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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11425486 No.11425486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>biggest holding
>last time your dick was inside a girl's anus

>> No.11425499

never. you fucking degenerate.

>> No.11425503


>3 Weeks ago.

>> No.11425512

>Never because Im not gay

>> No.11425515

10 months ago a plunged this thots ass so hard when she went to fsrt out my jiz she shit all over my floor

>> No.11425589

What do women's assholes smell like?

>> No.11425596

Pajeet detected

>> No.11425617

10k LINK. Literally yesterday. It was a guy though.

>> No.11425649

Based and redpilled

>> No.11425660

3 weeks ago

>> No.11425669
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3days if shemales count

>> No.11425675

less then 24 hours ago.

she had braces and red hair.. but boy was that a nice tight ass...mmm mmm life is good

>> No.11425686

never but i've fingered a girls ass before if that counts

>> No.11425696

I'm married, so probably will never happen.

>> No.11425752

>>4M HOLO>3 Weeks ago.

>> No.11425801

Same here.

>> No.11425815

where do u even find shemales to fuck?

>> No.11425836


isn't marriage the best time to do anal sex? mutual trust, no fear of STDs, etc...

>two weeks ago

>> No.11425861

My wife doesn't want it and I don't see the point of sticking my penis into her anus when I can use her vagina.

>> No.11425886

the vagina is the pioneer and will always be king like bitcoin.

but the anus is like chainlink and it just fullfills a whole higher degree of pleasure

>> No.11425918

>never because it won't fit

>> No.11426026


>> No.11426046
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Btc, followed closely by XMR.
Never, but my toungue pleasures my girlfriend’s asshole about once a week ;)

>> No.11426143


>> No.11426154

I’m married
Anal on the reg

>> No.11426229

Its been a few months but vagene feel better wrap around my cock.

>> No.11426259


3 days ago

>> No.11426303

Like bags of sand

>> No.11426308
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4 and a half years ago

>> No.11426328
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>> No.11426350

2 days ago

>> No.11426353

*sips* yeeeep...

>> No.11426356

>there are normies still posting on /biz/

>> No.11426383

How much lower does WAVES have to go before you off yourself?

>> No.11426489


>> No.11426500

10 days ago my gf gave herself an enema and i came deep inside completely raw.

>> No.11426533

>two months ago

>> No.11426542

>dick inside butt as we speak

>> No.11426550
File: 231 KB, 1024x683, 1539505059101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is true but the thing with women is that when it comes to anal alot of them will only be more willing to do it with you the first few weeks of the relationship because they want you to like them or if they want something from you. Once you are married women become much more conservative and less open to new sexual experiences if they don't already know they like it.

>> No.11426559

>2007 Dry

>> No.11426573

Its nice if you have a long dick because you can stick it all the way in up yo the base of your dick and ypu can cum inside without worrying about a pregnancy. The shot or the pill can have long term negative effects on their sex drive.

>> No.11426586


>last monthish

>> No.11426590
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>> No.11426601

Can it really? My gf has been on the pill for a year now

>> No.11426624

Greg and Luke Jr knows whats up

>> No.11426632


Normans are here to stay my autistic fren.

Also did anal regularly with most of my girlfriends. Last one almost exclusively. I hate condoms, like to dominate, and like filing her ass with cum. Didn't ask for this fetish but goddamn its great.

>> No.11426674

Your pic just made ether more attractive.

>> No.11426834


>> No.11427066

4 and a half years ago. Later that year was when I finally became a hermit. Now I am an enlightened being.

>> No.11427088

Cucked, disgusting and bluepilled. Putting your tongue where literal shit comes from. You are supposed to put your dick in it.

>> No.11427095

I thought this was where autists escaped to?
Fucking NPC invasion

>> No.11427122

>$80 in bitcoin (I'm just starting)
>I'm a virgin

I feel like <1% of girls would be willing to try anal.

>> No.11427126

>about three years ago

>> No.11427141

>I feel like <1% of girls would be willing to try anal.
kek. More than 50% do, fren

>> No.11427149
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UNIRONICALLY only been in a guys but have gf. She hates it. Oh and my big bag is bat

>> No.11427155

I wouldn't know, I have no experience

That's really surprising if you're speaking from personal experience.

>> No.11427171

I'm speaking from both my experience and my friends' experiences. Though that for western women. Not sure about the east, since their culture is different.

>> No.11427192
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1492376775340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many faggots on /biz/
Its almost /tg/-tier in term of homosex %, disgusting...

>> No.11427231
File: 2.56 MB, 167x190, 1402791223943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissless virgin.

>> No.11427263

link, about a year ago, my current gf isnt into anal, i dont really care tho.

>> No.11427602

Can confirm roughly 50% will let you fuck them up the butt, depending on how persuasive you are. A lot of girls are willing to try it but if you or someone else hurts them the first time they try it they might be reluctant to take it in the butt again

>> No.11427624

Doesn't fit in my gfs ass but we keep trying