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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 243 KB, 720x1052, 2016-02-04-1454591839-5008757-20162_Trans_Community_Ethan_ParkerWEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11419151 No.11419151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay boys and girls, this is going to be a long one. It might not make sense at first but I'm going to explain why MTV is the best and most comfy hold of 2018. You'll have to read it all to really understand why. So strap in put on your reading glasses and let me educate you on MTV

I'm going to be straight here though. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The EASIEST way to buy MTV is to use forkdelta. Once you're on there you will deposit your ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or buy the sell orders.

Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas.

Laggy orders, not showing up? SAVE your seed word phrase w/ metamask, and reinstall.

Exchange link >>> https://beta.forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0xcd53c76b8a350b7f9815d6ddc4617bf37c7288ff-ETH <<<

goodluck bros don't say you never had a chance to make it

>> No.11419160

Holding 125k

>> No.11419167

Etherdelta is shit and slow or id arbtriage these to idex

>> No.11419171

Nigger trans? Wtf OP

>> No.11419180

Mate this is fork delta it's a lot faster and more responsive

>> No.11419181
File: 294 KB, 800x1019, 1538781773914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbi, please...

>> No.11419185

Nice just picked up 45k is that enough?

>> No.11419192

Poorfag here I can just afford 12k will I make it OwO

>> No.11419196

You're retarded if you sleep on this lmao

>> No.11419205

How about you watch what you say it might affect other people?

>> No.11419213

MTV is going for 3 more cents on idex exchange this is litterally the easiest money ive ever made. I'd be happy to tip you OP if you posted your MEW

>> No.11419220

Forkdetla is not too bad it loads just fine

>> No.11419223

Nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.11419228

You won't make it but you'll be able to afford some lunch for a week or two at least

>> No.11419242
File: 34 KB, 817x443, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs I get 50k trips im all in

>> No.11419247

Dropped an eth

>> No.11419271

THIS IS free sheckels my goyoms

>> No.11419278

Thought the creator was a pedo

>> No.11419282

ALL in

>> No.11419289
File: 29 KB, 720x599, IMG_7696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spreading this OP, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on /biz/, everyone should sage this thread before idex catches on

>> No.11419294

Nah that's NEO lol

>> No.11419297

Greedy faggot kill your self

>> No.11419313

Thanks for the info padre already up .2 eth

>> No.11419319
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying you're actually autistic if you don't have at least 500k MTV

>> No.11419324

Bring down the hammer. You've struct fucking gold OP

>> No.11419330

50 percent linkies and 50 percent MTV feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.11419343

How does shit like this happen? 80x gains cross trading some shitcoin and cross trading bitcoin made my friend 50x gains yesterday wtf?

>> No.11419350

Or listen to this
We ALL make it instead ?

>> No.11419359

These scam threads have come a long way, Im worried now cause some brainlets might actually fall for this.
Go get a life nigger and stop trying to scam people.....

**WARNING** This guys has his own contract address he is selling supposed MTV tokens on, The contract address above IS NOT MTV......
And he is samefagging and getting good at it, the retard pajeet is learning


>> No.11419362

Fuck blacks and fuck trannies

>> No.11419372

Comfy as fuck with 33k

>> No.11419379

Doesn't matter if you FUD poorfag go back to B

>> No.11419383

Dropped 5 eth faggot

>> No.11419387

You'll make it with 400k MTV or more guys

>> No.11419393
File: 45 KB, 620x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good MAN trans pride OP!

