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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1141520 No.1141520 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have so fucking much ETH that buying in that dip would have been a waste of my time
feels good to literally be made a millionaire because of /biz/. hilarious, really.

>> No.1141523

spend some of your millions learning to write coherently.

>> No.1141659

grats man...i barely have any.....


>> No.1141663 [DELETED] 

Making some eth for dummies blog

>> No.1141668

ETH is worth, what 14x what is was when you could have bought in.

To have made a million dollars on ETH you would have had to invest over $70,000 in it, best-case.

Either you took an utterly idiotic risk with a bizarre amount of liquid capital or ETH was only a small part of an existing portfolio close to $1m. Either way it's no rags to riches story.

>> No.1141690

I don't know why the fuck the faggot mods don't ban this shithead. If this isn't advertising then what the fuck is? Fuck you mods. Do your job faggots.

>> No.1141711

or its a lie?? like ??? like ????

>> No.1141723

>literally be made a millionaire because of /biz/. hilarious, really
What''s hilarious is that you feel the need to post about your supposed wealth on a Sumatran origami board.

>> No.1141724

plss m8 would you spear some :(


>> No.1141752

Presale buyers bought in less then that

>> No.1142691


This really sucks. I miss out on every train.

I'm the person who generally gifts random people money, gifts, food etc...when I can with nothing in return.

>> No.1142698

>with nothing in return
You got that right.

>> No.1142709

anyone gutted that they missed the ETH train?
(i am too, don't worry)
i shit you not, buy XMR and hold. it'll either die and be worth nothing, or be worth maybe ten times as much as it is now, when the GUI is released.
i've been in cryptos since 2012, i of course tell you this largely because i hold so many, but i shit you not, it's the only coin in which i have faith atm.
well, aside from a few long shots like LTC or UNITY.
people please back me up on this. XMR is a very, very good bet and atm is cheap.

>> No.1142718

>over 10% Roi in less than an hour isn't worth it with "so much" ether
Get the fuck out

>> No.1142730

Links to support your arguments?
Bought LISK, might as well look into XMR

>> No.1142733

Tss next train: lisk

>> No.1142742

What's a few ether to a rich man like yourself?

>> No.1142747

i won't bore you with technical crap, all i need to do imo to substantiate my claims is to tell you to look at bitcointalk. XMR is a huge deal there. people are constantly discussing it.
also note that poloniex adores XMR. it's one of only 3 trading pair currencies there along with BTC and USDT.
it's main feature is it's anonymity. if you want more techy detail there's loads here.

>> No.1142753

>>1141520so, basically i will help you guys earn side money, a lots of it. just follow up if you dont want to miss the train. peace. wisdomrace.com

>> No.1142769

For a good cause ;^)


>> No.1142771

Thx anon, I'm gonna look into it.

>> No.1142801
File: 40 KB, 854x480, Let's Shoot This Baby To The Moon (2000) HD.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2016.03.11_19.41.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All aboard!

>> No.1142883

Pre-sale bought in for 30 cents per ETH.

So, they're about 50x up.

>> No.1142902

i so, so nearly got in on that IPO. spent my coins on UNITY instead, which is now worth like a third what it was.
sigh. should have listened to that polo trollbox. it was them who recommended i get onboard. some of those guys really know their stuff.
anyway. well done you.

>> No.1142978




>> No.1143071

>literally begs people to invest in XMR

>> No.1143079

if you don't want to then don't. i recently sold every single crypto i owned (103 different coins) and the only ones i now hold are BTC, LTC (only 10) and a few thousand XMR. i'm not begging, i honestly have faith in it.
oh and i have like 10 ETH which i bought at such a high price that i don't expect much if any profit.
go look at the altcoin section of bitcointalk. i pretty much guarantee people will be talking about XMR on page 1, neat enough every time you visit.

>> No.1143086

eth dying again? hm.

>> No.1143093

below 3 mil again.
man i love daytrading this coin.
how low we gonna go this time?

>> No.1143097

No one gives a fuck about monero outside of bitcointalk.

It was ninjamined at the beginning by deliberately gimping the mining software while devs had real miners.

Pretty scammy.

>> No.1143101

I hope 0.023

>> No.1143104

>No one gives a fuck about monero outside of bitcointalk.
and me. and poloniex. and a shitload of...
ah whatever anon. i honestly have faith that it's gonna rocket in value. even if everyone itt buys it's gonna make fuck all difference to the value of my stash, i'm honestly trying to help people out.
that'd be nice. imma go for .027 personally. if it dips too hard it might struggle to ever get past 3.5 mil

>> No.1143110

Well, 0.021 would mean i have more ETH than i started with plus a tidy sum that i already withdrew.

>> No.1143132

dammit, dump harder! bittrex arbitrage can't keep up and that's the only place i've got coins.

>> No.1143136

I think when i wake up tomorrow it will be lower than it is now.

I can tell because I accurately judge how many retards are in the ETH market.

They an be relied upon to panic dump to exactly the right point. And then other retards will buy on the way back up pushing it ever inflated highs.

>> No.1143140

>I think when i wake up tomorrow it will be lower than it is now.
hope so, because that dump seems to be over and it's goin' green again. dammit. didn't make a penny.

>> No.1143141

Give it like 8 hours, guarantee some faggot will panic and sell

Im putting a buy order at 0.025

>> No.1143159

who benefits from polo being ddos'd? i can't figure out why it's happening

>> No.1143166

Sometimes people just want to watch the world burn.
>just kidding it is probably (bitcoiners)

>> No.1143171

The OP lied, and hasn't shown up once since then. Every etherm thread is full of lies, misrepresentation and outright cluelessness.


