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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 6 KB, 250x250, xlm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11429356 No.11429356 [Reply] [Original]

XLM is never coming back below 3700 and there is nothing you can do about it. You may wail and gnash your teeth, but if you're not already on board THIS rocket you're getting left behind.

>> No.11429383

Arise money snake!!!!

>> No.11429424


>> No.11429453

The dump has already started you maximalist poltroon.

>> No.11429462

Is BAT or XLM a better buy for the next few months? I left crypto a while ago but I always liked these projects and with CB listing possibility it seems like a no brainer.

>> No.11429467

Imagine buying a token with countless billions of supply constantly inflating that was literally given away for free to Africans instead of LINK, MKR, etc

Lord have mercy.

>> No.11429500

Finite limited supply crypto currency cannot be adopted as a world currency. Over time wallets get lost and people die with the coins. Not to mention that the crypto already distributed by early adopter greedy hoarding is not going to be supported by banks, corporations and governments. Stellar is future thinker and ahead of everyone else, the time will reveal this.

>> No.11429502

Just dropping the first stage onto the linkies.

>> No.11429607
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, 1515515765881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based and redpilled

>> No.11429671

40k lumens only(some bought recently), fuck my shit up senpai, should I just end it?

>> No.11429707

>Is BAT or XLM a better buy for the next few months?
honestly I would rather hold XLM for sure. its the safer longer term growth play imo. but I would not be suprised if coinbase lists both and BAT gets a higher % pump in the short short term

>> No.11429716

On the moon there is a place for even men of modest means!

>> No.11429888

It is already below.

>> No.11430146

A few months ago I started buying XLM instead of investing in my 401k. I'm going to be rich faggots

>> No.11430165
File: 58 KB, 681x378, swat-team-e1302113424146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it up Jed. We have you surrounded.

>> No.11431135

>there is no money to be made off the economic development of 3rd world countries

Bless your heart

>> No.11431141

hope u bought the dip

>> No.11431209

some idiot is buying 250btc worth of xlm

>> No.11431237

In anticipation of Sibos
Which is in 4 days' time in Sydney

>> No.11431261

Why you crypto fags always talk about sats, who cares if XLM is above 3700 forever, if Bitcoin is 20$ next year your 3700 XLM is not worth shit..

>> No.11431282
File: 30 KB, 552x350, 1507304494095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go gotta build dat 0.4$ solid base before cb listing then we need to pop to 1$ during fomo and consolidate 0.8$ when thing blows out, followed by solid run to 1.5$ when ripple tryes to moon and Jed DUMPS HIS BAGS ON THEM AGAIN LOL, followed by unreal fomo during circle&nasdaq shit happening straight to 3$, then retrace back to new solid base of 2.2$.

3$ EOY screencap this

>> No.11431298

>wail and gnash your teeth
come on...who the fuck does that

>> No.11431320

Bitcoin is the global currency faggot

>> No.11431621

>Delusional NEET's wet dream: the post

>> No.11431765
File: 31 KB, 607x216, 1510509468130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats acually corect, BUT i got my xlm free delusional dreeming while mining bitcoin back in the day...soooo...maybe we dreamers make it while you scrap bottom of the barrel :)

Do you know why btc maximalist hate "centralised shitcoin xlm"?
Because retards sold for cents "muh usless free shit" lol.

p.s. 55k xlm only dough:(

>> No.11432224

why is stellar almost always exactly half or cRipple?

>> No.11432269


You haven't been watching it very long, it used to sit about a third. The gap shortens.

>> No.11432398


> there are no gains to be made in an untapped market that literally only can go up

Lord have mercy.

>> No.11432410

Oh boy another premined, centralized piece of shit where the founders hold 85+ pct of the supply.

>> No.11432411


>Coinbase listing

pick any reason for a $1 pump.

>> No.11432457

>Coinbase listing
Everyone says their coin is going to be listed.

>> No.11432472

Clearly, this is going to be the one crypto that topples Bitcoin all because OP has a bag of it he wants to shill.

>> No.11432512


It was around 2/3 when xrp was at its low before the pump to .80

>> No.11432528


Yea except coinbase said they were adding xlm. Idiot.

>> No.11432543

You can give me a link, anytime you want.

>> No.11432748


You could have googled the answer faster than it took you to request proof. And if you don't already know this to be true, you must be the newest of fags

>> No.11432805

they did not say they add it, however its one of five possible candidates and coinbase said they want to add more coins faster, so its pretty probable but not confirmed

>> No.11432831

So there is no proof, okay.

>> No.11432872



>> No.11432896


>> No.11432932


> 0x

>> No.11432942

If coinbase wants to remain competitive they need to add it.... Fidelity is adding a stellar portal... stellar took the steps to be within regulations .... just a matter of time .... don’t forget sibos this weekend ... IBM will have everyone on board .

>> No.11433207


>Being this retarded

>> No.11433232

The quantity of a currency in circulation does not matter, but even if it did -- which it most certainly does NOT matter -- Bitcoin is divisible down to the Satoshi and could be modified to go further if needed.

Stellar is a shitcoin.

>> No.11433315


>> No.11433370

took you the entire fucking day to come up with such ridiculous crap, lmao. How does the quantity of coins in circulation does not matter when its used everyday on a global scale, lol. When they get lost or a whale dies, the entire coins go out of circulation... not fractions. We are talking real use in the real world for real period of time. Because BTC increases in value with lowering supply does not mean XRP will too, or you think its going to turn into a collectible item (like btc) because of its epic fucking history of being "fiat printed" by a private company for "muh global currency use and muh banks and whatever fuck you just buy muh xrp so RippleLabs can buy a commercial in TV and get even more muh money" You XRP maniacs are fucking retarded and deserve to get rekt.

>> No.11433670

Lumen: 18% of the supply is circulating
Bitcoin: 82%
Yeah, no thanks. Also, Liquid is a serious competitor that doesn't need a new token, has privacy and lightning support - because it's based on Bitcoin and built by blockstream who maintain c-lightning, the best lightning implementation. Plus btc network effect.

>> No.11433709

Yes, Liquid does solve the problem what XLM and XRP was created for. The question is however if institutions going to want to jump on board of 82% already distributed coin. Also the technology behind XLM is superior to BTC. But yes, liquid is a real gamechanger for all value transaction crypto.

>> No.11433750

Also forgot to add that not only is Stellar Network technologically superior to Bitcoin but the most basic fundamental plan is innovative and does not require mining, which as we know is very much and rightfully disliked by.. ehmm, everyone. Liquied is still just a Bitcoin.

>> No.11433846

We doing 1$ before sibos no worry boys.

BUT for short term traders this 152 BTC buywall looks berish someone is keeping price locked at 0.000003705 and unloading bags above it 12k by 12k for hours