>> No.11419399

Actually kill your self

>> No.11419400

Just fucking stop, no one is stupid enough to fall for this

>> No.11419403

Already up .9 eth thanks OP

>> No.11419408

I smell a pajeet that can't afford any shitcoin

>> No.11419412

Eh niggers always fud he's probably black

>> No.11419424


>> No.11419428

Actually jump off a bridge faggot jew

>> No.11419435

Kek free money from the chinks is always good OP

>> No.11419442

Dropped a fat eth hope I can make it with 65k MTV c;

>> No.11419459

Yeah totally a scam that's why I've made over $2k in the past hour arbtriaging this dumb shiy. Totally a scam ;))

>> No.11419480

Going to drop 4 eth fuck it dood hehehhehehhe

>> No.11419498

Seriously when will racism be banned here

>> No.11419508

That wall got ate up fast kek

>> No.11419511

MTV looks solid enough accumulate more anon

>> No.11419555

What is wrong with out world where genders are actually a question

>> No.11419571

It won't be faggot

>> No.11419701

Good job ruining this OP

>> No.11419870

Bless your little cotton socks OP

>> No.11419885


>> No.11419973

It's the least moderated board on 4chan sir, you should see r9k-tier threads here pop pretty often

>> No.11420067

MTV moon when

>> No.11420076

Chink at idex are mad kek

>> No.11420084

Brainlets will never make it rofl

>> No.11420091

Fuck you

>> No.11420253

I'm also sitting with around 33k here's to 2019 anon

>> No.11420408

ARE you new

>> No.11420663

Why would it be? OP you're a good nigger even with the transshit thanks for the edumacation

>> No.11420883

Dropped 3 eth

>> No.11421118

I think these low prices on forkdelta have driven down the chink prices on idex too

>> No.11421241

Isn't it obvious lol

>> No.11421479

Kek got 850k m8

>> No.11421874

He's probably a union worker anon

>> No.11422094

Fuck you fag

>> No.11422400
File: 33 KB, 500x483, IMG_7765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambo in 2019

>> No.11422676

Trans should die

>> No.11422738

Drop an eth or stay poor KEK

>> No.11422742

How are niggers still poor lul

>> No.11422756

Back to pol dude the racism is there not on biz

>> No.11422766

Welcome to 2018 scumbag

>> No.11422804

lmao its been a while since one of these scams has been posted here.
Every thread has shit like
>wow etherdelta is so fast now
>no, this is forkdelta, it's not run by a nigger
same shit every time, check waruso for forkdelta and see for yourself

>> No.11422818

look at this shit

>> No.11423061

ALL in on this shit coin.

>> No.11423066

I mean you might be sub100iq if you don't have at least 20k mtv

>> No.11423100

Found the NPC

>> No.11423131

Wtf is that picture OP yikes

>> No.11423135

I swear biz has become so in love with trannys

>> No.11423148

How do you short idex op

>> No.11423191

I honestly believe in the tech of MTV

>> No.11423228

It's easy buy on forkdelta in ops post then transfer to idex MTV wallet

>> No.11423240

Saw this shit earlier on reddit easiest arbitrage of my life lmfao!.

>> No.11423247

Turns out black trans have 2% survival rate

>> No.11423257

Just picked up 55k ezpz

>> No.11423261

Trips decides if I buy or not

>> No.11423267

Kill your self

>> No.11423280

No way that ipicture is supposed to be taken serious OP

>> No.11423376

I wonder why

>> No.11423380

Poorfag here will I make it with 2k mtv

>> No.11423384

Lmao imagine explaining something a 25 year old boomer could do

>> No.11423486

Nope reverse image it. Actually for a festive celebration thing.

>> No.11423490

LINK and MTV is all you should own cuh

>> No.11423506

OP post Mew ill tip ya

>> No.11423512

Waiting on binance transfer hopefully that wall doesn't get ate QQ

>> No.11424042

Should of just transferred it from metamask

>> No.11424294

Feeling bullish

>> No.11424348


>> No.11424459

Having issues with mm lately

>> No.11424544

Save your seed and reinstall will fix the sluggish issues

>> No.11424621

Based cyborg niggers in ops picture

>> No.11424698
File: 6 KB, 168x168, 6677899292974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only three eth in lost like five today at duck dice

>> No.11424749

We're going to make it

>> No.11424783

Deciding on this or maybe acm, or link.

>> No.11424785

Anyone know how to buy?

>> No.11424832

Download metamask and just deposit

>> No.11424836

Kucoin listing soon it's already on the chink exchange idex it's a chink coin

>> No.11424861

Kek can you install a browser extension ? If not you might be too retarded