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File: 129 KB, 750x522, the-rolling-home-van-life-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11424080 No.11424080 [Reply] [Original]

Well. bad news guys. I'm gonna have to leave my neet cave. Some shit has come up and now i have to get a fucking job and either become a rent cuck or buy a neet van to live in. Which should i do? I really don't want to pay the rent jew just for a shitty apartment to live in. I figure i should just live in a van until i have enough money saved from wage cucking to buy my own house.

>> No.11424205

Get the van OP. It will force you to keep busy becuase you will not want to lounge around in the van all day. The rent jew can go kike himself

>> No.11424241

do you have any experience living in a van? what's it like? is it as chill as it looks?

>> No.11424260

There are ton of vanlifr resources on YouTube. Seems relative comfy considering the circumstances

>> No.11424265

If you are short, it is not cold in winter and you have access to facilities to wash and launder it can be pretty comfy.

>> No.11424277

Get a camper and fit it on a truck. Way better imo

>> No.11424299

buy some cheap land
put a tent on it
take your valuables with you in your car when you leave
pour your foundation 10 bags of cement every day
congrats you almost have a house
it's life's secret cheat code!

>> No.11424300

that's not stealth though. i don't want to pay the campground rent jew. i want to be able to just park at like walmart for free. use their toilets and shit.

>> No.11424306

No personal experience. But I have spent alot of time reading over at cheaperrvliving forums. This is my back up plan, or even just my plan once I get tried of living in my current city. I think if you have a feeling that you will like the lifestlye, then you will have no problem adapting.

>> No.11424412

i just bought a 06 sprinter. Not sure what im going to do in the winter. Dont assume you are going to end up with some awesome build its a lot of work. I literally stripped everything out and its still not insulated because im too autistic and looking for the perfect way to do everything

>> No.11424438

Forgot to mention most people pay for their builds. Im all diy over time, good or bad. My dream is to make it in the markets and go /out/ so this is pretty easymode in comparison.

>> No.11424448

rent. your van wont have shower toilet water electricity quality ac kitchen etc

>> No.11424467

just drive a truck across country. you will make decent money and not have to spend much because you can live in it

>> No.11424475

was-mart lets people with RVs park for free. stealth mode not required

>> No.11424480

my parents started watching Dave Ramsey vids on youtube and told me I had no "dignity" and six months to develop a plan to move out and they were doing it because they love me.

I now work 50 hours a week minimum wage at two retail jobs to try and keep a roof on my head and I want to kill myself every day. You damn neets don't know how lucky you have it. Dave Ramsey that sick fuck literally ruined my life and I try and call his show using differnt VoiP phones every day and harass his screeners. It's literally impossible for a 28 year old to get a job and support himself, that stupid fucking boomer.

>> No.11424494

my plan is to buy a pic related. hopefully i can find one that's not too worn out. work vans tend to have high miles. then im gonna go to a hardware store and buy some foam insulation and just tape that shit to the inner roof and side walls etc. probably put a solar panel on top. from the video's i have watched it apparently is possible to run a small mini fridge on solar and batteries so i might look into that later on.

i've already done the math. im gonna shower at my my local ymca or truck stops. also public bathrooms are everywhere.

>> No.11424504
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oops forgot pic.

>> No.11424566
File: 27 KB, 400x400, aZK8Kfph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol owned

>> No.11424598

nothing personal, kid

>> No.11424606

Sounds like Dave Ramsey set you straight you absolute fucking manchild.

>> No.11424610

i fucking hate these god damned boomers so fucking much. they are like little grey haired wrinkly old spoiled babies walking around still trying to grab everything they see. my fucking boomer mother is moving into the place i currently live and i refuse to live with her. that's why i gotta get out. she's like fucking batshit crazy. like literally. she takes medication and shit. still acts like she's some hippy too. it's embarrasing. i refuse to even be seen in public with her.

>> No.11424618
File: 51 KB, 600x800, 1486053484681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems pretty comfy

>> No.11424700

Depends 100% on your location.

I live in San Fransisco so buying a camper van made more sense than paying $2.5k/month for a studio apartment. If I lived in Phoenix Arizona I would just rent. Also it would be too hot to live in a vehicle there.

>> No.11424712

i live in central north carolina. greensboro area. weather here is always decent' we get some snow in the winter but it's not that bad. summer it can get hot but like i said. i plan to buy a panel and some batteries to run a small fridge during the day and maybe a fan off the batteries at night.

>> No.11425265

Where do you park in SF? I’m moving to the bay soon so I may have to do this as well.

>> No.11425297
File: 1020 KB, 3264x2448, 1538724635601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im never leaving my neet cave.

>> No.11425328


Holy fuck lol

>> No.11425366

>t. GRAND neet

>> No.11425397

If you live in a good climate get the van and a job. Make sure not to be spending exorbitant amounts of money on fast food, and get a gym membership so you can run, work out, and shower. Get used to not having much privacy.

