly more than you to maintain muscle mass. 6 slices of toast is a big deal to you?

you must be one lanky slenderman looking motherfucker if you're vegetarian AND 6'4 AND eat like worse than those at a shelter

this is the state we're in today. an average life consists of living like a slave if you don't want debt. this is what we consider progress..

>> No.11462257

You're a manlet.

>> No.11462266
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Found the guy skinny enough to wear Saint Laurent Paris properly.

>> No.11462697

Same guy at uni so id changed

apple, banana, 2 veg with final meal. This is better than most.

Cringe. I don't workout and balance my diet so I curve in the right places and don't put on flab. If my diet was shit I wouldn't be 6'4".

In what sort of dream world do people eat more than 6 slices of toast commonly? Buying 3 loafs of bread to last the week? fucking lol

We're not all fat fucks

>> No.11462800

average salaries don't buy houses in any developed country anymore. first you need to double the average at a bare minimum, and then you can think about wasting your money.

>> No.11462805

you're also literally an NPC, 100% unironic. you seriously eat like a fucking toddler.

>> No.11462813


>> No.11462839

Is this just jealous I'm rich and not fat?

>> No.11462841

I cook 90% of my meals and have enough kitchen equipment to start a small restaurant. some people like OP, and yourself literally only eat food so you don't starve to death. I would rather be the fattest person alive than be as insufferably boring as you are.

>> No.11462848

>you're also literally an NPC, 100% unironic. you seriously eat like a fucking toddler.
Actually on second thought... what do adults eat?

Hope it's not going to be take aways, microwave meals and frozen shit in the oven.

>> No.11462850


>> No.11462851

protip: drinking ensure instead of eating real food when you're 25 isn't something you'll ever want to tell anyone

>> No.11462884

What do you eat typically for breakfast lunch and tea?

If this is triggering cause I'm a vegan you should remember I'm 6'4" and you're probably not.

>> No.11462904

curve in the right places? you mean you're skinnyfat right?

i can go through a loaf of bread in one sitting if i'm hungry.

you're 6'4 because your parents probably fed you better when you were growing. i knew a 6'4 vegetarian once, he was literally constantly sick..

>> No.11462916

I know it's hard living with obesity anon but come to >>>/ck/ and we can sort you out

vegans are subhuman so I can't help you. I enjoy a wide variety of animal based products including lean meats and seafood. have fun eating chips and drinking beer since you can't be arsed to buy more than 50p worth of produce.

>> No.11462933

No. I do enough exercise where my lower body curves in and my chin is well defined. I was brought up vegetarian so come up with something else lol

>> No.11462944


>Gay hiv poz vegan wage slave bong lives in cuck shed and tells everyone how great it is

>> No.11462950

i'm blessed with quick metabolism anon =) i've had 5 drinks a night for the last month and haven't put on weight.

you on the other hand sound like a very round person who is so offended by what other people eat you seethe on a Cambodian fly fishing website.

>> No.11462968

i have nothing against vegetarians, infact i respect vegans and vegetarians who are actually able to do it and stay healthy because i think it's a pretty noble thing to do even though i eat meat.

the point i'm trying to make is that the way you eat is literally unhealthy unless you live an extremely sedentary lifestyle that consumes little to no energy. it's the quantity of food you're ingesting, combined with your height and the lower calories from a vegan/vegetarian diet that are concerning.

your body is probably in starvation mode, unless you have some miraculous body that doesn't require much nutrition or something..

i dunno if you can really survive on what you eat and don't feel deprived, more power to ya.

>> No.11462992

Right.... just autistic screeching cause I don't eat meat. Lol.

>> No.11463018

you do know fat people don't cook at all, right? their diet consists of processed foods and shit like HFCS since they constantly suck down soda and other sugary drinks. you're the only person talking about weight here, are you happy with your weight? I was simply saying some people eat to avoid starvation (ie: NPCs) and other people don't. I didn't say a thing about weight so it sounds like you're projecting anon.

>t. baby killer

>> No.11463045

he's not eating that way simply to avoid starvation. he enjoys it. so who the fuck are you to tell someone else how to enjoy what they eat? just because they don't eat the same shit as you? damn son, not only a fatty, also retarded as well.

>> No.11463051

I'm 6'4" and can cycle 100 miles in a day. Sure I'm not a pro athlete and don't claim to be, but I know full well 95 percent of people can't do this. Most can barely jog 5 minutes before running out of breath

You really need to check what your saying desu, looking up the products on tesco and I've had the recommended intake for energy after lunch and this isn't including the final meal. I can get my body looking just right by alternating peanut butter on off pretty easily.

