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11416924 No.11416924 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst financial mistake you've ever made in your life that ISN'T crypto-related?

>> No.11416936

4chan pass

>> No.11416937


>> No.11416945

The absolute state. How Hindu is this guy?

>> No.11417941

bought retail weed when I should have bought wholesale.

>> No.11417957

going to university, getting debt and then dropping out

>> No.11417975

Pre-ordered No mans sky

>> No.11417977

Same but I didn't get debt. If I had started working at 18 (I started learning software dev in highschool) I could've easily got to college part time and pay for it if I wanted (Europe) and have few shekels by now

>> No.11417982

>Keep creepers away

Holy shit the irony. No way people are this oblivious. If thats a real unironic post, that guy needs to terminate his life

>> No.11418064

I bought a PSP Go on release day in an expensive bundle. I then spent loads buying original PS1 games from the online store for it the instant i got home.

I played it about 4 times which means I spent something like £100 an hour playing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

Since then I don't buy anything on release day, apparently I get too hype and become retarded.

>> No.11418083

Selling WEED stock at 7$ could have like 240k now

>> No.11418119

Burned through my savings over 12 months thinking
>A job will come along eventually
Waiting for a perfect opportunity that didn't come. The minute I ran out of money I magically conjured something up.

>> No.11418123
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Lost a couple thousand bucks on intrade.com and political betting. All in all, could have been worse.

>> No.11418124

Left a fresh career abroad that would have led to double citizenship and several economical perks in the 5/10 year range to go back with nothing and start over. Reason is a gf, the lamest of all the possible reasons to do something like this. We broke up 2 months later. Took almost one year to recover from the losses, not counting the potential gains that are never coming.
I would beat the shit out of my 20yo self if I could, but I learned valuable lessons.

>> No.11418126

Bought the XIV dip on the day before the crash.

>> No.11418134

Hard to resist the power of boners

>> No.11418146

Spending money on massage parlors drunk when half the women usually aren’t attractive

>> No.11418171

>psp go
lmao i remember that piece of shit, smaller screen than a psp and you could only buy digital games, capped out at a whopping 16GB, what a hot piece of trash. Metal Gear Solid however is one of the greatest games I've ever played, console or handheld. Too bad my dad smashed my psp, the only electronic thing i ever owned until practically college, in a fit of rage.

>> No.11418187

Motorcycle. Starcraft 2, Tera.

>> No.11418199

trying to play poker with real money when i was still very bad at the game

i was kinda poor a at time so it hurt me to throw away money

>> No.11418261

Nobody with a Guts avatar would be that retarded. Sure shit like that happens all the time, but this twitter screencap is ironic.

>> No.11418292

Dropping out of college at 18, getting nigger rich with my student loan money, skipping payments, getting a forbearance a day away from defaulting

I finally payed it off at 22

>> No.11418305

sup this is me rn lmao

>> No.11418307

$350 DX Racer Gaming Chair
Hurts my back.

>> No.11418312

Why Starcraft 2?

>> No.11418325

buying a domain name for $500. never using it

lossing 1.25 million trading shitcoins in 2018 bearmarket

>> No.11418494

Maybe because blizzard made the multiplayer aspect and first campaign completely free to play later on

>> No.11418662

I was born into a lower middle class family

>> No.11419281

Coming from brood war, sc2 wol seemed over simplified. It heavily favored macro over micro. Every unit was shoehorned into a specific role. it just didn't feel right. Compare a marines attack animation and sound from broodwar to sc2. Broodwar sounded way more convincing.
Maybe it was nostalgia chasing and me trying to convince myself I hadn't grown out of games yet. Sc2 just seemed to suck.

>> No.11419310

Same here. I passed 2 years too. I was younger though and lacked dedication.

>> No.11419355

Going all in on:
FB, NFLX, IQ, AMD right before each of them crashed.

>> No.11419367

All games are shit nkw

Diablo 3
Civ 5, 6

All shit compared to the predesscor

>> No.11419420

Graduated university, couldn't get a job for a while. Went to visit my parents for a couple months and ended up getting offered a job in their city. My gf was crying telling me to come back etc so I turned it down and moved back. Unemployed for a few more months because there were no jobs in my field in that city.

Then caught her cheating on me saying it wasn't the same after I moved back. That I didn't do anything wrong she just got over me when I was visiting my parents

I graduated over a year ago and feel like my resume gap is too big now and I work as a lifegaurd and want to kill myself. Don't get a gf anons, women are evil

>> No.11419426

how are those rose-tinted nostalgia glasses treating you?

>> No.11419487

>Go to University and get into intern program/job
>Fall in love with first ever girlfriend
>Drop out of Intern program because I was too obsessed with her, couldn’t concentrate with schooling
>Went up to registrar to submit my withdrawal from University program but luckily the lady there said I could just withdraw the semester and continue in a few months
>Eventually graduate but gf leaves me a year later
>Stuck in helpdesk job for last 10 years because of missed opportunities

>> No.11419524

You don't need special glasses to see that Diablo 3 is a bad game compared to d2. Fo4 and Skyrim had faults but also good bits.

