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11413816 No.11413816 [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit off the decline of the demonrats?

>> No.11413823

Short urban housing and grocery stores

>> No.11413828

WU puts.

>> No.11413832


>> No.11413863

Also useless without Approve/Disapprove or other intensity metrics.

If you'd run the polls for Republicans in 2014, the rankings would've been Jeb then Cruz then fucking Kasich or something.

>> No.11413868

It'll be Tulsi Gabbard (another kike shill like Trump)

>> No.11413887

need alexandria oscar cortez cause she's hot, fuck the rules

>> No.11413930

Make a Hillary Clinton slave factory in the basement of a pizza restaurant

>> No.11413933

After the trump shitshow any dem is a shoe-in.
Depending on midterms.
But then maybe not either.
After 2016 anything seems possible.

>> No.11414002

you're going to want to long freedom and cheeseburgers. Short social justice credit slavery and cuckling

>> No.11414017

Oh geez. You're in for a bad time
Back to r/politics

>> No.11414033
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>mfw Biden gets cucked by an african, a woman, and a jew in consecutive elections

>> No.11414087

>After the trump shitshow any dem is a shoe-in.
democrats lost trump 2020 MAGA

>> No.11414100

Long right wing death squads

>> No.11414119
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>> No.11414162

shortsell municipal bonds of blue urban municipalities think portland oregon, denver, etc.

>> No.11414174

Hahahahha imagine actually thinking this.

>> No.11414184

this is hard to do tho these bonds are not often insured and have high coupons

>> No.11414194

lmao if they go with joe biden its a free victory for trump in 2020. that dude has some serious pedo vibes

>> No.11414201

I hope Biden runs just so they make more highlight reals of him man handling other people's daughters

>> No.11414203

Look at that nose and those beady little eyes. Definitely a kike.

>> No.11414221

kek, me too. Either the fallout or libtards trying to reconcile his behavior is going to be hilarious

>> No.11414302

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11414310


I am now a #warrenmissile

>> No.11414330

Joe the kiddie toucher Biden is the front runner ? LOL

>> No.11414347
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The Democrats are going to run their own Trump. It will be a fucking circus the likes of which we haven't even seen yet. The power level of both of them combined will be off the charts.
The question is, who will be the Democrat Trump?

>> No.11414367
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Go Fluoride Free

>> No.11414376


damn, they are screwed. where’s their hero avenatti?

>> No.11414388
File: 74 KB, 749x956, CyuoqhbWIAAdDXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The question is, who will be the Democrat Trump?
They call him The Johnny

>> No.11414390

>The question is, who will be the Democrat Trump?

Can't even imagine what that would be. Some cowering mixed-race tranny in a wheelchair? Even most leftists can't stand social justice since it's inherently anti-fun.

>> No.11414402

Boy the next 6 years are going to be rough for you. Might want to invest in some rope.

>> No.11414405


long shillfarms and fake news

short erudite online discussion

>> No.11414450

buy puts against lefty social media outlets like FB and Twatter.

FB is on the verge of collapse due to the bleeding of users and the shitstorm brewing due to their censorship of political speech against the right. Trump campaign gets go full 1488 against FB yet before the election, but after....you can be sure that heads will roll and so will the stock price....down down down it goes

Same with twitter

>> No.11414693

>this election will be the same as the last

Trump won because he credibly cornered the neglected immigration hardliners during the primary, utilized constant negative media coverage, and implemented the Sailer Strategy in the general. Literally none of those apply to any Dem candidate.

Harris and Booker split the neglected color bloc, Sanders/Avenatti the neglected communist bloc, and Hillary is a sitting duck that reserves but can't harness the neoliberal bloc. Warren has a chance with the cat lady bloc but only if Clinton strokes out.

Even with full media backing, none of them will be able to recapture the rust belt or motivate Hispanics enough.

>> No.11414775

Fuck the fuck off, pol.

>> No.11414918

Holy shit not one of them stands a chance against Trump.

Look what Steve Bannon said 2 weeks ago. The dems best shot is to get Oprah to run.