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11442061 No.11442061 [Reply] [Original]

>ravencoin gets listed to binance

meh, it'll probably dump


>irdium is going to be the next nerva

sweet, bought it up

>does nothing


>> No.11442069


David, we have been watching you.
You're not worthy yet.

>> No.11442130


I must have budding schizophrenia because I'm starting to believe I'm like one of the 15 simps daytrading coins and I'm DIRECTLY being watched and targeted by 500 whales and at least 10000 bots. Everytime I buy, it literally stops rising for at least 12 hrs (longest my ape ass can hold without crying), waits for me to sell, lulz pump time. The memes are real. We are poor and insane, and they know it.

>> No.11442191

it honestly does feel like this though, not even joking. might be paranoia but... it truthfully feels exactly like what you said. I have a suspicion that the bots running those day trades are programmed to catalog their trades, while being aware of ones posted that are not theirs. so lets say a bot stacks buys and sells on both sides, buying and selling to itself. then when a trade is posted that was NOT made by the bot, it'll readjust it's buying and selling margin to siphon away funds from that 3rd party trade

>> No.11442290

Other than pump and dump groups/whale money, bots are literally the only thing that causes these massive moves. There's probably an ok 30-40% people that post about crypto here that are genuine decent lads just trying to help others and themselves. The rest are evil (no exaggeration) people trying to fuck you over for reasons irrelevant, just don't listen to anything you read here for the most part. Read, learn, and incorporate it in your trades and other areas of life. Don't give up, learn from these errors. Don't look for EASY pumps. You will fail because you're chasing literal free money. Keep DYOR and good luck senpai.

>> No.11442323

yeah i tried that too anon, made a play on OST. because it looked fucking ripe for a pump and I DMOR, especially after the surges of volume. backed by tencent, very active team. And guess what? IT IMMEDIATELY STOPPED when i bought in.

>> No.11442398


found the whale who has the Bogs on speed dial.


Ever thought that may be a good reason to look to a good longterm investment instead of trying to swing and day trade? Also never forget the first rule of crypto. Never put in more than you can lose.

If i were buying more RIGHT NOW i would buy in no particular order.

Im sure some others but those should be obvious for the next few weeks+

>> No.11442504


Also, it is never a bad idea to drop in on a projects discord or other social sites. You can get a feel for how excited and active the community is. I am a member of i have no idea how many groups and to be honest only a few are really active and some are outright literally dumpster fires. If you dont already do this add it to your DYOR check list. It can help.

Dont think about tomorrow, think about next month. GL Anons.

>> No.11442677


All good tips I think about but consciously avoid when pampz noaw. At this point, I've failed so many times from emotional trading, I'm finally exiting the depressive mad boi phase and will finally stop buying ATH only and making PISS trades. Even tho I know I'm right about the manipulation (wow I know big brain nibba here), I also know I'm a bad trader that needs more experience. Thx4input

>> No.11443203

it's obviously your buy/sell strategy. might be crypto just isn't your thing.