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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 159 KB, 1910x1000, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11452958 No.11452958 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the biggest wage cuck to ever live?

>> No.11452966


>> No.11452980

no, just a shitty president

>> No.11452983

Are you retarded? He got all his money from his daddy, then played businessman and lost most of it.

>> No.11452997

Name ONE thing he isn't doing right. Fucking retard

>> No.11453007

he still works into his 70s

>> No.11453013

t. jelly poorfag

>> No.11453021

more like the best president of the modern era and possibly all time

>> No.11453028

well, he's taking it up the ass from Saudi Arabia, letting them kill Americans, because he wants their money.

Putin even fucking cucked him in public today telling everyone the monopoly of the US is now over.

Dude tried to make a trade deal with Canada. Got 2% more dairy, now Canada can put in 100% more cars into the states.

Only reason he's successful as a politician is that blue collar people are stupid enough to vote for a man who brags about screwing over blue collar people.

fuck the SJW bullshit, the guy can't even do 'asshole republican president' right.

>> No.11453101

You sound like someone that has been drinking the KoolAIDS straight from dick of the MSM. cut da cable NPCfag

>> No.11453219

which part are you contesting because I'm from Canada and our auto manufacturers are shlicking over that new trade deal

>> No.11453418
File: 17 KB, 118x97, If you are struggling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even on about?
Khashoggi or whatever his name is was a naturalized citizen, sure, but also a sympathizer of jihadis who maybe asked for and got what was coming to him.
Putin is going to tell whatever he will to his own people to increase his status and give the perception of independence rather than interdependence.
You know any Canadian car manufacturers?
He's successful, as a politican and otherwise, because he's actually said screw the establishment and decided to rise to the occasion and clean house.
fucking Shareblue and Media Matters need to get the fuck off this board
david brock is a pedo and david hogg is a pussy

>> No.11453483


I mean who the fuck willingly drinks Diet Coke?

That's my biggest issue. It's fucking gross. If you're gonna do sugarfree/zero calorie trash may as well do the superior Coke Zero.

Damn. Yeah I mad.

>> No.11453524

I can't imagine drinking a soda that doesn't have some rum or whiskey in it.

>> No.11453539




>> No.11453544

Not from America, so maybe that explains it, but I've never heard of any Canadian car manufacturers?

>> No.11453558

> tariffs good, deficit good, edginess good, swamp good

>> No.11453574

yeah, ontario car part manufacturing has been a thing for decades, it's the ONLY PART OF CANADA that was salty over NAFTA.
honestly as a liberal SJW cuck i am increasingly less angry at Trump himself and more at 'actual turtle in a human suit' mitch mcconnell

Trump is just kind of an idiot saying things that blue collar america really wishes presidents would say, okay fine but fuckin mitch, though--reminder this guy was super blue back when it would get him power. like do not think for a minute if the senate and house and president were all Democrat again that he would not suddenly love gay marriage and abortions and liberal supreme court justices

>> No.11453581

Can we make Trump a banable offense already? These threads are not on topic.

>> No.11453585

Very green...it runs on maple syrup and labatt.

>> No.11453600

> president of the US not on topic in /biz/

omg, i'm so happy presidents and policy don't effect the market

>> No.11453602

its about wage cucking

>> No.11453605

Look at his older brother that died from alcoholism. Even he did pretty well in real estate in business and business but not as good as Donnie

>> No.11453621

donnie made most of his money from branding, he had some TERRIBLE real estate investments

>> No.11453637
File: 16 KB, 490x586, 8yvcqurvzun11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange man bad

>> No.11453649

Name one succesful businessman in real esate without any fuck ups.

>> No.11453654

> when.GEOTUS(criticized)
> post meme.(NPC/orangemanbad)

>> No.11453656

>tariffs good
Yes they are idd.

>deficit good
Implying that an economy can grow and run a surplus at the same time.Fuck off and read a book

>edginess good
His best quality imho. Destroying the PC culture is the single best thing he can do not only for America but for the west as a whole.

>swamp good
Implying he built it? Implying the swamp hastn been fighting tooth and nail to discredit him since before he even got elected

Anything else? Or that's where your script ends?

>> No.11453665

Name anyone else who managed to go bankrupt running a fuckin casino

literally anyone

fuck anything he's done as president how do you bankrupt a business that boils down to 'people put in infinite money and you give almost none of it back at any time because math'

>> No.11453671

And not for a wage

>> No.11453676

he fell for the cult of personality meme

here's another one
>nepotism good

>> No.11453689

sold for 4 cents on the dollar, 6 bankruptcies

now i'll admit he's a master at the brand game - fucking fooled a shit ton of people, and still have people buying the maga meme

>> No.11453701


Verdict is still out.


