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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11407550 No.11407550 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11407568

where can i watch this

>> No.11407571

jap, kraken usd/usdt is taking on steam downwards

>> No.11407603

What did (((they))) mean by this?

>> No.11407610

That's the daily chart you retard, we're at 93 cent again

>> No.11407694

Btc on CB 6.4 Btc on binance 6.9

How the fuck everyone and they mother not doing arbitrage now???

>> No.11407699


>> No.11407707
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what did goldman sachs mean by this?

>> No.11407711

because we're not stupid you brainlet

>> No.11407714



>> No.11407718

because you'd be selling into Tether at a 8% loss and you can't send Tether to CB?

>> No.11407730

It's too risky. Keep in mind that Tether is actually skewing the price of each and every USDT pair in all exchanges. USD price is around 6,2, but USDT is way higher.

>> No.11407736

Those pairs are illiquid as fuck, someone sold his usdt for 0.51 usdc a few hours ago, usdc is simply too new to be relevant in this whole event

>> No.11407738

Kraken. They don’t allow USDT withdrawals atm so it’s impossible to arbitrage.

>> No.11407763

oh Im retarded..

Tnx on help Anon

>> No.11407794

regardless of if it recovers or not, i feel better about my strict aversion to tether.
anyone know about dai? im curious if its any better.

>> No.11407807

explains the weird pattern.
anything about their fiat withdrawals
initiated one this morning and shit is still stuck on sending. usually it takes less than two hours for them to confirm

>> No.11407844 [DELETED] 
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The hidden /pol/ discord is NND8DfE we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

>> No.11407859
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I don't understand how the price of Tether can go up and down. Please explain.

>> No.11407871

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Sage in every field

>> No.11407878
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Based on demand, like everything else. People are now shedding their Tether bags, seeing it as unsecured and corrupt, so the supply is overwhelming demand and the price is trending downward as panicked sellers are forced to accept lower prices.

>> No.11407888

easiest 10% of my life

>> No.11407918

>I predicted this way back in december
Wow I must be a fucking genius.
BTC will never ever crash as long as we have bullshit stablecoins propped up by nothing. Just like USD will never crash as long as you fucks have fed.

>> No.11407970

Because the only reason people sell or buy tether for $1 is because tether says they are worth $1. You can go and place a limit order for a USDT pair at way below or above the going price, and if someone wants to buy from or sell to you, it'll get filled just like any other order.

The only reason it stays (stayed) at $1 is because tether says it's worth $1, and that they have $1 in real money in a bank somewhere to back it up.

But they've had a sketchy history of "proving" they really have the money on hand, and people are currently losing faith in that.

It might come back, it might not. I tend to think it will, but I don't know and anyone who claims to know is deluded or bullshitting.

>> No.11407981

Post proof larpie

>> No.11408022

Thanks guys, I understand better now

>> No.11408049

Im surprised it took this long. If you go to the tether website and try getting verified it never works. I tried to get verified almost a year ago to test withdrawing actual fiat into my bank account. Never happened. I knew then I have no reason to believe them.

>> No.11408065

thx u too

>> No.11408415

can someone explain to me how a "stable coin" can even dip this low?
i thought that was technically impossible based simply on the "USD" backing the crypto.

>> No.11408451


No one knows for sure if there is 1:1 USD backing tether. They fired their previous auditing firm and the most recent thing they published showing the money was less than concrete.

>> No.11408459

Redeeming is only possible for special endities, not for everyone. Fuethermore you cannot implement a hard floor on third party exchanges. Demand and supply still decides the price, especially in a short term time frame. 400m USDT were taken out of circulation in the last few days.

>> No.11408573

short of the US government getting involved, there is no way to ever guarantee a stable coin remaining stable.

>> No.11408589

it's nothing my good gentile man, USDT is good

>> No.11408627

The thing that keeps the price stable is the ability of large customers to cash out for $1 each, not just the idea of that, newfag

>> No.11408667

so basically what youre telling me is that the tether scam has officially been exposed and there is a mass exodus?


>> No.11408684

>if tether goes up btc will fall
>if tether goes bankrup btc will fall

what they mean by this?

>> No.11409468

It's probably net better, but still not perfect. It's vulnerable to a black swan event if the price of ETH crashes very quickly. However, one reason people like it more is it is much more transparent in the way that it works. It's all one giant smart contract, which means it's not possible to lie about how much collateral is in the system. Also you can withdraw your collateral back with DAI at any time, you don't need anyone's permission. Again, you just call the smart contract.