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11417170 No.11417170 [Reply] [Original]

My understanding is that if you take something that two people are capable of doing, such as welding or something, and one guy has a 100 IQ and the other 115, the 115 will learn faster, but the 100 IQ guy is still capable of being an incredible welder with enough time and experience.

However, are there really tasks that people, even with enough time, simply cannot do or comprehend within enough time? I guess you can't teach a mentally retarded person (IQ 50 or something) to do physics, or can you?

Within a certain range, are there certain topics that can be understood by everyone (let's say IQ's greater than 100) but the separation between them is in the time it takes them to grasp the topic? Or is there something else that separates a 100 IQ person and a 140 IQ person? What are we quantifying when we say someone has a certain IQ? Is it just a test that has good predictive power or is there something essential that we're quantifying?

What's something a 140 IQ can understand that a 115 or 120 IQ can't?

BTW I just posted this on /sci/ but their board is too slow so I figured you gentlemen could give good answers.

>> No.11417185

It’s probably too subjective to be looked into like this. There’s so many other factors to learning and development my friend. It’s a good subjective tool but not to be taken as a perfect measurement.

T. 69IQ

>> No.11417187

10 iq you can only respond to stimuli
50 you can dig a hole
65 iq you understand symbols
80 iq you can virtualize, alahu akbar
100 you can plan the response of others
115 you can plan the future of other and resulting environment
115-180 you virtulize better and are able to discern what is
185+ you see the hand of God

>> No.11417199

>What's something a 140 IQ can understand that a 115 or 120 IQ can't?

complex math and or physics where you need to think really beyond and/or have a real good memory.

>My understanding is that if you take something that two people are capable of doing, such as welding or something, and one guy has a 100 IQ and the other 115, the 115 will learn faster, but the 100 IQ guy is still capable of being an incredible welder with enough time and experience.

this is not acurate a 140 iq guy can be an absolute moron or an autist it could be the case that he is just really good at doing things which IQ-test benefit the most.

for example driving a vehicle.
it could be possible that a 100 iq guy can drive a guy within 30 minutes of learning time and a 140 iq guy will fuck up the driving his whole life because he is not able to coordinate his feet and his hands simultanious.

never to mention that most things are just training people seem to be weird about this related to brain power.

if somebody is doing 200kg benchpress nobody would say he can do it because he is strong.
he can do it because he trained a lot.

why do people say some can do smart things because he is smart?
he can do it because he trained his brain to do it.
motivation is key.
people who can´t remember names for example have no motivation to remember them.
offer them 100.000$ if he can remember the next random name. he will for sure. because he is motivated.

>> No.11417221

>never to mention that most things are just training people seem to be weird about this related to brain power.
Please restructure/rewrite this, I can't understand

>> No.11417237


10iq is all I need for a lady.

>> No.11417286

Ok here is what a know as a 140 iq (proper tested) psychology student .
If you have an iq under 83 you are basicly worth nothing in our society.
Iq between 83 and 100 those are your a bit dumb but can work some stupid jobs type of people.
100+ iq faster learning and greater potential.
140 you a defineyly depressed due to being able to realise all the flaws with yourself and how stupid everybody else is (this is obv a joke , you can be like this even with a 100+ iq)

Having a greater iq is not a guarantee for sucsess but it ia easier , having less than 83 iq is a guarantee for faill.
Dont know what else to say i have studied iq alot so if you have questions ask.

>> No.11417293

God i made so much spelling mistakes i am starting to doubt my iq

>> No.11417320

You know your IQ is low when you measure things in 2 dimensions...
>hurr durr 115 hurr durr 140

Our brains work differently and some people use different percentages of left vs right brain as well as different centers of the brain being more active for some people allowing for certain mental traits to be enhanced. The key is to never measure yourself against another man. Instead, measure your current self against your past self. Always criticize and analyze your past self, and ask yourself every day how you are different than your previous self. If, after long periods of time, you never see change, you're a failure already. When you think you have peaked in one area of mental ability, try improving a different one, or exploring something about yourself you never thought you could change.

>> No.11417332

op is a women, that is why her ramblings barely make sense

>> No.11417339

Typical sub 100 argument.
>Durr some people aren't stupid they're just smart at like drawing pictures and stuff!!