>> No.11453737

>Name anyone else who managed to go bankrupt running a fuckin casino

Casino's in Las Vegas are unprofitable because you spend more money than they take in

Also if you seriously believe Trump didn't gain anything by the Atlantic Casino before shortly closing it down and screwing thousands of workers and Las Vegas itself you're seriously a brainlet and should lurk more on here instead

>> No.11453757

yeah but he'd have made a shitton more money if he'd literally just kept it in a hedge fund his entire life instead of fucking around with businesses
which, again, next point: how the fuck does he keep convincing people who have regular ordinary jobs that he, a person well known for fucking over people with regular ordinary jobs that he is in fact the best hope for them

like do you guys look at anita sarkeesian and go 'you know what I want her in control of my finances'

no? then why do you want the guy with a steady history of fucking people on their finances in charge of it

>> No.11453768

i don't know about you, but i see a ton of successful graduates from trump university

>> No.11453770


Any impositions on the free flow of goods is never good. Tariffs as an economic tool are hamfisted and stupid. As a political tool they can be effective but are contrarian to core American beliefs of freedom of navigation and freedom of markets.

Deficits are fine. For example, you run a deficit with McDonalds or your grocery store. Is that business arrangement bad? Should those businesses be required to purchase things from you? The answer is no and this rubric doesn't change between nations.

This is pretty subjective. Edgy can come off as tryhard and he's known to backpeddle. I think the key impetus here is that it makes him look good. He's more honest in that respect because he doesn't downplay that.

He's not done much to curtail "the swamp" and in many ways has made it flourish more. There's less accountability, less regulation, less oversight, and less transparency than before in recent memory.

>> No.11453785

Hahahahah you can't be fucking serious.One? ONE? Holy fuck why do you people open your mouths when your knowledge of how the world operates is ZERO?Just an fyi little goblin. Latest casino bankruptcy i recall of was this September ( it was a Vegas Strip Casino too).Here's something that may sound strange to your virgin ears. Most if not all of the casino owners that have declared bankruptcy did so at the expense of idiots that financed them whilst making huge profits for themselves. All the while bewildered idiots like yourself were standing by asking themselves : omg how can a casino go bankrupt? You are never gonna make it weakling.

>> No.11453787

$1MM is literally nothing. Even tiny banks with 1 location give out a few millions every week

>> No.11453804

Because sometimes a snake can be a good pet to have to protect you against a rodent infestation

>> No.11453811

Nice link. but really wish most of the broken promises change to stalled. he does have 2 years left and can try to get those stalled/broken promises into compromise / kept.

>> No.11453816

you know the 1 mil was a lie right? or a 'slight under-reported' amount.. number is closer to 413 mil - might want to do a bit more research into the God president

>> No.11453821

>expecting rational Trump discussion on the Jew board

>> No.11453835

Where is the source for this claim of almost half a billion

>> No.11453890

it's 413 million in 'todays' dollars (not the actual gifted totals).

Mind you the report is from the times (always take it with a grain of salt) and a lengthy read, but the paper trail is there. I'd recommend looking directly at the tax payments. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html

>> No.11453908

>Any impositions on the free flow of goods is never good. Tariffs as an economic tool are hamfisted and stupid.

That's economy in a vacuum 101.It sounds all well and good till you apply it to the real world.Economics and geopolitics are intertwined.especially for a global superpower as the USA.

>As a political tool they can be effective but are contrarian to core American beliefs of freedom of navigation and freedom of markets

To the US core beliefs ? You mean these of the Isolationist founding fathers? Or maybe those of the AFC Yale group? We could argue for days on the subject but it all bottoms down to that Pearl Harbor effectively put you in the path you are now.For better or worse is subjective.Going as far as to argue though that the post 1945-50s status quo is the embodiment of US core beliefs is stretching and distorting reality.

>> No.11453939

Binions and Queens off the top of my head. A few years back there was this club called The D that wasn't doing so hot I don't know if they made it or not. Its surprisingly common for casinos to go belly up due to them losing most of their revenue from enticing people to gamble there instead of the 1000s of other tightly packed gambling halls

>> No.11453951

>just kept it in a hedge fund his entire life instead of fucking around with businesses
Jesus Christ can you do math?

>> No.11453977

yeah the tariffs are a little weirdly steep and on the wrong things and pissing off the wrong countries but tariffs aren't innately bad what the fuck is that idiot talking about
Can you?

