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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11416930 No.11416930 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we talk about why ambrosus is the best supply chain project out there. I'll start

>World class team
>Meets all deadlines on roadmap
>Decent tokenomics with node payout which actually is worth doing. Unlike some other projects which give $4 per month
>Live mainnet
>Already has two paying partnerships, more to come
>60 employees, 10 dedicated just to creating supply chain solutions

I'll stop there and allow others to contribute. But seriously can't see why you wouldn't want in on this. Oh and since our biggest shill has gone awol I'll fill in for him.

>my finances when AMB $100 EOY

>> No.11416959

>Unlike some other projects which give $4 per month
That shade
>>my finances when
kek pretty gud

Anyway I literally am unable to find anything that's better than this supply chain project.

>> No.11416966

I fucking love how he's gone from CEO to GLOBAL CEO. It's like how firelord ozai stands down as firelord, only to take up the title of Phoenix King.

The chadsetti is a fucking boss!

>> No.11417002
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Ambrosus holders are here to remind us that there are people who have actually managed to be more retarded than link, ven, and trx holders. You will never recover from bearwolf. He completely illuminated what an absolute scam amb was and there's just no coming back.

>> No.11417033

The fact he's disappeared now the price is recovering shows he was fudding purely to keep the price down so he could fill his bags.

>> No.11417065

Damn te foodlets getting slated with that $4 meme

>> No.11417167

Well that and considering they are only onboarding 30 nodes and have a waiting list of 1400 applications. I think they will be waiting a long time for the $4 a month.

>> No.11417238

Wow maybe year 3018 they can onboard everyone

>> No.11417361

Kek tyrips with QR codes and an ERC-20 token and BIZ is sold.