>> No.11463067

he literally eats 6 pieces of toast, 50p in fruit, and cereal. every. day. that's eating to avoid starvation and I'm sure the cereal is the opposite of cruelty free and has a small percentage of human sweat and blood in it, so it's probably not legit vegan.

>> No.11463071


Gogle "vegetarian lifespan" or "vegan lifespan" and the peer reviewed studies in journals (stuff which actually matters) show vegchads live longer.

Why do you even care so much, it's pathetic. Fat fuck

>> No.11463077

if he's happy with his diet, why the fuck are you projecting your own views on 'taste' to some random anon? why do you seethe when someone else is doing something different then you? are you 12 and can't understand people are different?

>> No.11463116

"he" is more of an "it" because vegans are subhuman and have no qualms with children being malnourished. vegans directly harm the human race and are really on par with anti-vaxers. they don't care if someone dies as long as everyone knows how righteous they are.

>> No.11463157

what's the healthiest/cheapest veggie you can eat raw and that's easily available at any market?
I had tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers in mind. Anything else? I'm too lazy to cook and buying too many LlNKies to afford a steam cooker so I just want raw.

>> No.11463160


>> No.11463178

so you think some outlier examples of vegans not taking care of their children is somehow reflective on this anon because he happens to be vegan as well?

i'm convinced you are either a fucking brainlet or a NPC.

>> No.11463195

or you can check this Oxford study that veganism can lead to health issues by not receiving the right amounts of certain nutrients that has to be managed by eating shit ton of certain foods
> https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/89/5/1627S/4596952
so basically if you go blind vegan and don't read up on shit you're going to cause yourself harm

>> No.11463209


The key to saving money is moderation not complete deprivation. Why waste your whole life for the sake of a few coins.

>> No.11463215

tomatoes are actually a fruit since they are seed bearing. you won't get cheap from nutritionally dense produce though, so either you pay the price or eat unhealthy. you might want to consider legumes instead.

>> No.11463285

Your meant to look at all the articles not scroll down until one fits your agenda.

And this isn't even from Oxford (not that it matters if the specific group is prestigious), that's the publisher. Seriously get educated or kys.

>> No.11463318

This also
>house prices are absolute shit
>finally pay off banker
>pay high property taxes for rest of life

>> No.11463331

>yearly rent 4400
Not all of our standards are so low that we're ok with living in an actual shack

>> No.11463344

Can you imagine buying a house and still thinking you are smarter than anyone?

>> No.11463368

They usually go hand in hand

>> No.11463389


>> No.11463405

so what veggies are you supposed to eat the most of? just a fuckton of peas and beans?

>> No.11463425

ok npc

>> No.11463440
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>> No.11463469

depends on what you like and what your region offers. I live in a big city and buy a lot of veggies but I also probably spend more than most people on food any given month since processed food is always cheaper. fruit is the most expensive for it's servings/cost ratio apart from proteins. I dip my fingers in everything, dry beans, vegetables, eggs, seafood and chicken/turkey and beef. I enjoy good food and am not entirely focused on shopping for cheap. if you want to be healthy and cheap your options become more time intensive and limited, >>>/ck/ can probably help out more.

>> No.11463473

kek couldn't be any more npc if you tried, no actual rebuttal of evidence just name calling, gg

>> No.11463516

This guy gets it. Eating entirely cheap is monotonous. You can still eat for a good price relatively inexpensively (dependent on country). It is linked to your health and well-being so it is important to be balanced. Lean meats, fish and eggs for protein with a mix of vegetables (onion, garlic and tinned tomatoes are a staple) and different beans. Yoghurt, cheese and seasonings just to pad things out.

>> No.11463526

Tonight's tea.

About 90p (mushrooms were housemates and going out of date tomorrow so free)

>> No.11463546
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>> No.11463557
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based fellow co/ck/

>> No.11463574

You clearly haven't had a scientific education and are purposefully being misleading. If it is true, I don't care as I'm not bothered whether I have all my nutrients but that I'm fit and healthy in daily life, which correspond much better to lifespan.

>> No.11463749

If you're not joking, that's going to fuck up your hormones real hard. You need animal fat and protein, you cannot live a healthy life on carbohydrates and plants.

>> No.11464118

all that is missing is some scrambled egg