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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11414454 No.11414454 [Reply] [Original]

For any Biz bears or biztards out there, crypto is mere months from the greatest bull run in history.

If you can’t see the signals you literally must be blind.
Hodl on boys we almost made it.

Pic related.

>> No.11414512

...and they’re running it on ChainLink

>> No.11414527

Unfortunately the top 10 or so coins will be he original bug gainers... BAKKT won’t allow potential shitcoins to be traded understandably.

>> No.11414537

>tfw biz is dead right now and consists of 90% “trolling” “fudding” when it’s more annoying than Anything

>that feel when biz will never have an actual legitimate discussion without discord faggots ruining things

>> No.11414555

Imagine thinking this will matter

>> No.11414564

checked and this

>> No.11414573

Sad but true.

Legit big developments aren’t being discussed.
Biz is more deluded than I ever thought

>> No.11414583

Can't wait for all the put options to decimate crypto. My hands are ironclad but my spirit is battered. Just Lenny the shit out me, George.

>> No.11414587


they are a 7.2trillion asset manager getting into crypto. Why are you so retarded not to see this as worthwhile?

>> No.11414831

Brontosaurus looking sjw cunt in pic

>> No.11414860

silver has a marketcap of $17 billion btw and access to all of these things as well

>> No.11414863

do you think iota will be in on this BULLRRUN

>> No.11414922

With institutional money comes stability, which is bearish for crypto in the long run.

It's not. The $7.2 trillion in assets your describing is smaller than the $1.2 quadrillion derivatives market that LINK is aiming to capture a percentage of.

This year most likely will not be a repeat of last year, BTC will steadily increase in price long term but if you're expecting gains in excess of 10-15x in a couple of months from BTC, it's not happening.

Thanks to institutional money and retiree money, you can say goodbye to volatile price action. The last thing institutional money wants is a currency that swings in increments of 10-20% every couple weeks. They want stability, similar to the stability that can be found in ETF's.

ETF's typically have a return rate of 10% per year. You can expect similar price action from BTC, if Fidelity, Bakkt or any other consumer-centric conglomerate manages to successfully offer cryptocurrency as a store of value.

If cryptocurrency is made consumer friendly and is considered a reliable store of value, then expecting returns of anything larger than 10% per year is daydreaming.

>> No.11414999

This. Also if any institutions wanted to get into crypto they already would have. As this anon said, they dont want volatility and are waiting on the legal framework which could take a while.

>> No.11415041

That's a man, baby.

>> No.11415061

>because silver has more potential than blockchain

the unironical state of biz

>> No.11415062
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>> No.11415081

i h8 chainlink too desu. also, don't get too mad at them they are paid to say these things b/c we all know what will happen if an anon even has 1 btc, and even if these fags can shake one hand it is worth it in the long run.

>> No.11415119

I'm pushing 40. Silver has been "any day now"ing for at least 25 years. Silver is shit. It was always shit. It will always be shit.

>> No.11415139
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priced in
you really think this will do anything? top fuckin kek

>> No.11415163

>With institutional money comes stability, which is bearish for crypto in the long run
Brainlets actually believe this

>> No.11415171

Its bearish if your a pajeet looking for a 1000x in a year to make you rich, which this board is

>> No.11415173

>he thinks institutions will invest in the festering shitpool that is crypto just because Fidelity Investments is opening a small trading desk so they could add they are "supporting innovative new technologies like cryptocurrencies" in their public facing PR material

>> No.11415183
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>> No.11415317

Even the stock market was volatile in the early years when it was new and exciting.
Stability comes as the market ages and the tech matures. Until then, no amount of institutional money will bring stability.

The ONLY exception to this is ChainLink pegged crypto :^)
$100,000 END OF YEAR

>> No.11415322


>> No.11415372
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>he thinks that financial institutions who made a profession of gambling and ripping off retail investors will pass on the chance to rob zoomers blind

>> No.11415436

This is the only truth i know. How theyll do it is the question

>> No.11415482

This so bad. Miss the old days when it was biz against the world. Now its turned into greedy bizlets against greedy bizlets.