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11452062 No.11452062 [Reply] [Original]

This is something i consider a lot Biz. Marketing yourself as a person.
Social media is so powerful if you are red pilled on it. Take a photo, force the pic, paint a certain image of yourself, and upload it. create a consistent profile of such. Doesn't matter how fake or forced it is in today's age - nobody questions it.
Socially, this is not a mark against you to be narcissist like this anymore as it was in the past. Normies eat up the image you create. This are only benefits to this. Especially with women. The prestige or social status gained so easily is laughable. sometimes only the follower count or likes even matter.

From a personal life improvement perspective, this is a great investment. Why aren't we all doing this as based and red pilled faggots?

>> No.11452100

It makes me feel dirty

Dunno how women can stand taking thousands of photos of themselves, sit and read through praise for hours and then come back for more the next day without wondering if something may be wrong with needing that kind of attention every day

>> No.11452101

Because only faggots do this

>> No.11452124

I see the benefits of doing it, but also, every time I engage in it, all that goes through my mind is "what the fuck are you doing you faggot this is so stupid do you really need attention that much"

>> No.11452133


I thought this for ages. Realised that I should not hate the player, only the game.

And to not play the game while redpilled is throwing away a huge opportunity. Fuck blue bills who do it to copy each other... that is NOT the same.

Even the average a neet can up their social status immensely by doing this shit

>> No.11452146


Even if I wanted to do this, how do I do it, if I post nice pics on social media I only ever have like 100 followers on IG.

>> No.11452158


Doesn’t matter at first. In fact that is up to you if you wanna promote it.
When people inevitably find your profile they will still get that impression, no matter if you went down the mass followers route or not

>> No.11452166

This. Also what fucking value will you get from this narcissistic loop of dopamine hits from likes? Those roasties you see traveling and fine dining on beeches in bikinis? They paid their way from sucking sugar daddy dicks not from their viral marketing of snake oil vitamins like they pretend. What do you think you can do as a man with social media clout besides maybe get a lay or two at the expense of your principles and feeling like a faggot? LinkedIn? Sure that’s a different story but Instagoy and faceburg? Unless you are marketing a product you are selling seems like a giant waste of time chasing likes from NPC’s.

>> No.11452180


Exactly friend. We wont be getting validation from likes. It isnt the point here. You are red pilled about the process even more than roasties who do it. Leverage the knowledge. Like a cheatcode to a game.
You create a high quality profile and let it do its work. You could not give a fuck about likes. The point is that whwn people find it, it will only add to your social status for practically free. It uas never been so easy for the average joe to do this

>> No.11452202

I'd rather focus on making money then making a fake social status. Ofc if you think you would benefit a lot from it then go ahead. I personally want to be financially free first and social status won't help me much.

>> No.11452255


Agree. What i am saying here is that the effort reward ratio is hugely skewered into the reward side. Do it for a year then forget it. Update it seldom after

>> No.11452817

As redpilled it is very unnecessary since it takes away time from making more money or learning something new. Abolish it unless you use it for business purposes. And don't even try to do it for your own personal profile unless you are way above average in something such as looks, skills or wealth. These things are what most NPCs and normies are attracted to nowadays.

>> No.11452851
File: 41 KB, 800x800, 1523180210289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a /fit/ chad that get's called good looking a lot. But I don't upload stuff to social media because I don't want to desire the validation that comes from yet another like on my picture. It's pretty silly and pathetic, really.
But it sure gets you laid to have an Instagram that rocks. I've seen it happen a lot with friends

>> No.11452894

yup, social media is designed for betas. If you want to troll around on it then hey it's your time but I personally cant do it. And honestly its the people who don't have facebook that are interesting.

>> No.11453016
File: 46 KB, 640x400, 1505535276088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>zoomer frat fag
>also autistic
>spend free time making software
>hype it up to all my insta followers like I run a huge business
>not that special but sets me apart from the average fratboy NPC
>have made tons of connections this way
I'd highly suggest everyone here turn their insta into a personal brand - it can only help you in the future. Just dont post dumb shit.

>> No.11453131



>> No.11453291

I post shit that makes me look like a professional. In reality I spend all my time at work collecting my undeserved wage and browsing /biz/. I learned a long time ago that it's not about how hard you work, but how less your boss has to work.

>> No.11453609

alpha based man doesn't need to be in any social botnet.
only faggot and fake etero beta man need this.
Cut and throw immediatlyaway your dick if you use instagram OP.

>> No.11454004

why the fuck would you want that? you're talking such utter shit

>> No.11454029

i dont have a social media presense 1. because im not a faggot 2. because i rule from the shadows