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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11459455 No.11459455 [Reply] [Original]

I guess you ARKies are, like the captain of a sinking vessel, going down with the ship. It's almost admirable, in a sick, deluded sort of way.

>> No.11459762

Can confirm, am an original Arkie. One of the exit-scammed, the Legacy, as they say. I'm probably going to sell at this point. The team is fucked, the code is fucked, the market is fucked, everything is fucked. Remember, the conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering pothead that run this scam. Everything that Malarkie and Tyrone said has come true so far. Soon enough, the prophecy will be fulfilled. SELL NOW! Don't be deluded, don't be an Arkie.

>> No.11459795

Forever deluded. Who the fuck cares about this shit coin.

>> No.11459949


>> No.11460105

literally holding to 0 here...don't even care

>> No.11460208


*sniff sniff* Hell yeah. Some fine ass high quality FUD right there boyos. Gonna sell 100k after that convincing one WEW.

>> No.11460211

It's not FUD if it's true.

>> No.11460226

Kill yourselves, worthless Pajeet.

Coordinated, worthless FUD just before V4 release mhhh yep. Even though Moon and Chang are not getting hired...this was a long term hold to begin with and a shitty code will get replaced with a new one on V2.

>> No.11460228

do you actually think the product being good matters in this market? LOL

>> No.11460235

You're right, it doesn't. But the hype from the "team" isn't good either, so it's lose/lose

>> No.11460240


Not a pajeet, just the best and most honest shitposter there is.

>> No.11460619
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