>> No.1143173

gais... copied/pasted from polo trollbox

ndogmugedi: Look at this ETH holder 0xb794f5ea0ba39494ce839613fffba74279579268 . He/she has morethan 10 M ETH. Just import 50 K ETH to Poloniex. Get ready

>> No.1143178

wait i've never actually tx'd ETH to polo, doesn't it require something insane like 300 confirmations?
if so i guess it might be a few hours, but given that people are aware it's coming, i guess dumps are gonna start soon. get dem limit orders set

>> No.1143180

Are you "literally" surprised?

>> No.1143181
File: 9 KB, 267x181, pepe suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to laugh so hard when ETH inevitably hovers near zero.

It's going to be so many posts of frogs with guns in mouths.

>> No.1143185

...except having actually looked, the tx was 2 hours ago.
incoming any moment i guess.
i'm a bitcoin guy, anon. i trade ETH solely for btc, and i feel sorry for the noobs who as you say, are gonna get fucked by ETH. no way is it gonna replace btc, no way is it even worth it's current value. people seem to forget that there's a limited supply of btc, there's no limit on the amount of eth. plus another million reasons i won't bore you with, i really think btc is where it's at, not eth.

>> No.1143193

>It was ninjamined at the beginning by deliberately gimping the mining software while devs had real miners.

Not true. Monero's predecessor Bytecoin was a shady fuckin coin that was ninja mined and had a gimped miner. Monero still didn't have a perfect open source miner when it was released but a group of coders who built a more optimised miner dumped all their xmr for cash as fast a they could. It doesn't only a couple of weeks before they had their code leaked anyway. IMO this makes xmr even more fairly distributed because most Monero was up for sale for whoever wanted to buy it, if wasn't hoarded by those techie enough to mine. Even today it's a similar story with a good chunk of mining is done by bonnets who dump straight to the market. Perfect for people like /biz/ who just want to buy in for the ride without all this mining shit.

>> No.1143194


fucking insanity. who the hell has $137,400,000 to spend on cryptos? and only on one fucking coin. unreal.

>> No.1143195
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>> No.1143197

I recently read through the homestead documentation, and nowhere in there did I see it stated or implied that etherm has to have some high value in order for the system to work. In other words, the useful function of it depends not at all on what it trades at. Ethereum is not a currency, period.

So you shrills are basically assuming that big money and investors and china or whatever are going to like manipulate the price upwards, something like what happened with bitcoin.

But understand: this isn't bitcoin, and things have changed since then. The real players and market manipulators are smarter now, and they're not giving you their money. They're going to take your money.

There is so much attention now, everyone and their mother is waiting with baited breath on the moontrain. How's it going to happen again?

>> No.1143200

Here's the full story. Pretty exciting actually.

>> No.1143205

>nowhere in there did I see it stated or implied that etherm has to have some high value in order for the system to work.
i don't doubt that it'll work (largely because i don't understand the damn thing, i only trade it), i just don't think it's ever going to be worth as much as btc, but people are chucking a fortune at the thing because they think it will. i think it'll crash hard soon and a lot of people will lose out. i won't be one of them, because i only daytrade and like fuck am i being left holding a bag of ETH. i'm holding 10, that's all. the rest i sell and rebuy multiple times a week. too many people are buying to hold, hoping it'll one day make them rich because of an insane 2013-esque spike.

>> No.1143381
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Well you just described me perfectly.

I guess I'm bag holding ATM.

>> No.1143640

Bitcoin also does not need a high price to be used for purchases.

>> No.1143801
File: 37 KB, 479x376, 1457946122541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will ETH still go up? It's currently at 0.030 btc
Any holders?

>> No.1143814

Ethereum is a platform and Ether secures that platform. It is intended to become a revenue generating asset when the switch to PoS happens because it will be needed to run a validator node.

Assuming the platform takes off and Airbnb, the major banks and everyone else starts using the Ethereum blockchain, these validators will be raking in millions of dollars from computation fees.

Also, it's "bated breath".

>> No.1143815
File: 202 KB, 1104x876, ETHredpill2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder everyone talking ETH here are the same 2 or 3 shills.

Daily reminder ETH is yet another shitcoin to get more BTC off casual hands.

>> No.1143817

the high price is caused by supply and demand
if there are lots of dapps running on ethereum then ether is needed for them to run a validator node which will mean ether will be in high demand and thus will be worth more

>> No.1143818

I guess it was too much work for you to copy-paste your garbage-tier FUD, so you made a cute image instead.

Ethereum now has more than 50% of buttcoin's volume and 1/6th the market cap. How salty are you going to be when buttcoin dies and Ethereum wins?

>> No.1143870

It's probably exchanger account

>> No.1143903

Your profits are not real until you sell. This could all come crashing down at any time. You'd be a fool not to trade these swings.

>> No.1143943

I dont really care, I invest $500 during ETH price was $4.
If it crash, then I will only lost maximmum of $500, which is like 5 days worth of my current salary. But if it goes to the moon, I can make > $5000 easily.

Am I going to be poor if ETH crash? no fucking way.

But thanks anyway for caring about whether we lost OUR OWN money or not :)

>> No.1143951

>thinking he can time the market


>> No.1144254


But how can profits be real, when our eyes aren't real?