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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 720 KB, 1900x1080, Ethereum-homestead-background-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1142866 No.1142866 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, I'm pretty sure we are the new financial elite.

Joyful times ahead.

>> No.1142870

eth has a long way to go to match coke's 187bil

>> No.1142887

I'm glad I helped a bunch of NEETs have some hope in life


>> No.1142893

What constitutes a whale? 10k ETH?
>Tfw only 312 ETH

>> No.1142895

Most people here have like 10 ETH.

>> No.1142896

I shilled this thing really good. I am the reason that there are so many rich people on /biz/ now.

>> No.1142900

10k is nothing.

Whale would be like 100k+, and thats low.

>> No.1142903

Bullshit. I am the one who first introduced eth to this board. I am ethershill prime. I made all of this possible and now you can thank me for your millions.

>> No.1142910

10k is nothing, because market cap is over a billion. What will you move with your 10k?

>> No.1142944

what about 200k? :^)

>> No.1143020

How much is 1 ETH worth right now ?

>> No.1143035

except this is just a pump and dump, I can see what ETH shills are doing....your trying way to hard, on this board at least.

>> No.1143045
File: 33 KB, 360x360, pepe_ETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you can see everything in your crystal ball.

Just another pump and dump right...except ETH is worth 12 fucking EURos right now aka a SHITTON

>> No.1143047

Who the FUCk is going to buy all this ethereum off you at nosebleed prices?

>> No.1143051

>nosebleed prices

ETH just had Homestead release, which means better system, transfer was successful, bugs were fixed, intrinsic value has objectively risen.

>> No.1143058

But really? I just sold loads of ETH. When you get literal retards putting in money they cant afford to lose isnt that the signal that this is all coming crashing down?

I might be wrong of course. Never underestimate the retardedness of people. But certain signals ive been seeing tell me that this shit is about to go *pop*

>> No.1143068

shills are in full damage control mode i quess.

it lost a bit of value today. is this just one continuous dip, are are you seriously expecting to become a millionaire with just eth

>> No.1143080

yeah and what can I buy with it? nothing other than drugs and other black market shit. I'll take notice when businesses start taking payments in ETH, but they wont because it is worthless with nothing backing it, hence the volatility.

>> No.1143134 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 290x200, missed_the_boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any generous whales around?
Your help will be appreciated

>> No.1143165 [DELETED] 

Whoever tips my address the hardest, has the juciest and thicker cock in /biz/.


Let the games begin.

>> No.1143655
File: 134 KB, 1972x924, Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 09.37.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, what a POP, lol NOT

>> No.1143657

ETH is not for payments retard, it is for building dApps like Augur.net Go test it!

>> No.1143662

Arcade city is also an interesting dapp, like a decentralized Uber.


>> No.1143700
File: 301 KB, 667x850, onesmallstepforman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you mr. buterin

>> No.1143726

I thought whale was a derogatory term that meant like really big fish.

But whatever, congrats whales! Join the club..

>> No.1143820
File: 202 KB, 1104x876, ETHredpill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder ETH is yet another shitcoin so smart people like me can get BTC off casual hands.

>> No.1144024

it's now almost a dip worth buying....almost

>> No.1144037


>> No.1144049

Reposting that image is like copying and pasting some bullshit about your privacy rights in a facebook status

>> No.1144073
File: 191 KB, 749x903, 1457924948117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETH doesn't follow logic. It doesn't have to. It's meteoric rise is fueled by the collective meme magic of /biz/ and EVERYONE trying to get in early on bitcoin 2.0.

Sure it'll come down eventually. But I'd bet everything I have that it'll hit $25 beforehand.

>> No.1144737

BTC is dying

Chinese miners are currently in full dump mode. Shits getting DDoSed and confirmation times are only getting longer and longer

Devs refuse to increase block size

>> No.1144742

Do you niggers and kikes know how the Ethereum difficulty is actually computed and when is it recomputed?

Obviously it'll be different from Bitcoin as hashes are twice as long.

Google-fu failed.

>> No.1144757

augur is prett shitty yet, lagging, but i did register, didn't i

>> No.1144812
File: 9 KB, 425x425, D4RcIYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure we are the new financial elite.
You're on a roll. Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause it seldom does.

Wait till Tau and Agoras come and stab ETH in the back.
Tau is not turing complete, but in a non-trivial way.


Simple introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SXfYgQxsOA

High level interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ORpi2MMJrA


>> No.1144838

>it's meteoric rise is fueled by the collective meme magic of /biz/
You're a dumb faggot. /biz/ probably makes up less than .000001% of the trading volume. You are giving all the credit to a bunch of poor NEETs and not the couple dozen whales that manipulate the market and would never frequent this shithole. You are tiny little powerless prawns trying to keep up in the whales wake.

>> No.1145224

Why would Ethereum ever get as big as bitcoin? For all I'm concerned, it's just a harder to use bitcoin that inefficiently hosts web apps that nobody uses.

>> No.1145230

Sounds pretty risky, good luck

>> No.1145232

Yeah, maybe in like a few years.. when the fundamental idea of a dapp gains traction and more importantly, useability (which it doesn't have at all right now).. MAYBE then? You gonna keep your money in it for YEARS? Just to have something else come along and pull the rug right out from under it. No thanks.

>> No.1145237

I don't see how it offers anything over what we already have. Sure it's a good risky short term investment, but people on here act as if it'll hit $600/ETH one day.

>> No.1145254


It looks like they have all their ducks in a row just looking at the website. /s

Too bad, the idea is right though. A free market for computation is exactly what I was thinking about recently.

>> No.1145357

how is it better than mETH?

>> No.1145367

Looks gay.

>> No.1145369

I'm with you, holding 306 ETH after cashing in BTC..

>> No.1146387

Only guy that legit has knowledge about technology on this website.
Casuals can't take the redpill.

>> No.1146577

$20 by end of the month ni gs. Screencap this post mfkers.