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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11432196 No.11432196 [Reply] [Original]

UBI is inevitable, as it works for all parties involved. it allows the companies to not have to pay workers, not deal with lawsuits, not deal with unions, not deal with benefits, none of that shit, and it allows people to receive income for doing nothing, by having those companies pay taxes to offset it. most factories are already almost fully automated, you have conveyor belts that pass items to robotic arms, which then pass the items to wrapping machines, and so on. they even have machines that wrap skids for shipments. we also have self-driving vehicles for transportation, which are only getting better and better. We even have retail stores all implementing self-checkouts, and an incredible amount of people use them, which means there are no need for cashiers anymore, just a security guard and a recipt checker. last year, dollarama was already in talks to have their stores completely cashierless, and only have a single security guard per location. we won't see a fully automated world in our lifetime, but we'll definitely see UBI in some minor form in the near future. just from our factories alone, that money could be used to suppliment income for everyone in canada, even if it's only $500-$1000 a month.

>> No.11432199
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just to add, retail stores are slowly dying out too, you see it happening all the time. toysrus filed for bankruptcy, sears now, all the giants. as the online marketplace gets bigger, and the older people slowly start dying off, everybody will buy their items online, the younger generation already does. once amazon starts fully selling groceries and produce, it's over. every single industry is being affected by computers/technology, and there's no stopping it. even the farming industry, majority of farms are practically self-automated already, machines till the land, sprinklers water, machines pick the items out of the ground, and so on. even something simple like taxes, the whole tax industry will be dead soon. the government already knows what 99% of people in canada are going to receive/pay on their taxes, because paperwork is constantly being sent to them throughout the year from employers. soon, there's no need for a middleman, and they can just print the cheques automatically. and the other people who have to claim "special" things, a lot of them have already started using free online software, because there's so many of them now. bottomline, everywhere you look, human jobs are needed less and less.

>> No.11432237

it allows the government to steal more from people who work
it allows the government to decide what amount of stolen money is redistributed to lazy niggers like OP
it incentivizes the majority to become consumer cattle who have no skills to continue living when the plug is pulled

>> No.11432291

>y-y-youre just lazy
you didn't even read my post

>> No.11432327
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Ubi is a necessity as their aren't enough jobs due to automation, in the next 5 years burger flippers, taxi drivers, truck drivers, retailcucks will lose their jobs.

>> No.11432419

>muh global warming is caused by humans
>give africa vaccines and money to skyrocket their population
>give them UBI it makes sense
fuck em if we can't sustain them we will battle to the death

>> No.11432432

you didn't consider mine
I'm so glad fags like you will never get a satoshi off me

>> No.11432452

UBI actually is inevitable but until the ww3 ends and there are no lazy and parasitic niggers and shitskins left

>> No.11432523

No need

>> No.11432641


>> No.11432642

I thought this was gonna be a whiny communist post, but it's actually got good points.

>> No.11432758

Of course it does. Irefutable with examples

>> No.11432863

post more god fucking damn it

>> No.11433194
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>> No.11433204

>Receive $5000 a month UBI
>$5000 is the new zero

Can you people not understand basic economics?

>> No.11433266

How retarded are you on a scale from 10-10

>> No.11433331

Why? Do you have any background in economics or are you saying I am retarded because it sounds counter intuitive? You could probably learn this about economics on a MOOC.

>> No.11433343

You don't know economics friend.

>> No.11433349

I obviously know it better than you.

>> No.11433368

You haven't explained anything

>> No.11433384

>anime poster
>wall of text
just stop
seriously stop

>> No.11433415

Well I did it a while ago when I did my MBA so I don't remember precisely but more money competing for the same goods leads to inflation basically decreasing the actual purchasing power of the money you have. If everybody received $5000 per month people would be richer for a while then slowly the money would be able to purchase less as the purchasing power decreases because of the competition effectively making $5000 a month the new $0 in time.

>> No.11433434

If you think that's a wall of text, you must be a dwarf.

>> No.11433578
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, why-you-lyingjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you feel the need to lie on a anonymous image board?
t. Someone who has actually studied economics

>> No.11433589

Tell me where I am wrong or where I am misunderstanding the principle please.

>> No.11433600

nah, ubi doesn't work because the rich, who would be solely paying for it, will just move away if they for some reason are unable to stop it happening.

rich people don't need poor people, and the rich will just be pivoting towards enterprises that can be automated intrinsically from the start, instead of attempting to hang on to businesses that still require humans

>> No.11433625
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sage and ignore all leftypol raid threads

>> No.11433628


Also I did not actively study economics it was just a core module in my MBA course. So please enlighten me.

I don't understand why they would teach something that is false so I would greatly appreciate it if you could expand on it. If you studied economics in detail you should be able to point out the flaw or talk about higher level stuff that goes into more detail about how the basic stuff should be applied.

>> No.11433738

where would that kind of money even come from?

>> No.11433768


the first time in which the common man isn't needed. i'm more of the belief that genocide will happen by the ultra elite

>> No.11433919

UBI is going to be the future. these retail giants came in and destroyed small businesses to begin with already. walmart, costco, dollarama, these guys came in, undercut everybody, and had huge backers, so they won. now, amazon is doing the same thing to them, retail stores are all downsizing, going bankrupt altogether, or moving online. even walmart has had huge success with their online store. you know what also kills small businessess? raising the minimum wage to an extremely high amount, in an incredibly short period of time, but that's what you gotta do for society to progress in this modern world

>> No.11434135

We will never see UBI in any of our lifetimes. It's just too costly. Think of the scale of funding a mission to Mars. Every year. Yea. It's like setting off an economic atomic bomb.

>> No.11434244

UBI is unavoidable as we enter an automated work force
Sorry plebs but these are the facts. It isn't the industrial Era anymore...

>> No.11434258

Even if that 5000$ for everyone were printed out of thin air the value would not inflate to rhe point where 5k is considered zero dollars.
MBA my ass, don't be stupid anon

>> No.11434265

Still have a long way to go, but now is the time when these things should be planned out.

>> No.11434270

Why does increased automation lead to UBI? Increased unemployment has never led to any long term overhaul of any support systems.

Think of the 99ers in the late 2000's, they never got any long-term help, they were just silently dropped from the support program and left to twist in the wind. That's way, way more likely than any government stepping in to spend on a huge new and expensive program.

Automation leads to starvation not UBI.

>> No.11434371

You can't "plan" mathematically impossible feats anon. You just can't create money out of thin air.

>> No.11434397

You insulting me does not make your opinion anymore valid. Googling "UBI and" brings inflation into the auto suggestion box confirming to me that other people have thought about this as well. Seems people have been wondering about this as well.

The term I was looking for is called demand pull inflation and most articles are rose tinted glasses way of looking at UBI, "people would be free to peruse entrepreneurial aspirations increasing the economy even further!" literal retarded shit.

Even in Zimbabwe or Germany 5000 zim dollars or 5000 marks were not literally worth nothing but very close to it eventually.

If $1,636,879,545,000 was printed out of thin air (not what I said btw) it would have a inflationary effect.

Also you call it a hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or This book weighs a ton.

Fuck off back to your containment site and never come back.

>> No.11434763

A lot of 0 understanding of economics here