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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, ravencoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11423104 No.11423104 [Reply] [Original]

RVN mooning get in or stay poor

>> No.11423268

I just FOMOed in... I hope you are happy now OP

>> No.11423288

yeah me too anon, i put my family's and I entire, hard-earned life savings into rvn based off your post. we'll literally be dead from starvation within the week if you're wrong

>> No.11423303

This had better be a larp

>> No.11423321

nope dead fucking serious, the livelihood of my family and I now rest on the morals of the anon who made this post. hope he can live with whatever is about to happen

>> No.11423327

Mined 2k in the last week. Going to see where this goes. I get a good feeling from the BTC maximalists not shitting on it every chance they get.

>> No.11423337

Fucks sake anon, how much did you put into this?

>> No.11423343


It's 2018 niggers, work on your fuckin' shilling holy shit how little are you paid for this?

Just bought 100k DBC

>> No.11423354

>imagine buying the top of a pump

>> No.11423364

just tired of waiting and even more tired of being poor as shit, i'll tell you in a sec-- gotta add it up

>> No.11423446

Bump for interest.

>> No.11423548

cant even think right now, holy fuck what did i di

>> No.11423549

green 1h candle marks takeoff

>> No.11423559

Post a pic of your balance anon.

>> No.11423726

Pumping now

>> No.11423946

I'm on a 32 bit potato for the time being, is there anyway to mine rvn with it? Should I just wait until my desktop comes in?

>> No.11424931

OP here
did u guys listen

>> No.11424940

yes, so far i can breathe a bit

>> No.11424959

Yes anon. Thanks for the FOMO I made bank

>> No.11424967 [DELETED] 

May you eat well m

>> No.11425199

no, difficulty high... mine js e cooin or a cryptonight cpu coin.

>> No.11425312

>mining coin
>No working product


>> No.11425367

$DEAL on Crex24 is the ultimate coin, can't be beat. $200k mcap, working pos coin with 1 second transaction times, thousands of people hold the coin because the admins of the Telegram group will give you some if you ask so it has a good distribution. They're working on a decentralized marketplace and only focus on features that make sense to one day become a multi-billion dollar project. Unlike worthless Raven and 99% of the market that doesn't function well as money. The only reason the mcap is so low is because the marketing has been minimal and the devs focus on development but that's been changing recently so it's beginning to moon. If you know a more likely 1000x let me know, I will buy some immediately. Don't shill me your bullshit "dentistry on the blockchain" coins or anything like that. $DEAL is poised to become the crypto Amazon/Ebay because of their aspie savant main dev who slaves away after giving away over 90% of the coins.

>> No.11425436

shut the fuck up mining retard

>> No.11425583

CZ only listed this royal Richard Heart shilled shitcoin because he held large bags and wanted to pump it so he could dump to make some of his money back. CZ is a retard who can't pick a good coin to save his life. 95% of coins on Binance were pump n dumps.

>> No.11425612


tree hugging basedtards pls leave

>> No.11425659

Get the fuck out of here GPU boy!

>> No.11425929
File: 13 KB, 427x315, downloadfile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11426413

cant argue with facts

>> No.11426945

Once again you retards told me I was stupid when I posted on here last week saying I was buying at it was a good project. Up 70%, just heard some lameass excuses

>> No.11427021

And you're probably going to hold until you're 95% down on your original investment.

>> No.11427145

Aren't we all? That's the name of the game baby

>> No.11428124

OP here
told you guys about the pump after binance dump earlier this week as well as the correction
gave u guys a heads up on a 70% pump here

instead of listening people would rather FUD and then buy more TRX/ZRX/LINK. just lol. this is why all of you are poor. your projects suck and you will never see significant ROI.

>> No.11428520

correct this shit
buy back l8r

>> No.11428541

RVN will shit on link.

>> No.11428556

the local pump is done, come back in 10 days

>> No.11428596

Me too anon. Let's hope for the moon.

>> No.11428641

10 days is too late
buy back in 3-5
moon mission imminent. watch for my posts 4 launch details.

>> No.11428673


what are you basing this on? TA or an announcement from tzero/overstock?

>> No.11428687

same thing that led me to call the pump 5 days ago and the bottom 2 days ago
dont count on any announcement from them any time soon

>> No.11429775

>same thing that led me to call the pump 5 days ago

which is..?