Fucking retard. Probably not even sub 90 more like sub 80 trying to make excuses for why he's a retard

>> No.11417347
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>people use different percentages of their brain
t. knows fuck all about neuroscience

>> No.11417352

Yeah niggers for example don't use their frontal lobe at all

>> No.11417358

You obviously dont know how IQ works and is mesured . All research has shown that if you are good in one aspect there is a high probability you will also be good at the other aspects.
Also if you were refering to one part of the being logical and the other artistic by the right and left statement , pls kill yourself that is a dumb myth and the brain does not work like that.

>> No.11417376

Mean iq 100 = Netherlands
Mean iq 60 = Somalia

Where would you rather live

>> No.11417389

10 iq bitconnect
50 iq xvg
65 iq link
80 iq vechain
100 iq ethereum
115 iq xrp
115-180 iq btc without segwit
185+ iq bch

>> No.11417392

The research or mean contry iq goes like this :
Less than 90 - 3rd world
More than 95 - a pretty good country

My country is between 90 and 95 and its a first world country but with alot of problems

>> No.11417411

People with higher IQ's learn faster, while those with lower IQ's learn slower. Grit, IQ, opportunity, money, and connections are what determines if somebody will make it or not.

>> No.11417444

10 - no concept of money, uses sex to trade
50 - no able to symbolize with money, singular families, no society
65 - ooo shiny money begins, shell and stones
80 - nikel, bronze and alcohol is money
100 - all above rust/decay , gold is money as is eternal
115 - money out of money, loans stocks companies
115-180 - we eat people, literal predators, you just cannot empathize with the subhumans, or "drappers" we will go to the stars, cryptoes
185+ - you fight demons with unceasing fury as you know time is limited

>> No.11417451

>t. ignorant dumbfuck
>t. scientifically illerate
>t. doesn't understand statistics

>> No.11417469

lower IQ drivers drive faster and are involved in more traffic accidents. also you do not know the first ducking thing about IQ based on what you have written. also you are a redd!t dumbfuck. what the fuck are you doing here faggot?

>> No.11417473

>t. scientifically illiterate ignoramus

>> No.11417510

Blow me

>> No.11417546

Idk dawg I'm in the field of medicine.
Don't think you could do this with an average IQ, there's just too much to memorise.
All the body systems, human anatomy, physiology, cellular interactions, pathology, interpreting 100s of different tests (e.g. x-ray, blood tests). Having fast memorisation helps jump through the many hurdles to gain that initial knowledge base and become a doctor, and then from there it just gets even more specific (e.g. future, current and previous literature in different fields dictating precise ways to manage problems in terms of drug doses, ordering and time limits). Add to this the complex human interactions and having to remember 40+ patients problems, background, test results and plan over the course of a day. Ya... it's a fucking nightmare

>> No.11417548

Im not sure OP, try learning how to calculate Fourier transform and let us know if low IQs are able to do it.

>> No.11417568

I'm pretty sure anyone with an iq of over 100 can learn anything over time. Personally I have an iq of 138 and I'm considered a brainlet because I used to ditch school to go skte with my friends. I'm currently in community college while others are in uni. However, now that I've started taking shit seriously I've found that I'm a really fast learner. I learned trig in a matter of months to place higher in my placement test. And other in my class are struggling with math concepts that they've been using for years and I've been grasping them with ease despite the fact that Algebra 1 was the highest math I took in HS. Regardless I still consider myself pretty stupid for fucking up in High School, life would be so much easier if I hadn't

>> No.11417569

i scored top 5% ACT/SAT tests and have a outstanding memory - but did poorly on the psych's IQ test i took when i was a teenager and my parents were getting divorced (108). i still got into an extremely good college because of my test scores/grades/interests

in my opinion, it is apparent in the workplace most of all - i worked in data science, with people my age, and they were all extremely intelligent. they did circles around me. after a few years, i left that place and took a lower prestige job as a programmer, and can relate to the regular codemonkeys a lot better.

>> No.11417603

I have that too sometimes, impostor syndrome. But looking at it objectively im a bit above average in my company, but im so used to being in the top its really bothering me.

>> No.11417616

IQ is more about comprehension than memorization. So you can teach someone 2+2 and they can memorize the answer is 4, but they won't be able to tell you what 2+3 is if they haven't memorized the answer an their IQ is too low.

