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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 405 KB, 940x788, peter-schiff-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11424803 No.11424803 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't taken out your 401k, stocks, mutual funds and put it in gold. I feel sorry for you when the next recession is coming within the next few months.


>> No.11424917

You've been saying that since 2007.

>> No.11424937

Gold doesn't pay dividends.

>> No.11424947
File: 29 KB, 620x349, Schiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11424996
File: 807 KB, 165x115, 1471383537481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin makes gold redundant
>but muh infinite regression theory of value
also, gold is not stable in regards to buying power, get with the times Opa

>> No.11425007

stocks just had a little correction, nothing to worry about

>> No.11425036

>Literally buying NoseBergStein's rock collection

>> No.11425052

i have cash, stocks, gold and crypto. you cant fucc with that portfolio

>> No.11425835

When have we ever gone back after making a digital version of a product, service, or tool?

>> No.11425924

I just use BTC nibba

>> No.11426235

I'll stock ammo and food before gold. In the end times that gold won't save your ass like ammo will.

>> No.11426279

Gold is literally for retards

>> No.11426298

>end times

What the fuck do you think is gonna happen? Some Mad Max-tier shit? You realize collapses have happened before, right?

>> No.11426331

I can only wish...

>> No.11426430

We're not overleveraged like we were in 07. Market will not crash. It will come down a bit more, but it won't crash.

>> No.11426531

Real shit if markets start going crazy as fuck and economies start to falter, wouldnt that be a great thing for crypto?

Isnt this what we wanted in the end?Decentralized currency not controlled by governments. Instead of relying on some retarded gold standard where we're not even sure if theres any gold in Ft Knox.

>> No.11426591

BASED & redpilled

Mods please pin this post

>> No.11426599

>if the sky falls on our heads, shouldnt our digital ponzi tokens rise in value?

the state of /biz/

>> No.11426610

Why are you listening to anyone like Schiff who has a personal stake in people buying gold?

>> No.11426625


>> No.11426794


was just reading the fort knox wiki

>The 1933 Double Eagle was also a temporary resident after transfer from 7 World Trade Center in JULY 2001, until its sale in July 2002 for $7.59 million.

I mean, how lucky can you get

>> No.11427319 [DELETED] 

Mfw I took a loan against my 401kek and took all of it and quit my job so I don't have to pay it back.

>> No.11427343 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 720x1126, IMG_20180902_170142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops this is my face when

>> No.11427495

Man this is a great post. Too bad it is filled with some really dumb idiots and only a few wise players

to name a few.

>> No.11427513

Crypto has never been predictable.

What makes you think you can predict it wont rise in value during a economy crash, just as Gold would?

>> No.11427561

based chad keeps talking

>> No.11427587
File: 53 KB, 600x600, caco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you lost me at "poor millennial"
dent is great, but these floating headmonsters are just as NPC as the cucked left. is there *any* parallel between being 25-30 in the 70s vs being 25-30 now?

>> No.11427626

>doesn't remember 2008

>> No.11427638

stop with these threads holy shit
I literally hate gold now and learned how truly worthless it is after all your shilling

>> No.11427731


you're a dumb idiot

>> No.11427759

they would have turned to gold, had bitcoin not been invented. in the digital world physical relics like gold arent attractive anymore. bitcoin works for the super wealthy and the lower class, while the lower class simply can't afford to buy any quantity of gold, and the super wealthy must store huge quantities of it with a trusted party, because it still isnt valuable enough to work securely at scale.

>> No.11427949

If you are not comfortable holding stock through a recession, why would you buy it in the first place? Even if you were right about a recession coming, what you propose is plain retarded.

>> No.11427954
File: 250 KB, 1570x724, MW-GP053_DlZB0r_20180828062302_NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428642

looks like s§p is the bitcoin of stocks.

>> No.11428879

don't buy paper or electronic gold!

>> No.11429093