>> No.11419554

Yes it was shit, New Vegas was the best
no opinion
nah actually sc2 is much better than brood war
>diablo 3
d2 was one of the best game ever, diablo 3 fucking ruined it with its WoW atmosphere and auction house, fuck that game.
Civ is for faggots.

>> No.11419638


>> No.11419644

PhD degree

>> No.11419710


Let's be honest, only white beta male soicucks do this kind of shit.

>> No.11419722

They let you take out loans without using them on college?

>> No.11419730
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Well my ex-wife (which I had a one year old son) left me. Luckily I don't have to pay alimony because she was stupid enough to find a new beta provider before we even where officially divorced.

Still costed me my house (which I renovated alone), half of my savings (which I saved since she was always broke). And most of the stuff in my house. Also sold all my Ethereum when it was 8 dollars to pay for my laywer.

Not counting the missed crypto gains I think the total loss would be around 20k which is actually half my annual income (Europoor).

Women are ruthless


>> No.11419740

It's good game now. I invested in the metal box which will one day fetch me a happy meal at McDonald's

>> No.11419780

They sent me a check for the money left over after tuition was covered for about $2k. Typically used to buy books, supplies, drugs, etc

I didnt touch it for almost a year and then said fuck it and spent it on frivolous shit

>> No.11419968

>What's the worst financial mistake you've ever made in your life that ISN'T crypto-related?
sorry not buying 100 btc at $10 was the absolute worst, i already made up my mind and the fees and transit times seemed utterly unreasonable and let my family talk me out of it. that was the absolute fucking worst.

second worst was buying real estate.

>> No.11420019

Signed up for two subprime mortgages.
With my mother.

>> No.11420187
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>deciding to pursue a fucking liberal arts major in college instead of studying finance
>slowly pissing away the good money I made at my last sales job instead of buying a house and investing
>buying a new motorcycle and fucking financing it
>paying extortionate rent to live in a shitty apartment in a trendy neighborhood instead of buying a house
>breaking up with my college gf (thought i could do better lol) who in hindsight may have been the best long term partner for me

At the end of the day, I have no debt and I'm trying to be smart going forward so I think I might make it. We'll see...

>> No.11420481

4 years of college for $50k in debt @7%

By far the worst decision of my entire life.

>> No.11420497


My brother did the same thing. Turned down a killer job to move in with his GF and marry her.


>> No.11420504

Started smoking weed.

>> No.11420746


>> No.11420926

if you didn't smoke, your life would be as shit as it is, except now you'll feel worse because you don't have weed to numb it out.

this whole fucking bullshit the boomers give us about how 'QUIT WASTING YOUR MONEY ON POT YOU LOSER' is literally like saying 'YEAH WE FUCKED UP THE ECONOMY, DEAL WITH IT'...

>> No.11420938


>> No.11420949

Mostly getting scammed by cab drivers. Buying bay blade and fidget spinners. I overpaid for all of it.

In crypto I made a killing with xrp, 2xd my initial and bought link. Holding for over a year now

>> No.11421007

smoking meth and going to a casino

>> No.11421014

fake news
saved a day's worth of solving captchas to date

>> No.11421037

Falling for the 'VR is the future of gaming' meme.

>preorder Oculus $500
>preorder Vive $800
>build totl vr PC $2500
>buy psvr since exclusives $500
>buy vr games $500
>total: over $4500

I haven't played any VR for over a year.

>> No.11421040

Own 4 bikes.
Only really need 2.
Though I've bought and sold in between these 4 so I'm only £300 down but have 4 solid bikes that I can't sell.

That or a nintendo wii, I'm still pissed off at myself for buying that at 13.

>> No.11421049

bruh oculus is great for porn

>> No.11421061

My African American college roommate stole the following out of my room:
-$3000 cash
-new macbook air
-the $10000 engagement ring I had bought for my gf
-my phone and car keys

That was the worst financial setback I've ever experienced, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a mistake. I picked my roommate because he was diverse, and he may have stolen it because of some cultural misunderstanding or miscommunication. Even if he did intentionally steal it, my white ancestors did way worse shit in the past. I can give him a pass for that.

>> No.11421071

Believed a "friend" that his "mlm" business totally wasn't a pyramid scheme.

>> No.11421081


isn't it fun?

>> No.11421172

$15k car loan, sold the car for $9k, wasted the money

still owe $12k and have nothing to show for it

monthly payments are 30% of my monthly pay

lesson learned the hard way because that's all my family has ever known

i envy people who grew up with financially savvy and secure parents

>> No.11421204

9/10 bait

>> No.11421252

Overall happiness increased

>> No.11421263

It's alright. It's a pain in the ass to get everything set up and ready just to play. Your trailing a bundle of cables around that's attached to the back of your head while the headset itself can feel clunky at times. It doesn't help that there's not alot of vr content. The technology still needs to be refined, give it a decade or so.