>> No.11425427
File: 31 KB, 466x462, 81U1aiqsERL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this pic make me think of domo kun.

>> No.11425448

Don't really want to say here sorry.

I assume you're moving for work? I hope it's worth it anon.

>> No.11425454

>I really don't want to pay the rent jew just for a shitty apartment to live in.

>I can't believe that I literally have to PAY MONEY just to LIVE in a HOUSE what is this JEW SHIT???

This place is becoming opposite-Tumblr more and more every fucking day. They say deluded shit like this pertaining to their issues.

>I can't FUCKING believe I have to pay the PAY-TRIARCHAL system money just for one of these misogynistic pigs to let me sleep in a house that's going to be empty or have someone else in it either way. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.11425504

Get the van, get a full sized bed in the back, buy a portable battery power station, get a hot plate and rice cooker, buy a gym membership that has showers and all that good stuff. Use the library or coffee shops for internet. Laundromat for clean clothes.

>> No.11425511

>parents were fine your whole adult life
>they watch a video on the internet
>suddenly total change

Don't blame them, they're literally NPCs.

>> No.11425575
File: 37 KB, 640x360, 4bc48f02401cf53605bdb096c3d7ee9e1504028036_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-when was the last time you washed your sheets? Being a NEET doesn't mean being a slob living in trash

>> No.11425640

>portable battery power station

For temporary use sure but solar is the way to go if you're doing it more than a couple months.

>hot plate and rice cooker

I'm not sure how he'd use those in the van unless he really puts some money into his panels and battery bank. Most people go with propane (with roof vent and carbon monoxide/propane detector). Mine has it built-in but a portable camping stove would be fine.

>> No.11425657

>I figure i should just live in a van until i have enough money saved from wage cucking to buy my own house.
You're going to be living in that van for a long time with whatever shit tier job you manage to get after being a NEET.

>> No.11425680
File: 19 KB, 245x175, inflation rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Min wage for boomers as teens

>> No.11425703
File: 262 KB, 1080x1080, 071bd125351c7c6b5958626ef787de143c740a2d978b4bef805267492c69662e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pocket stove for backpacking, definitely works in a pinch but I think the fuel may cost more than getting the solar set up to run it coupled with a power station long term. idk have to do the math after estimating how long you'll be living in a van

>> No.11425709

Now calculate the cost of living in those times as FIAT had just been created and asset prices had not yet been inflated.

>> No.11425727

i dont wash my sheets? im clean when i get in the bed, why should i have to wash them?

>> No.11425744

phew crisis averted

>> No.11425765

If you've got the cash then yeah solar with a large battery bank is definitely the way to go, for more reasons then just cooking.

>> No.11425858

los angeles ?

>> No.11425945

>t. Raskolnikov

>> No.11426035

Jesus fucking christ you are not a neet you are human garbage

>> No.11426047

because it's just that easy lol

>> No.11426092

if (child !=job)
{execute "gtfo";}

>> No.11426453

that will be a shitty foundation

>> No.11426521

do it. i converted and overhauled an e250 and lived out of it for 2 years traveling around the pwn and alaska. fridge is a meme as is not being able to live in a van in winter i did nights temps approaching -40 and slept comfy. financially made out like a bandit and unironically had the time of my life desu i miss it sometimes

>> No.11426554

I can smell the stink through that picture. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11426635

An Hero. You might as well.

>> No.11427007

My gf is moving there for school so I’ll be joining her

>> No.11427562

I've been doing it anon. It's complete freedom. Get a gym membership for showers and working out. Get a good one too because you are saving money on rent. Stay somewhere fairly warm and you will be fine.

>> No.11427570

You can park in neighborhoods overnight just move every couple of days and if someone asks, just say you are hanging out with a friend for a few days that lives there. Otherwise check out free campsites.net and Saturday in national Forests for free.

>> No.11427649

You guys are legitimately retarded. Your parents should have aborted you at birth. You are 20 something year olds complaining you have to be an adult and work. There are teenagers putting in more hours and being more grown up then you guys.

Please commit sudoku and don't blame Dave Ramsey, you cock suckers. Boo-hoo, my parents want me to work and now I hate my life, it's sooooo harsh.

You have the opportunity to work and save 70 to 80% of all your savings because you live with your parents. If you had worked BEFORE it had gotten to the stage where you have to fight them and argue with them and live in a shitty, confrontational environment then they would have been proud of you, let you live almost rent free and would have actually stepped in to help with your savings and your life, because they'd think you're responsible and worthy of help.

But no. You want to live in a car cuz "the jew" is taking your money. Stop blaming others for your retarded incapability to grow up.

t. Jordan B. Peterson The Great

>gonna live in a fucking car cuz youtube idiots who make enough ad money to live in sweet apartments told you it can be comfy.

"Comfy". Idiots.

>> No.11428054

Agreed, however there are some situations when living in a van makes sense. For those of use working in places like SF but only making $100k or less it's either this or a crash pad unless you don't care about growing your net worth. For other people it's a way to cheaply travel the country.