>> No.11453980

>Deficits are fine. For example, you run a deficit with McDonalds or your grocery store. Is that business arrangement bad? Should those businesses be required to purchase things from you? The answer is no and this rubric doesn't change between nations.

Oh yes but it does. Trying to draw analogies from small (or hell even large scale business ) to the economy of a nation is plain stupidity.The hard truth is that under the current monetary system running a surplus and having a growing economy at the same time is a utopic proposition.

>> No.11453986

So, you will be providing those sources, right? You aren't just going to repeat baseless claims, or link us to articles that have nice clickbait headlines but nothing of actual substance in them to corroborate the head-

>it's 413 million in 'todays' dollars (not the actual gifted totals).
Oh, so you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11453994

That is the current core American beliefs, they may not reflect the original founding fathers but our republic is based on a living document that grows and changes as we do and our world does. THat's why it's fucking awesome.Our current core political principles are I go where I want when I want and I sell what I want to whom I want.

This why we have 11 Carrier Strike groups.

>> No.11453997

> no substance
literally what the fuck are you talking about? you didn't even look at the paper trail on that report?

good job being a cult follower

>> No.11454091


It doesn't change. We're a consumption based economy. We don't produce things, we do things. Our exports are services not unfinished/finished products (mostly), as such we typically run goods deficits with manufactured focused nations.



>> No.11454109
File: 146 KB, 579x749, spoon-fed-for-the-fucktards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we have to spoon feed the retards who can't take two seconds to look at multiple points of views or sources that doesn't spout their same beliefs - this one loan receipt shows about triple the line of credit claimed.. JUST FOR 1979 DIRECT LOANS

One years direct line of credit greatly exceeds what he claimed. You think that's all there would be?

Seriously, use some critical thinking skills and look at the facts regardless of the source if you can get the primary sources or the paper trail

>> No.11454120

The only solid piece they have is a document showing rental income of about 2MM a year (in today's dollars) for the Trump kids. I'm not getting to the same half billion they claim because their source is 'confidential'. I feel like I simply gave them ad revune as most links they have embedded link to the exact same article I'm reading
The vast majority of the article is about taxes which is nothing new. Inheritance after the death of Donald's parents in 2000 is pretty obvious but by that time he'd already have been a real estate giant

>> No.11454151


here's another piece of info that i just posted

There are quite a few direct loans and direct income sources - but a vast majority of the other income is more from under the table techniques (guess why they didn't have to pay a ton in taxes) using shell companies or reportedly failed real estate ventures that miraculously became solvent again after changing hands.

But the main point i was trying to make initially, is don't fall for the 'small loan of $1 mil meme'. You really think a rich dad would fuck over his kids like that?

>> No.11454167


I think the biggest issue was that repeatedly it was shown that the All Building Supply Co (or whatever the fuck it was called) routinely overcharged his father under the implicit understanding that it was to avoid the 55% gift tax. This coupled with the loan forgivness as well as the under-reporting on the value of his father properties despite worse/older properties of similar size just a short distance away going for quadruple just highlights the level of deception engaged by the "self-made" billionaire. All sorts of wealthy people do this shit on a regular basis but most don't have the gall to say to your face that they didn't get a handout or they started from "nothing."

That's what chaps most peoples' ass about all of this.

>> No.11454186

Considering that he inherited nothing until 1999 (when his father actually died) and prior to that he had the meme loan of 1 million dollars assuming the high end of hedge fund ROI of 15% to total the bare minimum of his released assets from the financial disclosure of 2 billion (we're going to pretend that he has literally no money outside of those assets because its speculation outside of that and 2 billions is more then enough to show how retarded you are). Going from a million to 2 billion requires some Soros level of hedge fund wizardry and is so far from the mean of investors its not even funny. That or Trump would have had been investing since the turn of the century and skipped the great depression.

You're retarded.

>> No.11454224

Soro's basedlet detected

Based and high test.

>> No.11454229

> this entire post
Kys lib shit. Just admit you know nothing and you're shorting out cause your orange man bad script isnt working. You have nothing to say but slander. The literal definition of no argument.

>> No.11454253

>You really think a rich dad would fuck over his kids like that?
Brother I am living that meme right now as we type.

>> No.11454265


Man, what a disappointment you must be.

>> No.11454274

>Man, what a disappointment you must be.

>> No.11454482

How can you be a wagecuck if you don't accept your salary and donate it instead?

>> No.11454645

>there are people on /biz/ who believe this
no wonder this board is dumb af now desu

>> No.11455080


funny how the NY times never dug into Bush's father/grandfather who made their family fortune supplying the Nazi's during WW2

>> No.11455094

>i literally don't know what the deficit is