>> No.11421295

that was some shit tier bait man, dunno what ur on about

>> No.11421303

you got baited faget lolmao

>> No.11421311

Bought US Steel stock years ago and managed to sold in bottom just before it mooned again.

>> No.11421536

Hahaha omg that was brutal to watch. RIP.

>> No.11421665

$140k loan plus interest (180k total) on education for a career that I don't even like. Already paid it off with my job and crypto gains in just 2 years. I'm thinking about going back to school for something else.

>> No.11422163

>It's a pain in the ass to get everything set up and ready just to play
This. It's just not worth the inconvenience. Especially if your VR room is general purpose then you have to put everything away once you're done. It's a chore. And desu my main issue is the lenses just aren't that great. Maybe some people can stay in VR for hours but I certainly can't.

>> No.11422189

There are no good non-weeb porn games though so you can get a good enough VR porn experience with a decent smartphone.

>> No.11422213

pokemon cards

>> No.11422739

Didn't multi-table 24/7 on Pokerstars when online poker was the hottest meme and all the boomers were gambling away their money. I was playing casually like a pleb, even though it was painfully easy to make money.

>> No.11422789


Drank myself into a 15k debt

Then again that debt motivated me to go beast mode and make money

>> No.11422993

This. Felt buyer's remorse instantly after buying BfA.

>> No.11423009

A 4chan pass is the one thing I spent bitcoin on so far.

>> No.11423057

It's crazy how you can't get rid of debt this high through bankruptcy.

>> No.11423072

I've probably spent well over $5,0000 on cocaine to go straight up my nose.

>> No.11423096

Party poker skin reloads were some of the easiest money I've ever made

>> No.11423121

hashtag METOO, unsubbed after 2 weeks :D

>> No.11423141


>> No.11423149

>paying to do a PhD

>> No.11423521

Let's not..

>> No.11423589



It's almost like the federal government and the banks teamed up to fuck the common man.

Oh wait...

>> No.11423621

my birth

>> No.11423753
File: 81 KB, 938x974, npc 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole fucking bullshit the boomers give us about how 'QUIT WASTING YOUR MONEY ON POT YOU LOSER' is literally like saying 'YEAH WE FUCKED UP THE ECONOMY, DEAL WITH IT'...

>> No.11423922

I signed onto a car loan for a minivan I never wanted 2 years ago. The car was pushed onto me by my father and it ended up costing 47K. It was a work vehicle and a lot of my time was spent working to pay it off. My dead beat father promised to help me pay off a portion of the costs. But he ended up dying from a stroke and I'm left with a financial hole on a car I never wanted. I could've used that cash and started investing or even pay for night school. It made me furious how a begrudgingly stubborn senior coerced me into it.

>> No.11424347

Probably just not getting a job earlier

>> No.11424524
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Buying a nintendo 3ds at release
>nintendo dumps the price by 80€
>I sell it enraged on ebay
>2 months later the unthinkable homebrew hack released which only worked so far on the old model which I had. Fuckers sold for 400+€ ebay that week

>> No.11425016


also got married without a prenup - lost half of my networth to a divorce, will never invest in women ever again.

>> No.11425033

b-but which was worse?

>> No.11425048

When I was 18 the I sold a bunch of bonds I had and bought a car. Dropped 15k into it and took a 10k personal loan to do it. I could have so much if I just invested it.

>> No.11425065
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True, only because the beta shitskin hordes can't afford donations or subscribing lel

>> No.11425130

isnt college free in europe lmao

>> No.11425144
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Without a doubt the thousands I have spent on booze and tobacco. Not fucking worth it. It wasn't even a social experiance for me, It was just money down the drain for a shitty feeling that lasted a few minutes/hours.

>> No.11425406

reits or actual real estate?

>> No.11426468

Was young. Still not an excuse.

>> No.11426630

Going to college to get a >>>/gd/ degree. I'm not in debt because the school payed for most of it but 5 of my classes I had to pay out of pocket ($2,100 total). It's been 5 months since I graduated and I can't find a job in my state (Alabama.) I can't even find a retail job. I'm back at where I started, broke and trying deciding whether I should an hero or not.

Also I listened to >>>/ic/ and bought $200 worth of art books that I barely read through.

>> No.11426802

XIV. wasn't a big loss tho only had about 2 months salary in there

>> No.11427281

friend as roommate during college

>> No.11427456

Friend made me take a pic with two half naked cosplay girls in Vegas even though I didn't want to. Afterward they said I owed them $20 for taking the pic.
Never been cucked so hard in my life for so little.

>> No.11427550

At least you werent a retard like my friend and bought all that game time for 100bucks for that shitty mount and then he just quit playing in 2 weeks after he did everything BfA had to offer.

>> No.11427582

Never really had any opportunity to spend much so no regrets so far

Just waiting for crypto to moon so I can gib parents comfy retirement and not be their financial mistake lol

>> No.11427737

If you're still in AMD, stay in. I know you have no reason to trust me, but watch for major AMD news in a few weeks.