So the lower the IQ the harder it is to learn and apply skills. I noticed that people who fail in STEM usually well be able to answer questions they've done before, but if you present them with a slightly altered but similar question they get completely lost.

>> No.11417855

These thread always bring out random anons that claim their IQ is over 130. Hint : it isn’t.

>> No.11417937

Medicine isn’t a field where you need a very high IQ imo. Spatial recognition and analytical thinking aren’t all that important imo (as long as you’re not very bad at these), you just have to have good memory. It’s a lot harder for a low IQ to make it in fields like CS, physics, math, philosophy etc. where just having good memory won’t cut it.

t. most of my family are doctors

>> No.11417955

Intelligence is malleable-age, mood, exhaustion and time of day and year all effect it.

>> No.11417964
File: 7 KB, 218x232, ork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this was a case of IQ difference. i was working with people were ivy league/top20 US college grads, and even regular conversation they were way beyond my grasp. i was the lowest performer for the ~4 years i was there.

it doesn't always happen in the workplace, i think most lower prestige jobs, success doesn't correlate with anything but organization/agreeable or extraversion/sociopathy (depending the path you take)

>> No.11417965

T. 130 IQ here, I drive fast and reckless, you sound like a low test soiboi

>> No.11417970

The biggest key to success with is getting your endorphin reward system in line to reward you to do positive steps in your development.

>> No.11417983

>if somebody is doing 200kg benchpress nobody would say he can do it because he is strong


>> No.11418002

Interesting. Any specific examples of conversations that had you lost at sea?

>> No.11418019

Enjoy your retard children

>> No.11418024

compare Iceland to Haiti.

Iceland; barren and frozen rock, but a first world country. Settled by high iq people.

Haiti; rich in every resource imaginable, great climate, but is Haiti. Settled by low iq "people".

>> No.11418055

If you've ever done higher level mathematics or physics then you know that to even grasp the levels of abstraction you will definitely have to be over a certain IQ level.

No matter how many times I explain some concepts regarding proving fundamental theorems or reducing np hard problems to 3fatt someone lower than 120-130iq won't understand it.

I'd say those two fields are the ones which today are on such a level of abstraction that your average person won't ever grasp the higher level theories.

>> No.11418073

I haven't really encountered this in any other fields I've studied or worked in, sure some conversations or sciences do require a raw IQ base (such as medicine) but it's never as raw as mathematics.

>> No.11418127

I agree. I have some limited insight in higher level pure math and other sciences. There is a big difference in the mental difficulty. Understanding high level pure math concepts is very difficult compared to most other sciences. Coming up with fairly novel proofs is even harder.

>> No.11418178

10 iq makes sacrifices to expiate sins
50 iq atheist
65 iq muslim
80 iq jew
100 iq christian
115 iq non-pauline christianity
115-180 buddhism, tao
185+ iq jainism; does not hate or love anybody

>> No.11418203

It's not that the people have low IQ.
Haiti is much like the US.
People just don't care enough to have a good, healthy life.
When the population is driven and controlled by fear, there is no chance the society will evolve. They are stuck :(

>> No.11418807
File: 204 KB, 500x955, messages-ill-vpn-photo-xxxtentacion-2-532-likes-xxxtentacions-new-look-27820867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw high school drop out boomer struggling with high school math assignment as we shitpost ITT.

>> No.11418900

you should have held that job
it is always better to be surrounded by smarter people

>> No.11418942

IQ largely relates to being able to internally rationalize complexities and keeping track of it all to see how they all will progress in a future state.

We all use our IQ in slightly different ways because intelligence is found in both the conscious and unconscious parts of our minds, and our past experiences fill our conscious and unconscious minds with different stimuli which in turns directs and alerts our consciousness towards different things.

Understanding the emergence of money, how and why symbols end up becoming important to us, and being able to rationalize mimetic desire being transferred is a pretty tricky thing that most low IQ people cannot become aware of.

>> No.11419262

>...so much...

>> No.11419288


>> No.11419496
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>> No.11419549

80 iq - sex machine
90 iq - sex expert
100 iq - romance master
110 iq - lose your virginity in college
120 iq - get the girl after proving you are successfull in your career
130 iq - awkward nerd
140+ iq - virgin for life