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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11453664 No.11453664 [Reply] [Original]

why are sociopaths better at business?

>> No.11453823

sociopaths don't exist, all these terms are made up fairy tales to make apes feel more knowledgeable and in control of this fucked up reality of overpopulated decaying flesh we're doomed to live thru

>> No.11453826

they don’t care about people

>> No.11453870
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>> No.11453905

they do everything in service of themselves and their objectives with singular laser focus
they give no thought to anything or anyone else

>> No.11453930

Facebook test makas you sociopath, aka you are! T npc larper

>> No.11453933

sociopathy is bullshit, same with psychopath. hurrr durrr frontal lobe something something lack of empathy something glib, means literally nothing. no real tests, no help, no nothing, just a bunch of hollywood flair and something spooky to sell normies

>> No.11454069

hes over compensating for his facial deformity, baldness, etc

>> No.11454103

because emotions lead to wrong decisions. easy.

>> No.11454132

How is he a sociopath? Lodge a person in ever higher and higher position and he will have to make a decision that will be uncomfortable to someone sooner or later.
This doesn't make that person a sociopath. Just a person who had to make difficult choices.

>> No.11454202

h-honored to have you here, Mr. MP

>> No.11454207

he could fix it so easy, seems he has no issues being bald unlike cucks

>> No.11454287

Sociopathy makes it easier for them to cut dead weight off the business i.e. worthless employees, incompetent subcontractors, braindead business partners, etc.

My boss isn't a sociopath, which is a good thing because I'd hate to work with one, but he has so many sentimental attachments to certain contractors that it ends up costing the company tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.11454367

They lack empathy which enables themn to make selfish and ruthless decisions at the cost of others.

>> No.11454446

>decisions at the cost of others
those would be all decisions made, if one has high enough authority.

>> No.11454728

you should be...

>> No.11454746

this. aaaaaannnnnd


>> No.11454801

Something is wrong with that niggas right eye (his right)

>> No.11455097

While i would agree theres a lot of bullshit in psychology/neurology, you're going to say these abnormalities in people aren't potentially measurable in the brain? What about that gunman who expressed regret at his desires to kill, then they found a tumor in just the right spot to trigger such behavior? pretty clear cut case there...

>> No.11455118
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>that's the empathetic illogical part of brain that died a long time ago manifesting itself out in his face via nervous system.
>mfw I have the same malformation in muscle tone.

>> No.11455144

if it had been on the wrong side, I'd literally be a fucking NPC

>> No.11455199


Because they are completely devoid of emotional reaction.

100% efficacy through rational conclusions. The only emotion they're good at showing is anger to people who are unable to do the same. They see emotion as a tool to manipulate and nothing more.

Pic related is a perfect example of a sociopath

>> No.11455301

So they feel emotions or not? Your post seems like an unthinking attempt at meshing a couple of memes.

>> No.11455325

>t. emotionally driven ape

>> No.11455344

That is fucking idiotic

t. Neuroscience major

>> No.11455392

This. No matter who makes the decisions (sociopath or empath), there will always be groups that would be marginalized. If they feel guilt-free, then they're only kidding themselves.

>> No.11455454

shhh, I'm propagating pseudo science on a japanese garbage collecting board

>> No.11455516

you have either never met one or you are shilling for some obscure reason. either way, you couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.11455541
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Sociopathy is definitely real. Lack of empathy and emotion is probably an evolutionary trait of survival that our ancestors passed on and continues today. Lions often kill their competition and their offspring when they take over a pride. Imagine the amount of offspring a billionaire can support. In the end it's survival of the fittest and DNA doesn't care if you have empathy or not as long as your genes are passed on.

>> No.11455694
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>> No.11456204
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they are not better. they just win short term. long term they are horrible. simple as that.

but humans in general are shit at long term

always cause we are mongloids

>> No.11456279
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sociopaths are more likely to be politicians

>> No.11456873

This sociopaths definitely exist. maybe get more out of your fucking basement and get some experience IRL.

>> No.11456884

Also neurology =/= fairytales.

Brainscans reveal sociopathy/psychopathy.

>> No.11456891

OP, you mean psychopathy not sociopathy.

>> No.11456907
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Sociopaths do exit, it goes hand in hand with narcissism. Cant say about Bezos cause i dont follow him at all. While Sociopaths are made in early childhood as narcissists, Psychopaths are born. This can be verified even by how psychopath's brain scan differences compared to "normal" people they dont feel the same way regular people do, even fear of death etc. are all numb to them

>> No.11456933

He definitly created a lot of good for this world and on the same time harmed nobody directly:

x created ~ 750 billion USD in form of stocks

x gave thousands of people jobs

x revolutionized & invented E-Commerce

>> No.11456939
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It's always funny to see people like OP hating those who the media told them to hate.

>> No.11456971
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>> No.11457001
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While I agree with that, Psycopaths are not necessarily over achievers as almost all narcissists are.

Psycho = just bat shit insane would probably not have long lasting career anywhere

But narcissists and sociopaths are majority of high position people i believe this is verified by many studies, as they seek these positions vigiriously compared to normal people. It's all about reward seeking behavior and avoiding feeling of numbness, narcissists are addicted to adrenaline they need it

>> No.11457045


Oh shut the fuck up. Looks like you're the psychopath. You all need your heads checked. There's more to life than making a profit. Coca Cola has more debt than most nations have GDP. You don't see them cutting their "brain dead" wage slaves.

Fuck off.

>> No.11457998

they exist on every level, though. if you're cluster B and oriented/set-up for success you'll likely do well, but lots of these folks end up as maladjusted dregs of society, land in prison, etc.