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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11449712 No.11449712 [Reply] [Original]

Goodnight NEETie, another day of energy fueled internet browsing behind you. Take some rest and repeat the same cycle tomorrow.

>> No.11449960
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>they don't know the blessed middle ground that is running a business
sure there's hell days, but most of the time it's smooth sailing

>> No.11449983

still better than listening to some cunt tell you what to do everyday wagie, ill sleep like a rock and wakeup...mmmm 11am, maybe 1pm, thanks tho

>> No.11450012


You're literally cucked by either your parents or neetbux requirements and have no income. Way to be proud.

>> No.11450102

I really wish I could get a 20 hour a week job.

>> No.11450265

>implying you're not cucked by Mr. Shekelberg

>> No.11450303


only at 10x the income I'd get from beeing neetcucked.
I prefer Mr.Shekelbergs terms. At least I get money.

>> No.11450321

I was let go. Got my two notice period and unemployment benefits that will cover up to 70% of my salary for the next 18 months. Life is good in Switzerland

>> No.11450343


That's pretty good, and Switzerland is pretty neat.
This kind of neetness I can stand behind.

>> No.11451189

Nah, some of us actually made money in 2017 bull, own house, might have a monster *sip* boomer here, ez life, enjoy work son, let mr shecklez shekelstein know a couple of months in advance, when you want to take leave ;)

>> No.11451227

be me, neet

> woke up this morning at 9. The sun naturally awakens me.
> hop out of bed, write down my dreams and possible astral experiences.
> Walk out in the garden, take some fresh herbs.
> Make some fresh herbal tea
> Meditate
> Put on the router and wired internet, WIFI radiation aint a joke.
> Go online, market is down so I buy some coins
> Check some news for possible investments.
> Oh it's such a slow day today, sun is shining
> Go work in my garden so that i'll have a big yield next year
> Just had some gras fed beef and raw milk for midday.

The rest of my day will look like this:

> Get a short workout in, have to stay fit.
> sunning and meditating
> reading the bible
> Might go out cutie hunting this evening

Stay dumb and asleep, zombie NPC workerslave.

>> No.11451229
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The bubble is bursting, your piece of paper is worth nothing!!!!!!!

>> No.11451248

do it...?

>> No.11451258

Absolutely based anon! Your soul will be a spiritual oasis; from it springs forth meaning. God bless.

The same cannot be said of wageslaves.

>> No.11451271

I lived like this for like half a year. I would play vidya or watch shows or w/e till my eyes started bleeding then i went to sleep and when I woke up went straight back to the internet. Some days I would go to sleep and not wake up for 14 hours+. I had no concept of day or time. When i was hungry i would slink out to the 24/7 supermarket at 4am. There is always something to do on the internet I would do anything to go back.

>> No.11451288
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> beef and milk for midday

>> No.11451314

Honestly, more education should become intercalated work. Like 2 years of college for basic education, then working for 2 years, then going back to university for 2 more to actually learn skills you need if you need them. Most people don't actually need a 4 year degree for their job.

>> No.11451375

I worked a few months, then went to college. then dropped out. then worked close to a year, then went back to college for my degree. then worked 2 years and invested in crypto last year.

now I've quit my job and being on wellfare that is 80% of my pay I got when I was working.

fuck this socialist shithole

and fuck college too, it's a scam. wish I never wasted time on it and just worked and invested instead.